TikZ 绘图学习笔记
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\title{\texttt{TikZ}\ 学习篇}
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% otherwise the current date is printed
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\draw (0,0) -- (3,3);
\draw (0,0) -- (3,3);
\draw (1,2) -- (3,6);
\draw [color=blue!50,->](0,0) node[left]{$A$}-- node [color=red!70,pos=0.5,above,sloped]{Hello}(3,3) node[right]{$B$};
$color=blue!50$ 表示使用 $50\%$ 的蓝色,因为 LaTeX 中,\% 用作注释,所以这里用 ! 替代。
$->$ 表示的是线形是一个箭头。
我们注意到,在起点坐标,$-–$,终点坐标后面,我们分别加入了一个 $\text{node}$ 元素,起点后面的 $\text{node}$ 表示的是加入一个标示,它在坐标点 $(0,0)$ 的左边,$--$ 后面的 $\text{node}$ 采用 $70\%$ 的红色,位置在线段的上方 $0.5$ 的位置,随线段倾斜,花括号中是 $\text{node}$ 的文字,为 $\text{Hello}$,终点坐标同理。
$\text{node}$ 经常用于加入一些标注。
画一个圆心在原点,半径为 $10pt$ 的圆。
画一个圆心在原点,半径为 $20pt$ 的红色圆。
画一个圆心在原点,半径为 $30pt$ 的绿色圆,其中线条为2pt宽。
\draw (0,0) circle (10pt);
\draw [color = red!50] (0,0) circle (20pt);
\draw [color = green!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) circle (30pt);
\filldraw[fill=green!20!white, draw=green!50!black] (0,0) ellipse (20pt and 10pt);
\draw [color = red!50] (0,0) ellipse (40pt and 20pt);
\draw [color = blue!50] (0,0) ellipse (20pt and 40pt);
注意:$\text{fill=green!20!white}$ 的含义是创建一个颜色,它是 20\% 的绿色和 80\% 的白色的混合色。这种颜色混合是通过 \text{TikZ} 的颜色计算自动完成的,结果是一种介于绿色和白色之间的颜色,具体来说是一种较浅的绿色。
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) --cycle ;
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,3) -- (2,3) -- (4,0) --cycle ;
对于矩形来说,我们还有更加简化的代码,我们可以通过命令 $\text{Rectangle}$(关键词)来实现。一般在绘制矩形时我们会确定两个坐标(左下和右上);对角线上两端点的坐标。并且可以通对角线上的坐标来改变矩形的形状。
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) rectangle (2,2) ;
Tikz 在两点除了能绘制直线段之外,我们还可以进行绘制曲线(抛物线)。
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) parabola (5,2);
另外我们还可以通过点控制来绘制具有多个方向的曲线,利用关键词 $\text{control}$ 来引导曲线的走向,横纵坐标的大小会控制曲线转向的程度,空点的位置会确定曲线的方向。可以说成是 $\text{control}$ 点控制起到了绘制曲线方向的引导作用。
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) .. controls (1,1) and (4,3) .. (5,2);
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (0,0) .. controls (2,-3) and (4,3) .. (5,2);
$\text{Bézier curve}$ (贝塞尔曲线)是应用于二维图形应用程序的数学曲线。 曲线定义:起始点、终止点(也称锚点)、控制点。通过调整控制点,贝塞尔曲线的形状会发生变化,如弹弓线,具体见:https://blog.csdn.net/sangxiaonian/article/details/51984013。
\draw [color = blue!50, line width=2pt] (1,3) .. controls (2,-1) and (4,-3) .. (7,4);
注意,用 $\text{control}$ 来引导曲线的走向时,只能有两个控制点,如果多个控制点,就得需要多条贝塞尔曲线来拟合。
\draw [color = red!50, very thick, scale = 1 ] (3,0) arc (0 : 75 : 3cm);
\draw[red, thick, scale=1] (3,3) node[left]{$O$} circle (3cm);
\draw[violet, dashed, scale=1] (6,3) node[right]{$B$} arc (0 : 180 : 3cm and 1cm) node[left]{$A$};
\draw[violet, scale=1] (6,3) arc (360 : 180 : 3cm and 1cm);
画一个边长为 $3cm$ 的立方体。
\draw[ thick, scale=1] (1,1) -- (1,4) -- (4,4) -- (4,1) -- cycle;
\draw[dashed, scale=1] (1,1) -- (2.466,2.5) -- (4,2.5) -- (5.466,2.5);
\draw[thick, scale=1] (5.466,2.5) -- (4,1) ;
\draw[thick, scale=1] (1,4) -- (2.466,5.5) -- (5.466,5.5) -- (4,4);
\draw[thick, scale=1] (5.466,5.5) -- (5.466,2.5);
\draw[dashed, scale=1] (2.466,5.5) -- (2.466,2.5) ;
在 TikZ 中绘制网格通常涉及到定义网格的范围和样式。以下是一些关键参数和它们的作用,以及如何使用它们来绘制网格:
\item 网格范围:左下角和右上角的坐标,这两个点定义了网格的边界。左下角的坐标确定了网格的起始点,而右上角的坐标确定了网格的结束点。
\item 网格样式
\item 线型:可以设置网格线是实线、虚线还是点线等。
\item 颜色:可以定义网格线的颜色。
\item 间距:网格线之间的距离,可以是固定的,也可以是随着网格大小变化而变化的。
\item grid:TikZ 的一个库,提供了方便绘制网格的选项。
\draw[step=2cm, gray, very thin, scale=1] (0,0) node[left]{$A$} grid (8,8) node[right]{$B$} ;
\draw[step=2cm, gray, very thin, scale=1] (0,0) node[left]{$A$} grid (8,8) node[right]{$B$} ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (0,0) rectangle (2,2) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (4,0) rectangle (6,2) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (2,2) rectangle (4,4) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (6,2) rectangle (8,4) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (0,4) rectangle (2,6) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (4,4) rectangle (6,6) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (2,6) rectangle (4,8) ;
\filldraw [black!50!white] (6,6) rectangle (8,8) ;
在颜色填充过程中,与上面填充方式不同的是,我们可以渐变色填充,通过命令 shade,其中可以设置$<top color>=color$ 和 $ <bottom color>=color$ 或者$<left color>=color$ 和 $ <right color>=color$,只需要设置相对的两个方向的颜色,如图 \ref{fig:diagram18}。
\draw[step=2cm, gray, very thin, scale=1] (0,0) node[left]{$A$} grid (8,8) node[right]{$B$} ;
\shade[left color=red, right color=green,scale=1] (2,2) rectangle (6,6);
% 绘制坐标轴
\draw[->] (-4,0) -- (4,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-4) -- (0,4) node[above] {$y$};
% 绘制网格
\foreach \x in {-3,-2,-1,1,2,3} {
\draw (\x,-0.1) -- (\x,0.1) node[anchor=north] {$\x$};
\draw (-0.1,\x) -- (0.1,\x) node[anchor=east] {$\x$};
% 可选:绘制原点
\fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {$O$};
\draw[-Stealth] (-5.2,0)--(5.2,0); %-Stealth是一种箭头样式,在shapes.arrows中
\draw[-Stealth] (0,-5.2)--(0,5.2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
\draw[xshift=\x cm] (-4,0) -- (-4,0.1);
\draw[yshift=\x cm] (0,-4) -- (0.1,-4);
\node[below] at (0.2,0){0};
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[below] at(\x,0){\x};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[below] at(\y,0){\y};
% 标注y轴刻度
\foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
以上坐标系中,用到了 \text{foreach} 循环语句。
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,4}{
f(x) = x
% 绘制坐标轴
\draw[->] (-4,0) -- (4,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-4) -- (0,4) node[above] {$y$};
% 绘制网格
\foreach \x in {-3,-2,-1,1,2,3} {
\draw (\x,-0.1) -- (\x,0.1) node[anchor=north] {$\x$};
\draw (-0.1,\x) -- (0.1,\x) node[anchor=east] {$\x$};
% 可选:绘制原点
\fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {$O$};
\draw[thick,domain=-3.5:3.5] plot(\x,\x) node[right]{$f(x)=x$};
\item \text{thick}:这是一个线宽选项,用于设置线条的粗细。
\item \text{domain=-3.5:3.5}:这个选项设置了函数图的 $x$ 值范围,从 $-3.5$ 到 $3.5$。这意味着 \text{TikZ} 将在这个区间内绘制函数 $f(x) = x$ 的图形。
\item \text{plot(\textbackslash{x},\textbackslash{x})}:这个命令告诉 \text{TikZ} 绘制一个函数图,其中 \textbackslash{x} 是自变量,也用作因变量(即 $y$ 值),所以这里绘制的是一条通过原点的直线,斜率为 $1$。
f(x)=\frac{1}{3} x+2
\draw[-Stealth] (-5.2,0)--(5.2,0); %-Stealth是一种箭头样式,在shapes.arrows中
\draw[-Stealth] (0,-5.2)--(0,5.2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
\draw[xshift=\x cm] (-4,0) -- (-4,0.1);
\draw[yshift=\x cm] (0,-4) -- (0.1,-4);
\node[below] at (0.2,0){0};
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[below] at(\x,0){\x};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[below] at(\y,0){\y};
% 标注y轴刻度
\foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\draw[thick,domain=-5:5] plot(\x,{(\x)*(1/3) + 2}) node[right]{$f(x)=\frac{1}{3} x+2$};
\caption{$f(x)=\frac{1}{3} x+2$}
f(x) = x^n \qquad n \in \left\{-1, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{2}, 1, 2, 3\right\}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
\draw[-Stealth] (-5.2,0)--(5.2,0); %-Stealth是一种箭头样式,在shapes.arrows中
\draw[-Stealth] (0,-5.2)--(0,5.2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
\draw[xshift=\x cm] (-4,0) -- (-4,0.1);
\draw[yshift=\x cm] (0,-4) -- (0.1,-4);
\node[below] at (0.2,0){0};
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[below] at(\x,0){\x};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[below] at(\y,0){\y};
% 标注y轴刻度
\foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\draw[black,thick,domain=-0.25:-5] plot(\x,{1/(\x)}) node[left]{$f(x)=\frac{1}{x}$}; %这里区间要按两个写,因为x=0时报错。
\draw[black,thick,domain=0.25:5] plot(\x,{1/(\x)}) node[right]{$f(x)=\frac{1}{x}$}; %这里区间要按两个写,因为x=0时报错。
\draw[gray,thick,domain=-1.7:1.7] plot({(\x)^3},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=x^\frac{1}{3}$}; %同样要注意取值范围
\draw[yellow,thick,domain=0:2.5] plot({(\x)^2},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=x^\frac{1}{2}$}; %同样要注意取值范围
\draw[red,thick,domain=-5:5] plot(\x,\x) node[right]{$f(x)=x$};
\draw[blue,thick,domain=-2.5:2.5] plot(\x,{(\x)^2}) node[right]{$f(x)=x^2$};
\draw[green,thick,domain=-1.8:1.8] plot(\x,{(\x)^3}) node[left]{$f(x)=x^3$};
f(x) = \alpha ^x
分别画出当$ \alpha = \frac{1}{2},2,3$时的曲线。
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
\draw[-Stealth] (-5.2,0)--(5.2,0); %-Stealth是一种箭头样式,在shapes.arrows中
\draw[-Stealth] (0,-5.2)--(0,5.2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
\draw[xshift=\x cm] (-4,0) -- (-4,0.1);
\draw[yshift=\x cm] (0,-4) -- (0.1,-4);
\node[below] at (0.2,0){0};
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[below] at(\x,0){\x};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[below] at(\y,0){\y};
% 标注y轴刻度
\foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\draw[black,thick,domain=3.7:-2.2] plot(\x,{2^(-\x)}) node[left]{$f(x)=\frac{1}{2}^x$};
\draw[blue,thick,domain=-3.7:2.2] plot(\x,{2^(\x)}) node[right]{$f(x)=2^{x}$};
\draw[red,thick,domain=-2:1.5] plot(\x,{3^(\x)}) node[right]{$f(x)=3^{x}$} ;
%\node[red] at (-2, -1) {$f(x) = 3^x$};
\caption{$f(x)=\alpha ^x $}
f(x) = \log_n{x}
分别画出当$n= \frac{1}{2},2,10$时的曲线。
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
\draw[-Stealth] (-5.2,0)--(5.2,0); %-Stealth是一种箭头样式,在shapes.arrows中
\draw[-Stealth] (0,-5.2)--(0,5.2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
\draw[xshift=\x cm] (-4,0) -- (-4,0.1);
\draw[yshift=\x cm] (0,-4) -- (0.1,-4);
\node[below] at (0.2,0){0};
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[below] at(\x,0){\x};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[below] at(\y,0){\y};
% 标注y轴刻度
\foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\draw[yellow!70!blue,thick,domain=3.7:-2.2] plot({2^(-\x)},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=\log_{\frac{1}{2}}{x}$};
\draw[green!70!black,thick,domain=-3.7:2.2] plot({2^(\x)},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=\log_2{x}$};
\draw[red!70!yellow,thick,domain=-1.7:0.7] plot({10^(\x)},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=\log_{10}{x}$};
\caption{$f(x) = \log_n{x} $}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
\draw[-Stealth] (-5.2,0)--(5.2,0); %-Stealth是一种箭头样式,在shapes.arrows中
\draw[-Stealth] (0,-5.2)--(0,5.2);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,8}
\draw[xshift=\x cm] (-4,0) -- (-4,0.1);
\draw[yshift=\x cm] (0,-4) -- (0.1,-4);
\node[below] at (0.2,0){0};
\foreach \x in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[below] at(\x,0){\x};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[below] at(\y,0){\y};
% 标注y轴刻度
\foreach \y in {-4,-3,...,-1}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\foreach \y in {1,2,...,4}
\node[left] at(0,\y){\y};
\draw[black,thick,domain=3.7:-2.2] plot(\x,{2^(-\x)}) node[left]{$f(x)=\frac{1}{2}^x$};
\draw[blue,thick,domain=-3.7:2.2] plot(\x,{2^(\x)}) node[right]{$f(x)=2^{x}$};
\draw[red,thick,domain=-2:1.5] plot(\x,{3^(\x)}) node[right]{$f(x)=3^{x}$} ;
\draw[yellow!70!blue,thick,domain=3.7:-2.2] plot({2^(-\x)},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=\log_{\frac{1}{2}}{x}$};
\draw[green!70!black,thick,domain=-3.7:2.2] plot({2^(\x)},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=\log_2{x}$};
\draw[red!70!yellow,thick,domain=-1.7:0.7] plot({10^(\x)},\x) node[right]{$f(x)=\log_{10}{x}$};
\caption{$f(x)=\alpha ^x \ and \ f(x) = \log_n{x}$}
f(x) = \sin {x}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
% 绘制坐标轴
\draw[->] (-4,0) -- (4,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-4) -- (0,4) node[above] {$y$};
% 绘制网格
\foreach \x in {-3,-2,-1,1,2,3} {
\draw (\x,-0.1) -- (\x,0.1) node[anchor=north] {$\x$};
\draw (-0.1,\x) -- (0.1,\x) node[anchor=east] {$\x$};
% 可选:绘制原点
\fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {$O$};
\draw[domain=-pi:pi]plot(\x,{sin(\x r)});
\node at(1.9,1.2){$f(x)=\sin x$};
f(x) = \cos {x}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
% 绘制坐标轴
\draw[->] (-6,0) -- (6,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-6) -- (0,6) node[above] {$y$};
% 绘制网格
\foreach \x in {-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5} {
\draw (\x,-0.1) -- (\x,0.1) node[anchor=north] {$\x$};
\draw (-0.1,\x) -- (0.1,\x) node[anchor=east] {$\x$};
% 可选:绘制原点
\fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {$O$};
\draw[blue, domain=-(3/2)*pi:(3/2)*pi]plot(\x,{cos(\x r)});
\node at(-1.9,1.2){$f(x)=\cos x$};
f(x) = \tan {x}
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.6, samples=1000]
% 绘制坐标轴
\draw[->] (-6,0) -- (6,0) node[right] {$x$};
\draw[->] (0,-6) -- (0,6) node[above] {$y$};
% 绘制网格
\foreach \x in {-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5} {
\draw (\x,-0.1) -- (\x,0.1) node[anchor=north] {$\x$};
\draw (-0.1,\x) -- (0.1,\x) node[anchor=east] {$\x$};
% 可选:绘制原点
\fill (0,0) circle (2pt) node[below right] {$O$};
\draw[red,domain=-1.36:1.36]plot(\x,{tan(\x r)});
\draw[red,domain=1.78:4.5]plot(\x,{tan(\x r)});
\draw[red,domain=-4.5:-1.78]plot(\x,{tan(\x r)});
\node at(-4.5,4){$f(x)=\tan x$};