This paper focuses on the analysis and prediction of urban traffic flow based on big data technology. With the acceleration of urbanization and the increasing demand for transportation, urban traffic congestion has become one of the major factors restricting urban development. This paper first introduces the application background and significance of big data technology in traffic flow analysis. Then, it elaborates on the key steps including data collection, preprocessing, feature extraction, and model construction. By integrating multiple data sources (such as traffic surveillance videos, GPS trajectory data, social media information, etc.), utilizing data cleaning, data mining, and machine learning algorithms, this paper achieves precise analysis of urban traffic flow and constructs prediction models based on time series analysis, deep learning, and other methods. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively capture the spatial-temporal characteristics of traffic flow, improve prediction accuracy, and provide scientific decision support for urban traffic management and planning.
Keywords: Big Data; Urban Traffic Flow; Data Analysis; Prediction Model; Machine Learning
- 引言
- 研究背景与意义
- 国内外研究现状
- 研究内容与方法
- 相关理论基础
- 大数据技术概述
- 交通流量分析理论
- 预测模型与方法
- 数据采集与预处理
- 数据源介绍
- 数据采集技术
- 数据清洗与整合
- 交通流量特征分析
- 时空特征分析
- 影响因素分析
- 特征选择与提取
- 预测模型构建与优化
- 时间序列分析模型
- 深度学习模型(如LSTM, GRU)
- 模型训练与评估
- 模型优化策略
- 实验设计与结果分析
- 实验数据集介绍
- 实验设置
- 预测结果对比与分析
- 误差分析与讨论
- 应用案例与效果评估
- 实际应用场景描述
- 实施效果评估
- 反馈与改进建议
- 结论与展望
- 研究总结
- 研究贡献与不足
- 未来研究方向
- 参考文献
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