Rust调用Windows API制作进程挂起工具
一个 sysinternals/pssuspend 替代工具,用于在Windows上挂起/恢复指定PID的进程。目前只能使用未公开的系统API来实现,底层使用了ntdll.dll
use ntapi::ntpsapi::{NtResumeProcess, NtSuspendProcess};
use winapi::{
um::{processthreadsapi::OpenProcess, winnt::PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME},
fn suspend_process(pid: u32) -> bool {
let process_handle = unsafe { OpenProcess(PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME, 0, pid) };
if process_handle == NULL {
return false;
let suspend_status = unsafe { NtSuspendProcess(process_handle) };
suspend_status == 0
fn resume_process(pid: u32) -> bool {
let process_handle = unsafe { OpenProcess(PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME, 0, pid) };
if process_handle == NULL {
return false;
let resume_status = unsafe { NtResumeProcess(process_handle) };
resume_status == 0
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
// dbg!(&args);
match args.len() {
2 => {
let pid = args[1].parse::<u32>().expect("failed to parse pid!");
if suspend_process(pid) {
println!("process {} has been suspended successfully!", pid);
} else {
println!("failed to suspend process {}", pid);
3 => {
assert!(args[1].as_str() == "-r");
let pid = args[2].parse::<u32>().expect("failed to parse pid!");
if resume_process(pid) {
println!("process {} has been resumed successfully!", pid);
} else {
println!("failed to resume process {}", pid);
_ => println!("uncorrect input args!"),