碰撞算法12 --多边形与点的碰撞
--定义一个多边形 local Polygon = class('Polygon') function Polygon:Ctor(point) self.point = point end function Polygon:VectorNumber() return #self.point end function Polygon:GetVector(index) return self.point[index]; end --多边形与点的碰撞 function PolygonToPoint(polygon,point) local vectorNum = polygon:VectorNumber(); local collision = false local next = 0 for current = 0 , vectorNum do if (current == vectorNum - 1) then next = 0 else next = current + 1 end local vc = polygon:GetVector(current); local vn = polygon:GetVector(next); if PointToLine(point,vc, vn) then return true end --若尔当曲线定理 需要的同学可以去学习一下 if (((vc.y >= py and vn.y < py) or (vc.y < py and vn.y >= py)) and (px < (vn.x - vc.x) * (py - vc.y) / (vn.y - vc.y) + vc.x)) then collision = not collision; end end return collision end
--点与直线的碰撞 function PointToLine(point , linePoint1, linePoint2) --思想点与线两边线段的距离跟线的距离的判断,相等就是在同一直线 local line1 = math.sqrt((linePoint1.x - point.x) * (linePoint1.x - point.x) + (linePoint1.y - point.y)* (linePoint1.y - point.y)) local line2 = math.sqrt((linePoint2.x - point.x) * (linePoint2.x - point.x) + (linePoint2.y - point.y)* (linePoint2.y - point.y)) local line = math.sqrt((linePoint2.x - linePoint1.x) * (linePoint2.x - linePoint1.x) + (linePoint2.y - linePoint1.y)* (linePoint2.y - linePoint1.y)) return (line1 + line2) == line end