英语写作中以rationale 替代reason(理由)
rationale 是reason的书面典雅表达,在论文写作中可以替代reason,体现作者的英语修养。
The rationale (reason) why deep learning is of layered structure is that inspired by the significant discovery of layered structure of animals’ vision neural systems, artificial vision neural networks are created using layered structure, and other artificial neural networks could be considered as extensions of artificial vision neural networks. Note that structure of natural neural networks other than visual neural networks remains unknown for the time being.(为什么深度学习具有层次结构的理由是:受动物视觉神经系统层次结构这一重大发现的启发,人工视觉神经网络采用层次结构,而其他人工神经网络可以认为是人工视觉神经网络的扩展。需要注意的是目前除视觉神经网络之外,其他自然神经网络的结构仍然不明了。)