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1. 引言

k-近邻算法(k-Nearest Neighbor, kNN)是一种基础且强大的机器学习算法,它可以用于分类和回归。本文将详细介绍kNN算法的原理,并使用Java语言实现这一算法。

2. 算法原理


2.1 算法步骤

  1. 计算待分类点与训练集中所有点的距离
  2. 按距离递增排序
  3. 选取距离最小的k个点
  4. 统计这k个点中各个类别的数量
  5. 选择数量最多的类别作为预测结果

3. Java实现


3.1 数据点类定义

public class Point {
    private double[] features;
    private String label;
    public Point(double[] features, String label) {
        this.features = features;
        this.label = label;
    public double[] getFeatures() {
        return features;
    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

3.2 KNN算法核心实现

public class KNNClassifier {
    private List<Point> trainingSet;
    private int k;
    public KNNClassifier(int k) {
        this.k = k;
        this.trainingSet = new ArrayList<>();
    public void train(List<Point> trainingData) {
    public String predict(double[] features) {
        // 计算距离并存储
        List<DistanceLabel> distances = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Point point : trainingSet) {
            double distance = calculateEuclideanDistance(features, point.getFeatures());
            distances.add(new DistanceLabel(distance, point.getLabel()));
        // 排序
        // 取前k个点,统计类别
        Map<String, Integer> labelCount = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
            String label = distances.get(i).label;
            labelCount.put(label, labelCount.getOrDefault(label, 0) + 1);
        // 返回出现次数最多的类别
        return Collections.max(labelCount.entrySet(), 
    private double calculateEuclideanDistance(double[] a, double[] b) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            sum += Math.pow(a[i] - b[i], 2);
        return Math.sqrt(sum);
    private class DistanceLabel implements Comparable<DistanceLabel> {
        double distance;
        String label;
        public DistanceLabel(double distance, String label) {
            this.distance = distance;
            this.label = label;
        public int compareTo(DistanceLabel other) {
            return Double.compare(this.distance, other.distance);

4. 实际应用示例

4.1 鸢尾花分类示例

public class IrisExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 创建训练数据
        List<Point> trainingData = new ArrayList<>();
        trainingData.add(new Point(new double[]{5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2}, "Setosa"));
        trainingData.add(new Point(new double[]{4.9, 3.0, 1.4, 0.2}, "Setosa"));
        trainingData.add(new Point(new double[]{7.0, 3.2, 4.7, 1.4}, "Versicolor"));
        trainingData.add(new Point(new double[]{6.4, 3.2, 4.5, 1.5}, "Versicolor"));
        // 创建并训练分类器
        KNNClassifier classifier = new KNNClassifier(3);
        // 预测新样本
        double[] newFlower = {6.7, 3.1, 4.4, 1.4};
        String prediction = classifier.predict(newFlower);
        System.out.println("预测品种:" + prediction);

4.2 房价预测示例

public class HousePricePredictor {
    private static class House extends Point {
        public House(double[] features, String priceRange) {
            super(features, priceRange);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> houses = new ArrayList<>();
        // 特征:[面积(平方米), 房间数, 楼层, 建筑年份]
        houses.add(new House(new double[]{120, 3, 15, 2010}, "高价"));
        houses.add(new House(new double[]{80, 2, 8, 2005}, "中价"));
        houses.add(new House(new double[]{60, 1, 3, 2000}, "低价"));
        houses.add(new House(new double[]{150, 4, 20, 2015}, "高价"));
        KNNClassifier predictor = new KNNClassifier(3);
        // 预测新房价格
        double[] newHouse = {100, 2, 10, 2012};
        String prediction = predictor.predict(newHouse);
        System.out.println("预测价格区间:" + prediction);

4.3 电影推荐系统

public class MovieRecommender {
    private static class Movie extends Point {
        private String title;
        public Movie(String title, double[] features, String genre) {
            super(features, genre);
            this.title = title;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> movies = new ArrayList<>();
        // 特征:[动作程度, 剧情深度, 特效水平, 幽默程度, 浪漫程度]
        movies.add(new Movie("复仇者联盟", 
            new double[]{0.9, 0.7, 0.95, 0.6, 0.3}, "动作"));
        movies.add(new Movie("泰坦尼克号", 
            new double[]{0.3, 0.9, 0.7, 0.2, 0.95}, "爱情"));
        movies.add(new Movie("盗梦空间", 
            new double[]{0.7, 0.95, 0.8, 0.3, 0.4}, "科幻"));
        KNNClassifier recommender = new KNNClassifier(5);
        // 基于用户观看历史推荐
        double[] userPreference = {0.8, 0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 0.3};
        String recommendedGenre = recommender.predict(userPreference);
        System.out.println("推荐类型:" + recommendedGenre);

4.4 异常检测系统

public class AnomalyDetector {
    private static class NetworkTraffic extends Point {
        public NetworkTraffic(double[] features, String status) {
            super(features, status);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> trafficData = new ArrayList<>();
        // 特征:[请求频率, 数据包大小, 连接持续时间, 错误率]
        trafficData.add(new NetworkTraffic(
            new double[]{0.1, 0.2, 0.15, 0.05}, "正常"));
        trafficData.add(new NetworkTraffic(
            new double[]{0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.85}, "异常"));
        trafficData.add(new NetworkTraffic(
            new double[]{0.15, 0.25, 0.2, 0.1}, "正常"));
        KNNClassifier detector = new KNNClassifier(3);
        // 检测新的网络流量
        double[] newTraffic = {0.8, 0.75, 0.6, 0.8};
        String detection = detector.predict(newTraffic);
        System.out.println("流量状态:" + detection);

4.5 医疗诊断系统

public class MedicalDiagnosisSystem {
    private static class Patient extends Point {
        private String id;
        public Patient(String id, double[] features, String diagnosis) {
            super(features, diagnosis);
            this.id = id;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> patientRecords = new ArrayList<>();
        // 特征:[年龄, 血压, 血糖, 胆固醇, 心率]
        patientRecords.add(new Patient("P001", 
            new double[]{45, 130, 100, 200, 75}, "健康"));
        patientRecords.add(new Patient("P002", 
            new double[]{65, 160, 140, 260, 85}, "高危"));
        patientRecords.add(new Patient("P003", 
            new double[]{35, 120, 90, 180, 70}, "健康"));
        KNNClassifier diagnosticSystem = new KNNClassifier(5);
        // 诊断新病人
        double[] newPatient = {55, 150, 130, 240, 80};
        String diagnosis = diagnosticSystem.predict(newPatient);
        System.out.println("诊断结果:" + diagnosis);

4.6 信用评分系统

public class CreditScoring {
    private static class Customer extends Point {
        private String customerId;
        public Customer(String customerId, double[] features, String creditRating) {
            super(features, creditRating);
            this.customerId = customerId;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> customerData = new ArrayList<>();
        // 特征:[年收入, 账户年限, 负债比率, 信用卡使用率, 逾期次数]
        customerData.add(new Customer("C001", 
            new double[]{80000, 5, 0.3, 0.4, 0}, "优秀"));
        customerData.add(new Customer("C002", 
            new double[]{45000, 2, 0.6, 0.8, 3}, "风险"));
        customerData.add(new Customer("C003", 
            new double[]{60000, 3, 0.4, 0.5, 1}, "良好"));
        KNNClassifier creditScorer = new KNNClassifier(3);
        // 评估新客户
        double[] newCustomer = {65000, 4, 0.35, 0.45, 0};
        String creditRating = creditScorer.predict(newCustomer);
        System.out.println("信用评级:" + creditRating);

5. 高级优化技术

5.1 并行处理实现

public class ParallelKNNClassifier extends KNNClassifier {
    public String predict(double[] features) {
        // 使用并行流计算距离
        List<DistanceLabel> distances = trainingSet.parallelStream()
            .map(point -> new DistanceLabel(
                calculateEuclideanDistance(features, point.getFeatures()),
        // 取前k个点并统计
        Map<String, Long> labelCount = distances.stream()
            .map(dl -> dl.label)
        return Collections.max(labelCount.entrySet(),

5.2 特征权重优化

public class WeightedKNNClassifier extends KNNClassifier {
    private double[] weights;
    public WeightedKNNClassifier(int k, double[] weights) {
        this.weights = weights;
    protected double calculateEuclideanDistance(double[] a, double[] b) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            sum += weights[i] * Math.pow(a[i] - b[i], 2);
        return Math.sqrt(sum);

5.3 动态K值选择

public class DynamicKNNClassifier extends KNNClassifier {
    private int minK;
    private int maxK;
    public DynamicKNNClassifier(int minK, int maxK) {
        this.minK = minK;
        this.maxK = maxK;
    public String predict(double[] features) {
        List<DistanceLabel> distances = new ArrayList<>();
        // 计算所有距离
        for (Point point : trainingSet) {
            double distance = calculateEuclideanDistance(
                features, point.getFeatures());
            distances.add(new DistanceLabel(distance, point.getLabel()));
        // 尝试不同的k值,选择置信度最高的结果
        String bestPrediction = null;
        double maxConfidence = 0.0;
        for (int k = minK; k <= maxK; k++) {
            Map<String, Integer> labelCount = new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
                String label = distances.get(i).label;
                    labelCount.getOrDefault(label, 0) + 1);
            // 计算置信度
            int maxCount = Collections.max(labelCount.values());
            double confidence = (double) maxCount / k;
            if (confidence > maxConfidence) {
                maxConfidence = confidence;
                bestPrediction = Collections.max(labelCount.entrySet(),
        return bestPrediction;

6. 高级应用场景

6.1 文本分类系统

public class TextClassifier {
    private static class Document extends Point {
        private String content;
        public Document(String content, double[] features, String category) {
            super(features, category);
            this.content = content;
        // TF-IDF特征提取
        public static double[] extractFeatures(String text, Map<String, Integer> dictionary) {
            Map<String, Integer> wordCount = new HashMap<>();
            String[] words = text.toLowerCase().split("\\W+");
            // 计算词频
            for (String word : words) {
                wordCount.put(word, wordCount.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
            // 构建特征向量
            double[] features = new double[dictionary.size()];
            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : dictionary.entrySet()) {
                int index = entry.getValue();
                String word = entry.getKey();
                features[index] = wordCount.getOrDefault(word, 0);
            return features;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // 构建词典
        Map<String, Integer> dictionary = new HashMap<>();
        dictionary.put("machine", 0);
        dictionary.put("learning", 1);
        dictionary.put("data", 2);
        dictionary.put("algorithm", 3);
        List<Point> documents = new ArrayList<>();
        // 添加训练文档
        documents.add(new Document(
            "Machine learning algorithms",
            Document.extractFeatures("Machine learning algorithms", dictionary),
        documents.add(new Document(
            "Data analysis and algorithms",
            Document.extractFeatures("Data analysis and algorithms", dictionary),
        KNNClassifier classifier = new KNNClassifier(3);
        // 分类新文档
        double[] newDoc = Document.extractFeatures(
            "Learning machine algorithms", dictionary);
        String category = classifier.predict(newDoc);
        System.out.println("文档类别:" + category);

6.2 时间序列预测

public class TimeSeriesPredictor {
    private static class TimeSeries extends Point {
        private LocalDateTime timestamp;
        public TimeSeries(LocalDateTime timestamp, double[] features, String trend) {
            super(features, trend);
            this.timestamp = timestamp;
    public static double[] createTimeWindow(List<Double> values, int windowSize) {
        double[] window = new double[windowSize];
        int start = values.size() - windowSize;
        for (int i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) {
            window[i] = values.get(start + i);
        return window;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> timeSeriesData = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Double> stockPrices = Arrays.asList(100.0, 102.0, 101.0, 103.0, 105.0);
        // 使用滑动窗口创建训练数据
        int windowSize = 3;
        for (int i = windowSize; i < stockPrices.size(); i++) {
            double[] window = createTimeWindow(
                stockPrices.subList(0, i), windowSize);
            String trend = stockPrices.get(i) > stockPrices.get(i-1) ? "上涨" : "下跌";
            timeSeriesData.add(new TimeSeries(
                LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(stockPrices.size() - i),
        KNNClassifier predictor = new KNNClassifier(3);
        // 预测下一个时间点的趋势
        double[] lastWindow = createTimeWindow(stockPrices, windowSize);
        String prediction = predictor.predict(lastWindow);
        System.out.println("预测趋势:" + prediction);

6.3 图像相似度匹配

public class ImageMatcher {
    private static class Image extends Point {
        private BufferedImage image;
        private String path;
        public Image(String path, double[] features, String category) {
            super(features, category);
            this.path = path;
            try {
                this.image = ImageIO.read(new File(path));
            } catch (IOException e) {
        // 提取图像特征(简化版本)
        public static double[] extractFeatures(BufferedImage image) {
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();
            double[] features = new double[3]; // RGB平均值
            long totalR = 0, totalG = 0, totalB = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                    int rgb = image.getRGB(x, y);
                    totalR += (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
                    totalG += (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
                    totalB += rgb & 0xFF;
            int pixels = width * height;
            features[0] = totalR / (double) pixels;
            features[1] = totalG / (double) pixels;
            features[2] = totalB / (double) pixels;
            return features;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Point> imageDatabase = new ArrayList<>();
        // 添加训练图片
        File imageDir = new File("images");
        for (File file : imageDir.listFiles()) {
            try {
                BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(file);
                double[] features = Image.extractFeatures(img);
                imageDatabase.add(new Image(
                    file.getParentFile().getName() // 使用文件夹名作为类别
            } catch (IOException e) {
        KNNClassifier matcher = new KNNClassifier(5);
        // 匹配新图片
        try {
            BufferedImage newImage = ImageIO.read(new File("test.jpg"));
            double[] features = Image.extractFeatures(newImage);
            String category = matcher.predict(features);
            System.out.println("图片类别:" + category);
        } catch (IOException e) {

6.4 推荐系统优化

public class EnhancedRecommender {
    private static class UserProfile {
        private Map<String, Double> preferences;
        private List<String> history;
        public UserProfile() {
            this.preferences = new HashMap<>();
            this.history = new ArrayList<>();
        public void updatePreference(String item, double rating) {
            preferences.put(item, rating);
        public double[] getFeatureVector(Set<String> allItems) {
            double[] features = new double[allItems.size()];
            int i = 0;
            for (String item : allItems) {
                features[i++] = preferences.getOrDefault(item, 0.0);
            return features;
    private static class RecommendationEngine extends KNNClassifier {
        private Map<String, UserProfile> userProfiles;
        private Set<String> allItems;
        public RecommendationEngine(int k) {
            this.userProfiles = new HashMap<>();
            this.allItems = new HashSet<>();
        public void addRating(String userId, String item, double rating) {
            userProfiles.computeIfAbsent(userId, k -> new UserProfile())
                .updatePreference(item, rating);
        public List<String> recommendItems(String userId, int numRecommendations) {
            UserProfile profile = userProfiles.get(userId);
            if (profile == null) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            double[] features = profile.getFeatureVector(allItems);
            // 找到相似用户
            List<String> recommendations = new ArrayList<>();
            // 实现推荐逻辑...
            return recommendations;

7. 性能评估与监控

7.1 性能指标计算

public class PerformanceEvaluator {
    public static class Metrics {
        public double accuracy;
        public double precision;
        public double recall;
        public double f1Score;
        public String toString() {
            return String.format(
                "Accuracy: %.2f%%\nPrecision: %.2f%%\n" +
                "Recall: %.2f%%\nF1-Score: %.2f%%",
                accuracy * 100, precision * 100,
                recall * 100, f1Score * 100
    public static Metrics evaluate(KNNClassifier classifier,
                                 List<Point> testData) {
        Metrics metrics = new Metrics();
        int correct = 0;
        Map<String, Integer> truePositives = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Integer> falsePositives = new HashMap<>();
        Map<String, Integer> falseNegatives = new HashMap<>();
        for (Point point : testData) {
            String predicted = classifier.predict(point.getFeatures());
            String actual = point.getLabel();
            if (predicted.equals(actual)) {
                    truePositives.getOrDefault(predicted, 0) + 1);
            } else {
                    falsePositives.getOrDefault(predicted, 0) + 1);
                    falseNegatives.getOrDefault(actual, 0) + 1);
        // 计算指标
        metrics.accuracy = (double) correct / testData.size();
        // 计算每个类别的精确率和召回率,取平均
        double avgPrecision = 0.0, avgRecall = 0.0;
        Set<String> allLabels = new HashSet<>();
        testData.forEach(p -> allLabels.add(p.getLabel()));
        for (String label : allLabels) {
            int tp = truePositives.getOrDefault(label, 0);
            int fp = falsePositives.getOrDefault(label, 0);
            int fn = falseNegatives.getOrDefault(label, 0);
            double precision = tp + fp == 0 ? 0 : (double) tp / (tp + fp);
            double recall = tp + fn == 0 ? 0 : (double) tp / (tp + fn);
            avgPrecision += precision;
            avgRecall += recall;
        metrics.precision = avgPrecision / allLabels.size();
        metrics.recall = avgRecall / allLabels.size();
        metrics.f1Score = 2 * (metrics.precision * metrics.recall) /
            (metrics.precision + metrics.recall);
        return metrics;

7.2 交叉验证实现

public class CrossValidator {
    public static List<Metrics> crossValidate(List<Point> data,
                                            int k, int folds) {
        List<Metrics> results = new ArrayList<>();
        int foldSize = data.size() / folds;
        for (int i = 0; i < folds; i++) {
            int startTest = i * foldSize;
            int endTest = startTest + foldSize;
            List<Point> testSet = new ArrayList<>();
            List<Point> trainSet = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) {
                if (j >= startTest && j < endTest) {
                } else {
            KNNClassifier classifier = new KNNClassifier(k);
            Metrics metrics = PerformanceEvaluator.evaluate(
                classifier, testSet);
        return results;

8. 实际应用案例研究


在乳腺癌诊断研究中,Wang等人(2018)提出了一种改进的kNN算法。他们使用Wisconsin Breast Cancer数据集,通过特征工程和距离度量的优化,将诊断准确率提高到了96.71%。









9. 性能优化建议

  1. 自适应k值选择

    • 基于局部数据密度动态调整k值
    • 使用验证集优化k值选择
  2. 特征工程优化

    • 自动特征选择算法
    • 特征重要性评估
  3. 混合模型

    • kNN与其他算法的集成
    • 多模型投票机制
  4. 大规模数据处理

    • 分布式kNN实现
    • 数据流式处理


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