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实现一个MyWebSocket的自定义 WebSocket 类,用于建立与服务器的 WebSocket 连接,并提供了一系列方法来处理连接状态、发送和接收消息、自动重连等功能。该类可以方便地在前端项目中实现与服务器的实时通信。


  1. 类的构造函数接收 URL 和可选的配置参数,初始化 WebSocket 连接所需的属性,如连接 URL、重连间隔、最大重连次数、日志级别和各种回调函数等。
  2. 通过_initWebsocket方法初始化 WebSocket 连接,设置连接的打开、关闭、错误和消息接收等事件的处理函数。
  3. 提供了getStatus方法用于获取 WebSocket 的连接状态。
  4. then方法用于设置接收消息时的回调函数。
  5. sendMessage方法用于向服务器发送 JSON 格式的消息,并在发送前自动添加用户信息(如果消息中没有operatingUserId,则从localStorage中获取userId添加到消息中)。
  6. 当连接出现错误或关闭时,启动自动重连机制,尝试在一定时间间隔后重新建立连接。


  1. constructor:初始化类的属性,合并默认配置和传入的配置选项,调用_initWebsocket方法开始建立连接。
  2. getStatus:返回 WebSocket 的当前连接状态,通过readyState属性判断连接的状态。
  3. then:设置接收消息时的回调函数,该回调函数在_websocketmessage方法中被调用。
  4. sendMessage:在发送消息前,先检查消息是否为有效的 JSON 对象,如果不是则抛出错误。然后调用_wrapUserInfo方法添加用户信息,最后将消息转换为 JSON 字符串并通过 WebSocket 发送。
  5. _wrapUserInfo:检查消息中是否存在operatingUserId,如果不存在则从localStorage中获取userId并添加到消息中。
  6. _isJSON:判断一个对象是否为有效的 JSON 对象,通过检查对象的类型和键的数量来判断。
  7. _initWebsocket:尝试建立 WebSocket 连接,设置连接的各种事件处理函数。如果建立连接过程中出现错误,则启动重连机制。
  8. _websocketopen_websocketerror_websocketclose_websocketmessage:分别处理 WebSocket 的打开、错误、关闭和消息接收事件,调用相应的回调函数和日志方法。
  9. _startReconnect:启动重连机制,设置定时器,在一定时间间隔后尝试重新建立连接,直到达到最大重连次数。
  10. _logInfo_logWarn_logError:根据日志级别打印不同类型的日志信息。


  1. 确保在使用该类时,提供正确的 WebSocket 服务器 URL 和有效的配置选项。
  2. 注意处理可能出现的错误,如消息不是有效的 JSON 对象、获取tokenuserId失败等情况。
  3. 在使用自动重连功能时,要考虑到重连次数和时间间隔的合理性,避免过度频繁的重连对服务器造成压力。
  4. 确保在合适的时机调用then方法设置接收消息的回调函数,以便正确处理接收到的消息。
  5. 注意在发送消息前,确保消息是有效的 JSON 对象,否则会抛出错误。


this.MyWebSocket = new MyWebSocket("http://ip:port/websocket");
// 接收消息
this.MyWebSocket.then((e) => {
// 发送消息
this.websocket.sendMessage(JSON.stringify({"info": "我正在操作页面..." }));


const _OPERATING_USER_ID = "userId";
 * WebSocket Custom Class
class MyWebSocket {
  _url = "";
  _ws = null;
  _then = null;
  _options = null;
  _reconnectInterval = 2000;
  _reconnectTimeoutId = null;
  _reconnectAttempts = 0;
  _maxReconnectAttempts = 100;
  _logLevel = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? "info" : "warning";
  _connectedCallback = null;
  _disconnectedCallback = null;
  _errorCallback = null;
  _messageReceivedCallback = null;

   * Constructor for MyWebSocket class. Initializes a new WebSocket connection with the provided URL and options.
   * @param {string} url - The WebSocket server URL.
   * @param {Object} [options={}] - Optional configuration options for the WebSocket connection.
   * @param {number} [options.reconnectInterval=2000] - The time interval (in milliseconds) between reconnection attempts.
   * @param {number} [options.maxReconnectAttempts=100] - The maximum number of reconnection attempts before giving up.
   * @param {string} [options.logLevel="info"] - The log level for WebSocket events. Can be "off", "error", "warn", "info", or "debug".
   * @param {function} [options.connectedCallback] - A callback function to be executed when the WebSocket connection is established.
   * @param {function} [options.disconnectedCallback] - A callback function to be executed when the WebSocket connection is closed.
   * @param {function} [options.errorCallback] - A callback function to be executed when an error occurs during the WebSocket connection.
   * @param {function} [options.messageReceivedCallback] - A callback function to be executed when a message is received from the WebSocket server.
  constructor(url, options = {}) {
    this._url = url;
    this._options = {
      reconnectInterval: this._reconnectInterval,
      maxReconnectAttempts: this._maxReconnectAttempts,
      logLevel: "info",
    this._reconnectInterval = this._options.reconnectInterval;
    this._maxReconnectAttempts = this._options.maxReconnectAttempts;
    this._logLevel = this._options.logLevel;
    this._connectedCallback = this._options.connectedCallback;
    this._disconnectedCallback = this._options.disconnectedCallback;
    this._errorCallback = this._options.errorCallback;
    this._messageReceivedCallback = this._options.messageReceivedCallback;
   * Retrieves the readyState of the WebSocket connection.
   * @returns {number} The readyState of the WebSocket connection.
   * The readyState attribute represents the state of the connection:
   * - 0: CONNECTING: The connection is not yet open.
   * - 1: OPEN: The connection is open and ready to communicate.
   * - 2: CLOSING: The connection is in the process of closing.
   * - 3: CLOSED: The connection is closed or couldn't be opened.
  getStatus() {
    return this._ws.readyState;
   * Sets a callback function to be executed when a message is received from the WebSocket server.
   * @param {function} callback - The callback function to be executed when a message is received.
   * The callback function will receive two parameters:
   * - {Object} msg - The parsed JSON message received from the server.
   * - {MessageEvent} event - The original MessageEvent object received from the WebSocket.
   * @returns {void}
  then(callback) {
    this._then = callback;

   * Sends a JSON message to the WebSocket server.
   * @param {Object} message - The JSON message to be sent.
   * @throws {Error} Throws an error if the message is not a valid JSON object.
   * @returns {void}
  sendMessage(message) {
    if (!this._isJSON(message)) {
      throw new Error(" could not send non JSON message");

   * Wraps the user information in the given message object.
   * If the message does not contain the operatingUserId, it retrieves the userId from localStorage and adds it to the message.
   * @param {Object} message - The message object to be sent to the WebSocket server.
   * @returns {void} The function modifies the message object in-place.
   * @example
   * const message = {
   *   type: 'chat',
   *   content: 'Hello, WebSocket!'
   * };
   * _wrapUserInfo(message);
   * // After execution, message will be:
   * // {
   * //   type: 'chat',
   * //   content: 'Hello, WebSocket!',
   * //   operatingUserId: '12345'
   * // }
  _wrapUserInfo(message) {
    if (!(_OPERATING_USER_ID in message)) {
      message.operatingUserId = localStorage.getItem("userId");

  _isJSON(obj) {
    if (typeof obj !== "object") {
      return false;
    try {
      return Object.keys(obj).length > 0 && typeof obj === "object";
    } catch (e) {
      return false;

   * Initializes a new WebSocket connection with the provided URL.
   * @private
   * @memberof MyWebSocket
   * @returns {void}
   * @throws {Error} Throws an error if there is an issue initializing the WebSocket connection.
  _initWebsocket() {
    // config.headers["Authorization"] = localStorage.getItem("token");
    try {
      const token = localStorage.getItem("token");
      if (!token) {
        this._logError("get token failed.");
      const url = `${this._url}?Authorization=${token}`;
      this._ws = new WebSocket(url);
      const that = this;
      this._ws.onopen = (e) => {
        return this._websocketopen(that, e);
      this._ws.onclose = (e) => {
        return this._websocketclose(that, e);
      this._ws.onmessage = (e) => {
        return this._websocketmessage(that, e);
      this._ws.onerror = (e) => {
        return this._websocketerror(that, e);
    } catch (error) {
      this._logError("Error initializing WebSocket: " + error.message);

  _websocketopen(that) {
    that._logInfo("websocket open");
    if (typeof that._connectedCallback === "function") {
    if (that._reconnectTimeoutId) {
      that._reconnectTimeoutId = null;
      that._reconnectAttempts = 0;

  _websocketerror(that, event) {
    that._logError("websocket error: " + event.message);
    if (typeof that._errorCallback === "function") {

  _websocketclose(that, event) {
    that._logWarn("websocket closed: " + event.reason);
    if (typeof that._disconnectedCallback === "function") {

   * Handles incoming messages from the WebSocket server.
   * Parses the received data as JSON and triggers the appropriate callback functions.
   * @param {MessageEvent} event - The original MessageEvent object received from the WebSocket.
   * @private
   * @memberof MyWebSocket
   * @returns {void}
  _websocketmessage(that, event) {
    let msg = {};

    try {
      msg = JSON.parse(event.data);
    } catch (e) {
      that._logError("websocket message parse error: " + e.message);
    if (that._then && typeof that._then === "function") {
      that._then(msg, event);
    if (typeof this._messageReceivedCallback === "function") {
      that._messageReceivedCallback(msg, event);

   * Initiates the reconnection process to the WebSocket server.
   * This function is called when the WebSocket connection is closed or encounters an error.
   * It checks if the maximum reconnection attempts have been reached, logs an error message if necessary,
   * and starts a timer to attempt reconnection after the specified interval.
   * @private
   * @memberof MyWebSocket
   * @returns {void}
  _startReconnect() {
    if (this._reconnectTimeoutId) {
    this._reconnectTimeoutId = setInterval(() => {
      this._logInfo("Attempting to reconnect... Attempt " + (this._reconnectAttempts + 1));

      if (this._reconnectAttempts >= this._maxReconnectAttempts) {
        this._logError("Max reconnect attempts reached. Giving up.");
    }, this._reconnectInterval);

   * Logs an informational message to the console based on the log level.
   * @param {string} message - The informational message to be logged.
   * @returns {void}
   * @private
   * @memberof MyWebSocket
  _logInfo(message) {
    if (this._logLevel === "info" || this._logLevel === "debug") {

   * Logs a warning message to the console based on the log level.
   * @param {string} message - The warning message to be logged.
   * @returns {void}
   * @private
   * @memberof MyWebSocket
  _logWarn(message) {
    if (this._logLevel === "warn" || this._logLevel === "info" || this._logLevel === "debug") {

   * Logs an error message to the console based on the log level.
   * @param {string} message - The error message to be logged.
   * @returns {void}
   * @private
   * @memberof MyWebSocket
  _logError(message) {
    if (this._logLevel !== "off") {

