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RP2040 C SDK SysTick滴答定时器功能使用

RP2040 C SDK SysTick滴答定时器功能使用

  • ✨更好的阅读体验请移步到:飞书-云文档https://u1etqmuwl9z.feishu.cn/wiki/VkoHwPGqHierOEkY651cZvaOntg?from=from_copylink
  • RP2040的SysTick滴答定时器为24位的,计数方式为倒计时,扩展了处理器和NVIC的功能,并提供:
  • 一个24位的系统计时器(SysTick)
  • 附加的可配置优先级SysTick中断。


  • SYST_CSR Register:使用SysTick控制器和状态寄存器来启用SysTick功能。
  • 偏移地址:0xe010
  • SYST_RVR Register:
  • Offset: 0xe014
    Use the SysTick Reload Value Register to specify the start value to load into the current value register when the counter reaches 0. It can be any value between 0 and 0x00FFFFFF. A start value of 0 is possible, but has no effect because the SysTick interrupt and COUNTFLAG are activated when counting from 1 to 0. The reset value of this register is UNKNOWN.
    To generate a multi-shot timer with a period of N processor clock cycles, use a RELOAD value of N-1. For example, if the SysTick interrupt is required every 100 clock pulses, set RELOAD to 99.


  • SYST_CVR Register
  • Offset: 0xe018
    Use the SysTick Current Value Register to find the current value in the register. The reset value of this register is UNKNOWN.
  • SYST_CALIB Register
  • Offset: 0xe01c

Use the SysTick Calibration Value Register to enable software to scale to any required speed using divide and multiply


 CMSIS-DAP烧录命令:openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c  "adapter speed 5000"-c "program RP2040_ticks.elf verify reset exit"

 jlink命令: openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg  -c  "adapter speed 2000" -c  "program RP2040_ticks.elf verify reset exit"

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/timer.h"
#include "hardware/structs/systick.h"
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
//#include "hardware/uart.h"
//#include "hardware/irq.h"
//#include "hardware/structs/scb.h"
#include <tusb.h>

#define BUILTIN_LED PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN // LED is on the same pin as the default LED 25

void measure_freqs(void);
void MicrosBlink(uint32_t currentTime);
uint32_t previousBlinkTime;
uint32_t blinkInterval = 1000000; //LED闪烁时间间隔
bool toggle;

int main()

    // set_sys_clock_khz(133000, true); // 325us
   // set_sys_clock_khz(270000, true);
    // GPIO initialisation.
    gpio_set_dir(BUILTIN_LED, GPIO_OUT);

    while (!tud_cdc_connected()) { sleep_ms(100);  }//等待USB CDC打开

    systick_hw->csr = 0x5;
    systick_hw->rvr = 0x00FFFFFF;

    uint32_t new, old, t0, t1;


    printf("\n          old_cvr=%d,new_cvr=%d\n",old,new);
    printf("\n          old-new=%d\n",old-new);
    printf("            t1-t0=%d\n",t1-t0);

    while (true)
     // tight_loop_contents();
        // sleep_ms(1000);
        // gpio_xor_mask(1ul << BUILTIN_LED); // Toggle the LED

        uint32_t currentMillis = time_us_32(); // 获取当前时间


    return 0;

void measure_freqs(void) {
    uint f_pll_sys = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_PLL_SYS_CLKSRC_PRIMARY);
    uint f_pll_usb = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_PLL_USB_CLKSRC_PRIMARY);
    uint f_rosc = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_ROSC_CLKSRC);
    uint f_clk_sys = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_SYS);
    uint f_clk_peri = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_PERI);
    uint f_clk_usb = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_USB);
    uint f_clk_adc = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_ADC);
    uint f_clk_rtc = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_RTC);

    printf("pll_sys  = %dkHz\n", f_pll_sys);
    printf("pll_usb  = %dkHz\n", f_pll_usb);
    printf("rosc     = %dkHz\n", f_rosc);
    printf("clk_sys  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_sys);
    printf("clk_peri = %dkHz\n", f_clk_peri);
    printf("clk_usb  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_usb);
    printf("clk_adc  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_adc);
    printf("clk_rtc  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_rtc);

    // Can't measure clk_ref / xosc as it is the ref

void MicrosBlink(uint32_t currentTime) {
  if (currentTime-previousBlinkTime  >= blinkInterval) {    //如果时间间隔达到了
    toggle = (toggle == 1) ? 0 : 1;
 gpio_put(BUILTIN_LED, toggle);
    previousBlinkTime = currentTime;  // 将上一次时间复位

  printf("toggle = %d\n",toggle);




  • 📍https://github.com/Blimp01/pico_non_blocking_timer
 CMSIS-DAP烧录命令:openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c  "adapter speed 5000"-c "program example.elf verify reset exit"

 jlink命令: openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg  -c  "adapter speed 2000" -c  "program example.elf verify reset exit"

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
#include "pico/binary_info.h"
#include "non_blocking_timer.h"

const uint LED_PIN = 25;

non_blocking_timer_handler led_timer; // create user timer struct

void toggle_led()
        gpio_put(LED_PIN, !gpio_get(LED_PIN));

int main()
        init_non_blocking_timer(&led_timer, 1000,0); //initalise ledtimer for a 1second period
        init_systick();                            //init and enable systick

                if(non_blocking_timer_expired(&led_timer) == TIMER_EXPIRED)
                        printf("systick %ld\r\n",get_systick()); //Print out systick value
                        toggle_led();                            //Toggle LED 1s On 1s OFF
                        start_non_blocking_timer(&led_timer);    //restart 1s timer


  • ✨滴答定时器中断号没有在常规的0 - 25号中断序列(interrupt_nums)中,而是另外的exception_number中,以负数表现形式,被定义在exception.h文件中。
/*! \brief  Exception number definitions
 * Note for consistency with irq numbers, these numbers are defined to be negative. The VTABLE index is
 * the number here plus 16.
 * Name                 | Value | Exception
 * ---------------------|-------|----------
 * NMI_EXCEPTION        |  -14  | Non Maskable Interrupt
 * HARDFAULT_EXCEPTION  |  -13  | HardFault
 * SVCALL_EXCEPTION     |   -5  | SV Call
 * PENDSV_EXCEPTION     |   -2  | Pend SV
 * SYSTICK_EXCEPTION    |   -1  | System Tick
 * \ingroup hardware_exception
enum exception_number {
    NMI_EXCEPTION        = -14,     /* Non Maskable Interrupt */
    HARDFAULT_EXCEPTION  = -13,     /* HardFault Interrupt */
    SVCALL_EXCEPTION     =  -5,     /* SV Call Interrupt */
    PENDSV_EXCEPTION     =  -2,     /* Pend SV Interrupt */
    SYSTICK_EXCEPTION    =  -1,     /* System Tick Interrupt */
  • 例程代码

 CMSIS-DAP烧录命令:openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c  "adapter speed 5000"-c "program RP2040_ticks.elf verify reset exit"

 jlink命令: openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg  -c  "adapter speed 2000" -c  "program RP2040_ticks.elf verify reset exit"

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "hardware/exception.h"
#include "hardware/timer.h"
#include "hardware/structs/systick.h"
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
// #include "hardware/uart.h"
// #include "hardware/irq.h"

#include <tusb.h>

#define BUILTIN_LED PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN // LED is on the same pin as the default LED 25

void measure_freqs(void);
void MicrosBlink(uint32_t currentTime);
void disableAllInts();
uint32_t previousBlinkTime;
uint32_t blinkInterval = 1000000; // LED闪烁时间间隔
bool toggle;
uint32_t ST_period = 1000000 - 1;

void enableSysTick()
                                                                             // 1mS
  systick_hw->rvr = ST_period;                                                                                   // 24 bits
 // systick_hw->csr = M0PLUS_SYST_CSR_CLKSOURCE_BITS | M0PLUS_SYST_CSR_ENABLE_BITS | M0PLUS_SYST_CSR_TICKINT_BITS; // enable with processor clock
    systick_hw->csr = 0x07;  //Enable timer with interrupt

void Systick_Handler_Callback(void)
    systick_hw->csr = 0x00; // Disable systick
     systick_hw->rvr = ST_period ; // reload the systick counter
    systick_hw->cvr = 0; // Clear the count to force reload
  toggle = (toggle == 1) ? 0 : 1;
  gpio_put(BUILTIN_LED, toggle); // toggle LED
  printf("toggle = %d\n", toggle);
    systick_hw->csr = 0x03; // Enable timer with interrupt

int main()

  // set_sys_clock_khz(133000, true); // 325us
  // set_sys_clock_khz(270000, true);
  set_sys_clock_khz(125000, 0);   //clk_sys125MHz
  // GPIO initialisation.
  gpio_set_dir(BUILTIN_LED, GPIO_OUT);

  uint32_t fcpu = clock_get_hz(clk_sys);
  while (!tud_cdc_connected())

  systick_hw->csr = 0x5;

  systick_hw->rvr = 0x00FFFFFF;

  uint32_t new, old, t0, t1;
  old = systick_hw->cvr;

  t0 = time_us_32();
  new = systick_hw->cvr;
  t1 = time_us_32();

  printf("\n          old_cvr=%d,new_cvr=%d\n", old, new);
  printf("\n          old-new=%d\n", old - new);
  printf("            t1-t0=%d\n", t1 - t0);
  printf("(old-new)/(t1-t0)=%.1f\n", (old - new) / (t1 - t0 * 1.0)); // 频率

  // register the Systick Handler
  exception_set_exclusive_handler(SYSTICK_EXCEPTION, Systick_Handler_Callback);
  irq_set_priority(SYSTICK_EXCEPTION, PICO_HIGHEST_IRQ_PRIORITY); // set systick highest priority

  while (true)
    // tight_loop_contents();
    // sleep_ms(1000);
    // gpio_xor_mask(1ul << BUILTIN_LED); // Toggle the LED

    //    uint32_t currentMillis = time_us_32(); // 获取当前时间

    //  MicrosBlink(currentMillis);

    // measure_freqs();

  return 0;

void measure_freqs(void)
  uint f_pll_sys = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_PLL_SYS_CLKSRC_PRIMARY);
  uint f_pll_usb = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_PLL_USB_CLKSRC_PRIMARY);
  uint f_rosc = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_ROSC_CLKSRC);
  uint f_clk_sys = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_SYS);
  uint f_clk_peri = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_PERI);
  uint f_clk_usb = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_USB);
  uint f_clk_adc = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_ADC);
  uint f_clk_rtc = frequency_count_khz(CLOCKS_FC0_SRC_VALUE_CLK_RTC);

  printf("pll_sys  = %dkHz\n", f_pll_sys);
  printf("pll_usb  = %dkHz\n", f_pll_usb);
  printf("rosc     = %dkHz\n", f_rosc);
  printf("clk_sys  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_sys);
  printf("clk_peri = %dkHz\n", f_clk_peri);
  printf("clk_usb  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_usb);
  printf("clk_adc  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_adc);
  printf("clk_rtc  = %dkHz\n", f_clk_rtc);

  // Can't measure clk_ref / xosc as it is the ref

void MicrosBlink(uint32_t currentTime)
  // 检查是否到达时间间隔
  if (currentTime - previousBlinkTime >= blinkInterval)
  { // 如果时间间隔达到了
    toggle = (toggle == 1) ? 0 : 1;
    gpio_put(BUILTIN_LED, toggle);
    previousBlinkTime = currentTime; // 将上一次时间复位

    printf("toggle = %d\n", toggle);
  // else if (currentTime-previousBlinkTime <= 0) {   // 如果时间间隔小于0时间溢出
  //   previousBlinkTime = currentTime;
  // }

void disableAllInts()
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
  { // 32 interrupts on NVIC
    irq_set_enabled(i, false);

