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communication tasks

  1. Set a project (can use the project I give in the class in the file), then try to develop a set of actions for the communication activity. Select one action and define a task set for it.
    Taking the development of image browsing software as an example,,a requirements gathering is an essential software engineering action for the communication activity.
    A task set defines the actual work to be done to accomplish the objectives of a software engineering action.
    The requirement gathering task set for communication activity follows:
    • Create a list of stakeholders for the project.
    • Interview each stakeholder individually to verify overall needs and requirements.
    • Construct a preface list of features and functions based on stakeholder input.
    • Schedule series of facilitated requirements gathering meetings.
    • Conduct meetings.
    • Generate informal user scenarios as part of each meeting.
    • Improve user scenarios as a part of each meeting and the stake holder’s feedback.
    • Construct adjust list of stakeholder requirements.
    • Apply quality function deployment techniques to prioritize requirements.
    • Package requirements so that they can be delivered incrementally
    • Note constraints and restrictions that will be placed on the system.
    • Discuss method for validating the system.

process patterns(stage pattern)

  1. A common problem during communication occurs when you encounter two stakeholders who have conflicting ideas about what the software should be. That is, you have mutually conflicting requirements. Develop a process pattern(this would be a stage pattern) using the template presented in Section 3.4 that addressed this problem and suggest an effective approach to it.
    When stakeholders have conflicting, the following process pattern describes an approach about what the software should be
    Pattern name: Conflicting Requirements
    Intent: This pattern describes an approach for identifying and making a list of the requirements specified by the stakeholders.
    Type: Stage pattern.
    Initial context:
    The following conditions must be met prior to the initiation of this pattern.
  2. Stake holders have been identified;
  3. A mode of communication between stakeholders and the software team has been established;
  4. The overriding software problem to be solved has been identified by stakeholders;Problem: Requirements of the two stakeholders are conflicting. There is a clear recognition of the requirements but, the ideas of the stakeholders are not the same. No clear idea of what the software should be.
    Solution: Evolutionary process models are used to solve this problem. The evolutionary process models recognize the iterative incremental nature of the project and are designed to accommodate the changes. As the requirements are conflicting, a preliminary list of functions and features based on stakeholder input is built. The pattern is built according to the basic requirements. And then the changes are accommodated using the evolutionary models.Resulting context: A software prototype that identifies basic requirements is approved by the stakeholders. The prototype is built and changes are made, if needed. Or the pattern will be rejected and a new pattern with new features is developed.
    Related patterns:
    Customer Communication,
    Customer Assessment,
    Requirements Gathering,
    Constraint Description.
    Known uses and examples. This pattern is needed when the requirements are uncertain and conflicting.

prototyping model

  1. Provide three examples of software projects that would be amenable to the prototyping model. Be specific.
    Software applications that are relatively easy to prototype almost always involve human-machine interaction.
    When the customer has a legitimate need but is clueless about the details then develop a prototype as a first step. A customer defines a set of general objectives. For these applications that are amenable to prototyping are certain classes of mathematical algorithms, subset of command driven systems and other applications where results can be easily examined without real-time interaction.
    Example software projects for prototyping.
    ① A shopping mall website. You can use website prototyping tools such as Axure RP, Sketch, Adobe XD, or Figma to create page layouts, interactive elements, and user processes. The design team collaborates with stakeholders to validate the design by sketching and creating interactive prototypes.
    ② Academic Affairs System Website. Perhaps the school does not know what function it really needs, for example, when querying the schedule, it may not have the function of querying according to the teacher’s name, but after developing the prototype, the school also proposed this requirement.
    ③ Home security system website. The customer is unaware that they want to adjust the camera angle and track objects until they see the prototype.
    These projects are not suitable for waterfall models because customers do not know what they want.
    ①购物商城网站。可以使用网站原型设计工具,如Axure RP、Sketch、Adobe XD或Figma来创建页面布局、交互元素和用户流程。设计团队通过绘制草图和创建可交互的原型,与利益相关者合作验证设计。

extreme programming(xp) model & spiral model

  1. How does the Extreme Programming(XP) model differ from the Spiral model in its treatment of incremental prototypes?
    Extreme Programming (XP) and the Spiral model are two different approaches to software development, each with its own methodologies and practices. While both emphasize iterative development and incremental prototyping, they differ in several key aspects:
    Extreme Programming (XP):
    XP is an agile software development methodology that emphasizes frequent releases of small, incremental features.
    In XP, incremental prototypes are developed as part of the iterative development process, but they are usually small and focused on delivering specific functionality rather than comprehensive system prototypes.
    Prototypes in XP are often used to gather feedback from stakeholders and users, which is then incorporated into subsequent iterations of development.
    XP relies heavily on practices such as pair programming, test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent communication with stakeholders.
    Spiral Model:
    The Spiral model is a risk-driven software development process model that combines elements of both waterfall and iterative development models.
    In the Spiral model, incremental prototypes are developed and refined through a series of iterations or “spirals.” Each spiral represents a phase in the software development process, such as requirements gathering, design, implementation, and testing.
    Unlike XP, the Spiral model places a stronger emphasis on risk management. Each iteration includes a risk analysis phase where potential risks are identified, assessed, and mitigated.
    Prototypes in the Spiral model may be more comprehensive than those in XP, as they are used not only for gathering feedback but also for validating requirements, designs, and addressing identified risks.
    In summary, while both XP and the Spiral model involve iterative development and incremental prototyping, XP focuses on delivering small, focused increments of functionality through frequent releases, while the Spiral model emphasizes risk management and iterative refinement of more comprehensive prototypes.

agile modeling (am)principles

  1. Visit the Official Agile Modeling site and make a complete list of all core and supplementary Agile Modeling(AM) principles.
    The official website address is: https://agilemanifesto.org/iso/zhchs/manifesto.html
    Twelve principles:
    ① Our most important goal is to satisfy customers by continuously delivering valuable software early.
    ② Xinran faces changes in demand, even in the later stages of development. For the competitive advantage of customers, agile processes control change.
    ③ Frequently delivering working software, with intervals of a few weeks or one or two months, tends to adopt shorter cycles.
    ④ Business personnel and developers must collaborate with each other, and every day in the project is no exception.
    ⑤ Stimulate individual morale and build projects with them as the core. Provide the necessary environment and support, complemented by trust, to achieve goals.
    ⑥ The best and most efficient way to convey information, both inside and outside the team, is through face-to-face conversations.
    ⑦ Workable software is the primary measure of progress.
    ⑧ Agile processes advocate for sustainable development. The responsible person, developers, and users should be able to maintain a stable and continuous pace together.
    ⑨ Persistently pursuing technological excellence and good design enhances agility.
    ⑩ Based on simplicity, it is an art that strives to reduce unnecessary workload.
    ⑪ The best architecture, requirements, and design come from self-organizing teams.
    ⑫ The team regularly reflects on how to improve effectiveness and adjusts their behavior accordingly.
    ① 我们最重要的目标,是通过持续不断地及早交付有价值的软件使客户满意。
    ② 欣然面对需求变化,即使在开发后期也一样。为了客户的竞争优势,敏捷过程掌控变化。
    ③ 经常地交付可工作的软件,相隔几星期或一两个月,倾向于采取较短的周期。
    ④ 业务人员和开发人员必须相互合作,项目中的每一天都不例外。
    ⑤ 激发个体的斗志,以他们为核心搭建项目。提供所需的环境和支援,辅以信任,从而达成目标。
    ⑥ 不论团队内外,传递信息效果最好效率也最高的方式是面对面的交谈。
    ⑦ 可工作的软件是进度的首要度量标准。
    ⑧ 敏捷过程倡导可持续开发。责任人、开发人员和用户要能够共同维持其步调稳定延续。
    ⑨ 坚持不懈地追求技术卓越和良好设计,敏捷能力由此增强。
    ⑩ 以简洁为本,它是极力减少不必要工作量的艺术。
    ⑪ 最好的架构、需求和设计出自自组织团队。
    ⑫ 团队定期地反思如何能提高成效,并依此调整自身的举止表现。

