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ARM base instruction -- cls

Count Leading Sign bits counts the number of leading bits of the source register that have the same value as the most significant bit of the register, and writes the result to the destination register. This count does not include the most significant bit of the source register.


32-bit variant
    Applies when sf == 0.
    CLS <Wd>, <Wn>

64-bit variant
    Applies when sf == 1.
    CLS <Xd>, <Xn>

Decode for all variants of this encoding
 integer d = UInt(Rd);
 integer n = UInt(Rn);
 integer datasize = if sf == '1' then 64 else 32;

 integer result;
 bits(datasize) operand1 = X[n];
 result = CountLeadingSignBits(operand1);
 X[d] = result<datasize-1:0>;

 integer CountLeadingSignBits(bits(N) x)
     return CountLeadingZeroBits(x<N-1:1> EOR x<N-2:0>);

 integer CountLeadingZeroBits(bits(N) x)
     return N - (HighestSetBit(x) + 1);

 integer HighestSetBit(bits(N) x)
     for i = N-1 downto 0
         if x<i> == '1' then return i;
     return -1;

