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As we’ve seen, variables act as containers to store and recall data during program execution. However, to make sense of this data, the computer needs to know its type, just like you would distinguish between coins and paper notes in your Kolo (savings box). In Dart, data types help the computer understand the nature of the information stored in each variable, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the data.


Integer (int)


In Dart, the integer data type represents whole numbers without any fractional or decimal parts. It allows you to work with numbers in a straightforward manner, just like counting objects or measuring quantities. Imagine you are managing a fruit stall, and you want to keep track of the number of oranges you have in stock. In Dart, you would use the ‘int’ data type to store this information.

在Dart中,整数数据类型表示没有任何小数部分的整数。它允许你以一种直接的方式处理数字,就像计算物体或测量数量一样。想象一下,您正在管理一个水果摊,并且您想要跟踪库存橙子的数量。在Dart中,您将使用’ int '数据类型来存储此信息。

Here’s how you can declare and use integers in Dart:


int numberOfOranges = 50;


void main() {
  // 橘子的数量
  int numberOfOranges = 33;



In this example, we have declared a variable named numberOfOranges of type ‘int’ and assigned it a value of 50. Now, Dart understands that this variable should only store whole numbers and will raise an error if you try to assign a non-integer value to it.


Integers come in various forms, such as positive and negative numbers, including zero. You can perform common mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with integer variables.


int apples = 10;
int bananas = 5;
int totalFruits = apples + bananas; // totalFruits will be 15


void main() {
  int price = 33; // 单价
  int buyNum = 3; // 购买数量
  int totalPrice = price * buyNum; // 计算价格



You can also use integers to represent quantities, counts, and many other numeric aspects in your Dart programs. The integer data type is essential for a wide range of applications, from simple calculations to more complex algorithms.


Remember that Dart integers have a fixed size, which means they can represent a specific range of values based on their bit length. For example, a 32-bit integer can represent values from approximately -2 billion to +2 billion.

请记住,Dart整数具有固定的大小,这意味着它们可以根据其位长度表示特定的值范围。例如,一个32位整数可以表示大约从- 20亿到+ 20亿的值。

Double (double)


The double data type is used to represent numbers with fractional parts. It’s ideal for dealing with values that require more precision, such as measurements, currency, or any real-world data that includes decimal points. Imagine you are working on a finance app, and you need to calculate the total amount due for a shopping cart. You would use the double data type to store the prices of items that may have fractions of a cent.


Here’s how you can declare and use double values in Dart:


double priceOfItem = 49.99;

In this example, we’ve declared a variable named priceOfItem of type ‘double’ and assigned it a value of 49.99. Dart automatically recognizes this variable as a double, and you can perform various arithmetic operations with it, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


double taxRate = 0.075;
double subtotal = 100.00;
double totalAmount = subtotal + (subtotal * taxRate); // totalAmount will be 107.50


void main() {
  double price = 33; // 单价
  double buyNum = 3; // 购买数量
  double totalPrice = price * buyNum; // 计算价格



Double values are particularly useful when handling realworld data that can be represented as fractions, percentages, or decimals. The double data type provides the precision needed for accurate calculations in these scenarios.


It’s essential to be cautious when working with double values due to potential floating-point errors. These errors can arise from the internal representation of floating-point numbers in computers. Rounding errors can occur when you perform multiple arithmetic operations with double values. For critical financial calculations or scenarios where high precision is required, you may need to use additional techniques to mitigate floating-point errors.




The string data type is used to represent sequences of characters, such as text or words. Strings are essential for handling textual data, user inputs, messages, and much more. Imagine you are building a messaging app, and you need to store and display text messages between users. You would use the ‘String’ data type to handle these messages. Here’s how you can declare and use string values in Dart:

字符串数据类型用于表示字符序列,例如文本或单词。字符串对于处理文本数据、用户输入、消息等非常重要。假设您正在构建一个消息传递应用程序,并且需要在用户之间存储和显示文本消息。您将使用’ String '数据类型来处理这些消息。下面是如何在Dart中声明和使用字符串值:

String firstName = ‘John’;
String lastName = “Doe”;
String fullName = firstName + “ “ + lastName; // fullName will be “John Doe”

In this example, we’ve declared three variables, firstName, lastName, and fullName, all of type ‘String’. Dart allows you to create strings using single quotes or double quotes. You can concatenate strings using the ‘+’ operator to build more complex strings, as demonstrated by the fullName variable.

在这个例子中,我们声明了三个变量,firstName, lastName和fullName,它们的类型都是’ String ‘。Dart允许您使用单引号或双引号创建字符串。您可以使用’ + '操作符连接字符串以构建更复杂的字符串,fullName变量演示了这一点。


void main() {
  String a = "hello";
  String b = "world";
  String c = a + b;



Strings can also contain special characters, escape sequences, and placeholders for dynamic values. Here’s an example of using an escape sequence to include a newline character in a string:


String message = “Hello, \nWelcome to our app!;

The ‘\n’ escape sequence inserts a new line in the string, resulting in the message being displayed with a line break. Moreover, you can use string interpolation to embed dynamic values within a string. Dart allows you to use the ‘$’ symbol, followed by the variable name inside a string, to include the value of the variable:

’ \n ‘转义序列在字符串中插入新行,导致消息以换行符显示。此外,您可以使用字符串插值在字符串中嵌入动态值。Dart允许你使用’ $ '符号,后跟字符串中的变量名,来包含变量的值:

int age = 30;
String greeting = “Hello, I am $age years old!;

In this case, the variable ‘age’ is embedded in the ‘greeting’ string, and its value will be dynamically inserted when the string is evaluated.

在这种情况下,变量’ age ‘被嵌入到’ greeting '字符串中,当字符串被求值时,它的值将被动态插入。


void main() {
  String name = "张大鹏";
  int age = 33;
  double height = 1.88;
  String info = "姓名:$name\n年龄:$age岁\n身高:$height米";



Boolean (bool)


The boolean data type is used to represent two values: true and false. Booleans are essential for making decisions in programming. They allow us to create conditions and control the flow of our code based on whether certain conditions are true or false.


Imagine you are building a simple weather app, and you want to display a message depending on whether it’s sunny or rainy. You would use a boolean variable to represent the weather condition:


bool isSunny = true;
bool isRainy = false;

Here, we’ve declared two boolean variables, isSunny and isRainy. The true value in isSunny indicates that it’s sunny, while the false value in isRainy means it’s not raining.


Booleans are often used in conditional statements like if, else, and while to control the flow of code execution. Here’s an example of using a boolean variable in a simple if statement:

布尔值通常用于条件语句中,如’ if ', ’ else ‘和’ while ',以控制代码执行的流程。下面是一个在简单的if语句中使用布尔变量的例子:

void main() {
  bool isRaining = true;

In this code, we display the value of the isRaining Boolean variable.

在这段代码中,我们显示了’ isRaining '布尔变量的值。

Boolean variables are useful in a wide range of scenarios, from simple decision-making to complex logic. Understanding how to work with boolean data types is essential for writing effective and dynamic Dart code that responds to changing conditions and user inputs.



void main() {
  bool isSunny = true;
  bool isRainy = false;

  if (isSunny) {

  if (isRainy) {
  } else {



