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VisionPro - 基础 - 模板匹配技术-应用2 - Search\PMAline\PatMax\Image Training 的使用和模型训练概论


Image Training 是VP最常用的一种模板匹配方法了。必须掌握:这节详细说明。


  • Shape Training
  • Image Training 
  • All PatMax Training
  • Large Images
  • PatMax Alignment Guidelines
  • PatFlex Guidelines
  • Run-time Information Strings
  • Optimizing PatMax Performance
  • Preventing Degenerate Results
  • Common Image and Pattern Variations
  • PatMax Parameter and Result Summary

 1 training image

For image training PatMax uses all of the information in the pattern training image you supply. You should avoid including features in the training image that will not be present in the run-time image.

In order to train a pattern from a pattern training image, the image must contain distinguishable features. For best results, you should observe the following guidelines when selecting a training image:

  • The pattern should include both coarse and fine features.
  • The pattern should include information that will let PatMax distinguish instances that vary in all enabled degrees of freedom. Table 3 shows examples of patterns that might lead to degenerate results (as described in the section Degenerate Results.


  • 图像模板需包括粗略和精细的特征
  • 图像模板包括PatMax能够区别的自由度变量实例。


2 Training Image Coordinate System and Calibration

If the training and run-time images have different coordinate systems or calibrations, then identical patterns in the run-time images will be found at different scale or angle than the trained pattern.

For example, if the same optical and mechanical configurations are used to acquire training-time and run-time images, but the training-time image selected coordinate space units are one half the size of the run-time image selected coordinate space units, the pattern in the run-time image will be found at a scale of 0.50.

You should make sure that the same calibration has been computed for both pattern training and run-time images. If you have not calibrated the pattern training and run-time images, then you should make sure that the optical and mechanical configurations used to acquire the images are the same.



3 Which Features Are Trained 我们训练了哪些特征

PatMax considers all of the features contained within the supplied training region, but it may also consider some features from outside the training region. This happens under the following conditions:

  • If the pattern training window is close to the edge of the image, features that are closer to the edge of the image than the coarse granularity limit may not be detected. However, if the pattern training window is not close to the edge of the image then it is guaranteed that every feature inside the window is detected, regardless of the coarse granularity setting.
  • PatMax can detect features that are outside of the training region if those features are within the coarse granularity limit of the edge of the pattern training window and if they are not within the coarse granularity limit of the edge of the image.

 PatMax 被认为是在提供的训练区域进行特征的匹配,但是,也不尽然,他同时考虑在训练区域外的一些特征。尤其:

  • 如果模板训练的区域接近图像的边缘。特征和图像的边缘比较接近,接近值甚至小于粗糙度粒度的定义,这个特征会被忽略。反正,所有的边缘特征,都会确保在检测窗口里面被检测到,而不论你的粗糙度的粒度如何定义。
  • PatMax将检测在训练区域外的特性。只要这个特性符合粗糙粒度的阈值线,同时这个边缘不靠近图像的边缘。


  • 【案,这里粗模板粒度边界的定义,是一个绿色的框,这点要注意理解】


 4 值得注意的地方:



In general, you should observe the following basic guidelines:

  • Do not train a pattern that has features that are close to and just outside the training window; these features may get trained in as a part of the pattern.
    1. Do not train a pattern with features that are close to and just inside the training window if the window is close to the edge of the training image; these features may not get included in the trained pattern.
    2. Always examine the graphic display of the feature boundary points trained as part of a pattern; verify that all the features you expected to be trained are trained and that no extraneous features from outside the training image window are trained.

 我们在使用这个算子的时候,需要注意:1 主要就是训练的窗口的边界的条件。2 要检测图形串口显示特性边界的点的情况。确保所有的被训练的特征都是你期望被训练的特征,而没有其他多余的特征。

2 All PatMax Training (PatMax 模型训练概论)

2.1 Pattern Granularity 模板粒度:

For most applications, PatMax does a good job selecting the coarse and fine pattern granularity limits. If you want to override PatMax's granularity limits, you should do so by evaluating the trained features.

Keep in mind that PatMax's strategy in choosing granularity limits is to choose the largest coarse granularity that detects features that can be reliably used to quickly locate the pattern and to choose the smallest fine granularity setting which will reliably and precisely locate the pattern.

The following are examples of when you might decide to override PatMax's settings:

  • If the coarse granularity trained feature display is including features that appear not to represent actual feature boundaries, you can try increasing the coarse pattern granularity to exclude the redundant small features. This might increase the alignment speed.
  • If the fine granularity trained feature display is including features that are not actually part of the pattern, such as surface texture, you could try increasing the fine pattern granularity to exclude the extraneous small features. This might improve reliability.
  • If the fine granularity trained feature display does not include fine features that are part of the pattern, such as fine teeth on a gearwheel, you could try decreasing the fine pattern granularity to include the small pattern features. This might increase accuracy.

You should not attempt to override PatMax's granularity settings without carefully examining the trained feature display. In general, you should choose the granularity that produce trained features that match the features of interest in the image.

Note: When using the PatFlex algorithm, the default granularities are generally smaller due to the need for more detail. If you set your own granularities they will also be generally smaller than those you would set for other algorithms.

【在大多数应用中,PatMax 会选择好粗,细的模板粒度边界。但,如果你想自己定义一个粒度的边界,需要评估以下的被训练的特征】


1 通过粗粒度的特征显示,如果特征的表现没有反应实际的特征边界的情况,你需要增加粗模板的粒度来减少过剩的小特征。

2 如果细粒度的特征显示,没有包括实际的特征模板值,比如表面的纹理,你需要增加细粒度去减少无关的小特征。这会增加稳定性

3 如果细粒度的特征训练显示没有包括特征的细节特征,比如齿轮的齿牙,需要减小细模板粒度,从而增加对小特征的识别精确度。

2.2 Granularity Considerations with Shape Training


As discussed in the section Computed Granularity, if you are using shape training and your shapes are much larger or smaller than the image features they describe, you may need to adjust the granularity limits manually to preserve meaningful features from the pattern.

Note: If you are using the PatFlex algorithm with shape-trained models, you will almost certainly need to set the granularity limits manually. In almost all cases, the granularity limits will need to be reduced from the automatically selected limits. Carefully review the display of trained features to make sure that reasonable features are being trained.

【 粒度的设定,在Shape training中,在如下情况需要要手搓:就是你的shapes(形态)远远大于图像的特征或者远远小于图像的特征的时候。】、


2.3 High Sensitivity Mode

PatMax can be run in standard mode or high sensitivity mode. Check your images for contrast and noise. Good quality images should be run in standard mode but if your images have poor contrast or are noisy, you may get better results using high sensitivity mode. Keep in mind however, high sensitivity mode generally requires more execution time than standard mode.

When you use high sensitivity mode you can also set the sensitivity parameter which allows you to specify your image quality. The sensitivity parameter is a number in the range 1.0 through 10.0 where lower numbers specify better quality images and higher numbers specify poor quality images. The default is 2.0. You may need to experiment with this parameter range to see which setting produces the best results for your images. See the discussion in the section High Sensitivity Mode.

PatMax有两种模式,1 标准模式 2 高敏模式



2.4 Polarity 极性

By default, PatMax will only find matches where the trained pattern polarity and the run-time image pattern polarity are the same. You can specify that PatMax ignore the polarity of patterns in the run-time image. If you specify that PatMax ignore pattern polarity in the run-time image, you will increase the number of potential matches, which can increase image confusion. Also, ignoring pattern polarity reduces the search speed.

Note: You can change the value of this parameter at training time or run time with almost no execution time penalty, although the effect of changing the value can affect search speed.

The default for trained patterns specifies the darker side of a pattern boundary is negative and the lighter side of the boundary is positive. For example, see Figure 35



Enlarged portion of a trained pattern showing default polarity。上图的正号+为正极性区域,-号为负极性区域。

2.5 Repeating Patterns 重复模板

The PMAlign tool supports a boolean value that you can enable to indicate the pattern you want to train contains elements that repeat.


2.6 Auto Edge Threshold 自动边界阈值

The PMAlign tool uses a default edge threshold value to detect the edges within the patterns you are trying to train and locate in your images. In patterns where the contrast between pattern features can be low, the PMAlign tool can fail to train or locate them as it executes. If necessary you can disable the default value and specify your own minimum grey value between edges.


2.7 Pattern Origin 原始模板

As described in the section Generalized Pattern Origin, PatMax lets you specify either a simple pattern origin point or a generalized pattern origin. This section provides guidelines for both origin forms.


2.7.1  Simple Pattern Origin 简单的模板原点(坐标)

PatMax returns the position (X-translation and Y-translation) of a found instance of the pattern in a run-time image as the location of the pattern origin in the run-time image's selected space.

When you specify the pattern origin location, keep in mind that if you enable any generalized degree of freedom, instances of the pattern might be reported at a shifted location.

Figure 36. Rotation causes apparent translation of pattern origin

【 算法返回定义的特征实例的位置信息(包括X,Y的变换坐标),在实时图像中,定位为运行图像的图像坐标系的模板原点。当你定义一个模板的原始坐标原点位置,记住,你使能了任何一个泛化的自由度,一个模板的实例将反馈了一个变换位置(也就是自由度的单一变换,带来位置的变换)。】

上图 shows an example where the transformation between the two patterns is rotation only, but because the an origin at the corner of the pattern training region is used, a translation is reported in addition to the rotation.



In general, you should either

  • Set the origin to correspond to a point of interest within the trained pattern.
  • Set the origin to be at the center of the trained pattern.

Note: If you are using the PatFlex algorithm, you should make sure to specify an origin that lies within the pattern; the run-time location of an origin outside of the pattern in a deformed image can be very inaccurate.

总的来说,1 你应该把相关的坐标原点设定在你选择的训练的模板里面 2 把相关坐标原点设在训练模板的中心。

2.7.2 Generalized Pattern Origin 泛化模板中心(坐标)

You specify a generalized pattern origin by supplying a transformation object at training time. PatMax applies this transformation to the training pattern before attempting to locate the pattern in a run-time image, and it returns results relative to the transformed training pattern.

In general, you supply a generalized pattern origin to compensate for known scale or rotation of the training pattern. For more information on using a generalized pattern origin, see the section Generalized Pattern Origin.


3 Pattern Training Information Strings


