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windchill apache 日志过大的问题解决方法(单个日志超过6G)

  • Installing Windows Services will enable Apache rotatelogs by default.
    • Refer CS17799 for how to run Apache as Windows service.
  • Manually set Apache log rotation by following steps.
    • Execute the commands below within a Windchill Shell (substitute <Apache_Home> with the directory where Apache / PTC HTTPServer is installed):​
      • cd <APACHE_HOME>
        ant -f config.xml reconfigure -DRotateLogs=true -DRotateOnFileSize=false -DRotateTime=86400
    • DRotateTime is in seconds - i.e 86400 is the value to specify 1 day
    • Alternatively, rotate by size with -DRotateOnFileSize=true and -DRotateSize=<size in MB>
    • Apache restart is required after this change
  • To disable the log rotation execute the commands below within a Windchill Shell (substitute <Apache_Home> with the directory where Apache / PTC HTTPServer is installed):
    • ​cd <APACHE_HOME>
      ant -f config.xml reconfigure -DRotateLogs=false
    • Apache restart is required after this change

