Elasticsearch rollover API
Rollover API | Elasticsearch Guide [8.13] | Elastic
# PUT <my-index-{now/d}-000001>
PUT %3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D-000001%3E
"aliases": {
"my-alias": {
"is_write_index": true
如果大家对于上面的字符串 “%3Clogs-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D-1%3E” 比较陌生的话,可以参考网站 URL Encode Online | URLEncoder。实际上它就是字符串 “<logs-{now/d}-1>” 的url编码形式。请注意上面的 is_write_index 必须设置为 true
The following request only rolls over the alias if the current write index meets one or more of the following conditions:
- The index was created 7 or more days ago.
- The index contains 1,000 or more documents.
- The index’s largest primary shard is 50GB or larger.
POST /log_alias/_rollover
"conditions": {
"max_age": "7d", 时间超过7天
"max_docs": "2", doc条数超过2条
"max_size": "5gb" 大小超过5G
"acknowledged": true,
"shards_acknowledged": true,
"old_index": "my-index-2099.05.06-000001",
"new_index": "my-index-2099.05.07-000002",
"rolled_over": true,
"dry_run": false,
"lazy": false,
"conditions": {
"[max_age: 7d]": false,
"[max_docs: 1000]": true,
"[max_primary_shard_size: 50gb]": false,
"[max_primary_shard_docs: 2000]": false
PUT log_alias/doc/1
"message": "a dummy log"
PUT log_alias/doc/2
"message": "a dummy log"
GET _cat/indices/logs-2020.09.21*