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Just as a building requires a blueprint to define its structure and specifications, a Flutter project relies on configuration files to define various settings and behaviors. These configuration files play a crucial role in shaping your app and enabling it to interact with the underlying platforms. Let’s explore the following important configuration files you’ll encounter in a Flutter project:



Consider this file the project’s manifest. It is written in YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) and defines the dependencies, assets, metadata, and other specifications for your Flutter app. In real-life terms, think of it as the ingredients list and recipe for your app. You specify the external packages your app requires, any custom assets to include, as well as the app’s name, version, and other metadata.

将此文件视为项目的清单。它是用YAML (Yet Another Markup Language)编写的,定义了你的Flutter应用程序的依赖关系、资产、元数据和其他规范。在现实生活中,可以把它想象成你应用程序的成分列表和配方。你指定应用程序需要的外部包,包括任何自定义资产,以及应用程序的名称、版本和其他元数据。


This file is specific to Android development and resides within the android/app directory. It is an XML file that provides essential information about your app to the Android operating system. It includes details such as the app’s package name, permissions, activity declarations, and so on. In real-life terms, consider it as the detailed plan that tells the Android system how your app should be presented and behave.

这个文件是专门针对Android开发的,位于“Android /app”目录下。它是一个XML文件,向Android操作系统提供有关应用程序的基本信息。它包括应用程序的包名、权限、活动声明等细节。在现实生活中,可以把它看作是告诉Android系统你的应用应该如何呈现和表现的详细计划。


This file is specific to iOS development and resides within the ios/Runner directory. It is a property list file in XML format that contains configuration details for your app on the iOS platform. It includes information such as the app’s bundle identifier, supported device orientations, background modes, and so on. In real-life terms, think of it as a document that provides instructions to the iOS system about your app’s characteristics and capabilities.

该文件是针对iOS开发的,位于“iOS /Runner”目录中。它是一个XML格式的属性列表文件,包含iOS平台上应用程序的配置细节。它包括诸如应用的bundle标识符、支持的设备方向、后台模式等信息。在现实生活中,你可以将其视为向iOS系统提供有关应用特性和功能的说明的文件。

These configuration files allow you to define crucial aspects of your app, such as its dependencies, assets, permissions, and platform-specific settings. Understanding and customizing these files according to your app’s requirements is essential for a successful Flutter project.


In addition to these configuration files, you may also encounter other platform-specific files within the android and ios directories, such as build.gradle for Android or Podfile for iOS. These files enable you to customize various aspects of your app’s behavior on each platform.


As you embark on your Flutter journey, familiarize yourself with these configuration files and their role in shaping your app. Just as a well-designed blueprint ensures a successful construction project, these configuration files pave the way for a robust and functional Flutter app.



This file serves as the entry point to your Flutter app. It contains the main function, which is the starting point of your app’s execution. In this file, you’ll define the root widget of your app, which represents the user interface and structure of your application. Think of main.dart as the front door to your app, where everything begins.



We’ve mentioned this file before in the section on configuration files. In addition to specifying dependencies and assets, the pubspec.yaml file also manages Flutter SDK versions, provides additional metadata about your app, and allows you to define scripts and other project-specific configurations. This file acts as a central hub for managing your app’s dependencies and other project-related settings.

我们之前在配置文件一节中提到过这个文件。除了指定依赖项和资产之外,`pubspec.yaml '文件还管理Flutter SDK版本,提供有关应用程序的额外元数据,并允许您定义脚本和其他特定于项目的配置。该文件作为管理应用程序依赖项和其他项目相关设置的中心枢纽。


These files are platform-specific and are used to configure and customize your app’s behavior on each platform. The build.gradle file is located in the android/app directory, while the Podfile resides in the ios directory. These files allow you to define additional dependencies, configure build settings, specify version requirements, and perform various platformspecific configurations.

这些文件是特定于平台的,用于配置和定制应用在每个平台上的行为。“build.gradle ‘文件位于’ android/app ‘目录,而’ Podfile ‘文件位于’ ios '目录。这些文件允许您定义额外的依赖项、配置构建设置、指定版本需求以及执行各种特定于平台的配置。

AppDelegate.swift 和 MainActivity.kt

These files are platform-specific entry points for your Flutter app on iOS and Android, respectively. They provide a bridge between the Flutter framework and the platform-specific code. In these files, you can handle platform-specific initialization tasks, configure plugins, and set up specific behaviors or features for each platform.


These are just a few of the important files you’ll often encounter in a Flutter project. Each file plays a vital role in the development, functionality, and customization of your app.


