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准则 1:能扩展则充分扩展,不能扩展则自信停下。

很多同学担心自己在 Part1说的太多,被考官打断,会影响分数。其实不会的。



准则 2:扩展答案的时候可以采取在说出答案之后再给出原因的方式,也可以给出与答案有关的更多细节。

如说完 I’m quite into music 之后可以说自己为什么喜欢 music,也可以说自己喜欢什么类型的 music、最喜欢的歌手是谁、多久听一次 music 等。


准则 3:回答时要给出完整的句子,而不是蹦词。

如,问题是How many people are there in your family? 回答:Three people.

这是不好的回答,最好说:Well, there are three people in my family, my parents and me.

准则 4:Part1是考生与考官的一问一答,有一点 conversation(对话)的感觉,所以我们建议考生在沟通中一定要自然、轻松,就像在酒吧和朋友聊天一样。

可以偶尔使用填充词um、well、you know、I mean 等,也可以偶尔向考官承认自己没有想法、需要一点时间思考。

比如: Um, well, I have no idea what to say. This is a little embarrassing.

或者:I haven’t thought about it before. let me see.

还可以说: Why do I like shopping? Um, well, I guess it’s because…

准则 5:尽量使用口语化、生活化的语言,少用大词难词。



方法 2:学习本章 Part1例题的范例答案,积累词汇、句型、连接性表达。

方法 3:听范例答案录音,改善发音;反复朗读范例答案,提高语感,并在此过程中掌握 Part1回答逻辑。

方法 4:在“学为贵雅思”app 找到当季的 Part1题库,按照题库练习答题。

方法 5:自己练习 Part1题目时均以录音的方式进行



方法 6:找一个同样在准备雅思考试或英语口语较好的同学协助自己练习。




Work or study(必考)

Are you a student or do you have a job?
Do you like your job?
Why did you choose this job?
Do you plan to change jobs in the future?
Why did you choose this major?
What are you going to do after you finish your studies?
词汇 Key Words
work as…做……的工作
I’m in charge of…=I’m responsible for…=My responsibilities include… 我负责……
stressful adi.给人很大压力的
stress-free 没有压力的
a demanding job 一份要求很高的工作
a rewarding job 一份有意义的/令人满意的工作
a mind-numbing job一份超级无聊的工作
a well-paid job 一份薪水高的工作
a low-paying job一份薪水低的工作
a dead-end job一份没有出路的工作
work overtime加班
a nine-to-fve job 一份朝九晚五的工作
clock in 打卡上班
clock out打卡下班
the pay 工资(=the salary)
satisfying adj. 令人满意的
be satisfed with sth.对……感到满意
study overseas 出国学习(=study abroad)
further my studies overseas/abroad 出国继续我的学业
competitive adj.有竞争力
in the job market 在工作市场上
a natural option 一个很自然的选择
dream job 梦想的工作
pursue a career in advertising追求在广告业的职业生涯
good job security 好的工作保障
creative adj.有创造力的
imaginative adj. 有想象力的
do badly 做得不好
somewhat adj.有点(=a little)
be related to sth.和……有关系
competitive edge 竞争优势
job applicant 工作申请者(=job candidate)
apply for ajob 申请工作
a job opening 一个工作空缺(需要新的员工)
be fired = be sacked =be given the boot被开除
call for 需要(=require)
expertise n.专业技能


Tell me something about your hometown.
Is that a big city or a small place?
What do you like most about your hometown?
Is there anything you dislike about it?
Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
词汇 Key Words
a city with a lot of history有悠久历史的城市(=a historical city= an ancient city)
a historic site = a place of historical importance古迹
we have a history of…years 我们有…年的历史
date back to…years ago 可以追溯到……年前
myriad adj.很多(=tons of=loads of= many)
mausoleum n.陵墓
Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑
be popular with sb.在…中间很流行
sth. is getting more and more popular =sth. is becoming/getting increasingly popular = sth. is growing in popularity……越来越流行
high-rise n.高楼大厦
skyscraper 摩天大楼
shopping mall 商场
department store 百货大楼
boutique 精品店
office building 办公楼
apartment building 公寓楼
spring up 迅速出现
develop rapidly= develop at a fast pace/speed很快地发展
as a matter of fact 事实上(=in fact=actually)
if l had to pick a favourite,l’d say…如果我必须得选一个最喜欢的话,我觉得……
nationwide adv.在全国范围内
all over the country在全国
worldwide 在世界范围内
all over the world 在全世界
be seen as 被当作,被看作(=be considered as = be regarded as)
incredibly adv 非常地(=extremely=super=very)
palatable adj. 好吃的,美味的(=tasty=scrumptious=luscious =delicious)
bumper-to-bumper adj.(交通)很拥堵的
be stuck in traffic = be/get caught up in traffic 堵在路上
drive sb. up the wall = get under sb.'s skin令某人很不爽
I can’t stand sth,我不能忍受……
I’m tired of sth.我厌烦了…
a huge population 很大的人口数量
be densely populated 人口密度大
traffic regulations 交通规则
chaos n.混乱
come up with 想出
tackle the problem解决问题(=solve the problem)
certain adj.确定的(=sure)


Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?

“House”、“flat” 和 “apartment” 这三个词都与住宅有关,但有些细微的差别:

  1. House(房子)

    • 通常指的是独立的住宅,四周没有与其他住宅相连的墙壁。
    • 房子一般拥有自己的入口和围绕房屋的空地,如花园或庭院。
    • 房子可能是单层或多层的。
  2. Flat(公寓)

    • 这个词在英国英语中更常用,美国英语中常说 “apartment”。
    • 指的是在多户建筑中的一套住宅,通常有多套住宅共用一个建筑。
    • 公寓通常位于一座楼内,有公共的入口和楼梯或电梯。
  3. Apartment(公寓)

    • 与 “flat” 相似,主要是美国英语中的用词。
    • 同样指在多户建筑中的一套住宅,拥有共用的入口和楼梯或电梯。
    • 也可以用于指代比较高端的住宅类型,如 “luxury apartment”(豪华公寓)。

总的来说,“house” 强调的是独立性和空间,而 “flat” 和 “apartment” 强调的是集中和共享的住宅形式。

Can you tell me something about your flat/apartment?
Which part of your home do you like the most?
Do you plan to live there for a long time?
词汇 Key Words
in an apartment 在一间公寓里(注意冠词用an)
housing prices are sky-high 房价极高
housing prices have gone through the roof 房价突破天际
can’t afford to do sth. 买不起……
stargazing n. 观星(看星星)
stargazer 观星者
quite a few 很多 (= many)
relaxing adj. 令人放松的
relaxed 感到放松的
Reading is relaxing. Reading makes me relaxed. 读书是放松的。读书让我感到放松。
dig v. 喜欢…… (= adore = have a penchant for = be quite into = like)
expert n. 专家
a short amount of time 很短的时间
I’m convinced that 我确信…… (= I bet = I believe = I’m sure = I’m certain)
for many years to come 在未来很多年(相当于in the next few decades)

“for many years to come” 通常用于指一个较长的未来时间段,可以是几十年,也可能更久,用来强调某件事、某种趋势或技术的长期影响或持续性。


This revolutionary technology will influence the industry for many years to come.

I don’t see any reason why… 我不觉得有(做……)的原因

短语 “I don’t see any reason why…” 在中文中可以译为“我不觉得有……的原因”,用于表达说话者无法找到支持某一行为或观点的合理理由。这个表达通常用来表达怀疑或否定某个观点或行为的合理性。


I don’t see any reason why we should delay the project; everything is ready to proceed.

Fruits and vegetables

What kind of fruit do you like?
Did you like to eat firuit when you were a child?
Is it important to eat fruit?
词汇 Key Words
durian n. 榴莲
pomelo n. 柚子
tangerine n. 橘子
cherry n. 樱桃
kiwi fruit n. 猕猴桃
grape n. 葡萄
luscious adj. 美味的, 可口的(=delicious = palatable = scrumptious)
peel v. 剥皮 n. 果皮
when I was growing up 在我小时候(=when I was a child =When I was young)
snack on something 吃零食
wolf down sth. 狼吞虎咽地吃…
sth. is part and parcel of my life….…是我生活中非常重要的一部分
be rich in… 含有丰富的…
be high/low in sth. ……含量高/低
vitamins n. 维生素
nutrient n. 营养物质
nutritious 有营养的
do good to people’s health 对人身体有益
vital adj. 非常重要的(=important =essential =significant = be of great importance 非常重要


How did you come here today and why did you choose that?
What forms of transport do you usually use?
Is it convenient to take a bus in your city?
Is driving popular in your country?
词汇 Key Words
reliable adj. 可靠的
trustworthy 可信任的
get somewhere on time 准时到某地
be late to/for… 迟到
be running late 要迟到了

I’m running late for the meeting; I’ll be there in 10 minutes, sorry for the inconvenience.

take a taxi 坐出租车(=take a cab 坐出租车)
hail a cab 打手势叫出租车
call a cab 叫出租车
not too bad 不太坏
it’s OK = it’s alright 还可以
it’s awesome = it’s incredible = it’s amazing = it’s fantastic 很棒
an important part of my life 我生活中重要的一部分(= an essential part of my life = play a crucial role in my life = part and parcel of my life 我生活中必不可少的一部分
roughly adv. 大约; 大致(=about=approximately)
popular adj. 流行的(= well-liked = enjoy great popularity)
it’s getting more and more popular = it’s getting increasingly popular 越来越流行
more and more people = an increasing number of people 越来越多的人
living standard 生活水平
awful adj. 糟糕的(= terrible = dreadful = lousy)

Bus or taxi

Hou often do you take the bus?
When was the first time you took a taxi?
What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared to taking the bus?
词汇 Key Words
once in a few months 几个月一次
rarely = seldom = hardly ever 很少

We hardly ever have time.

once in a blue moon 很少;难得地

短语“once in a blue moon”用来形容某件事发生的频率非常低,几乎很少发生。这个表达源于“蓝月亮”这个天文现象的稀有性,蓝月亮指的是在一个月历月份内出现两次满月,第二次满月就被称为蓝月亮。因为这种情况比较罕见,所以用“once in a blue moon”来形容极其罕见的事件或行为。例如,如果某人很少访问家人,你可以说他们“once in a blue moon”回家。

That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon.

most of the time 大部分时间
commute v. 通勤

Chinese designers believe it might change the way people commute to work.

no traffic 没有拥堵
bumper-to-bumper traffic 非常拥挤的交通
the traffic is all tied up 交通很拥堵

tied up adj. 忙得不可开交的;不得闲的;正在使用的;

be stuck/caught up in traffic 堵在路上
aquarium n. 水族馆
since conj. 由于
hail a cab 打手势叫出租车
privacy n. 隐私


When do you listen to music?
How much do you spend listening to music every day?
What kinds of music do you listen to?
Have you ever been to a concert before?
词汇 Key Words
an essential part of my life 我生活中不可缺少的一部分(= an integral part of my life = an indispensable part of my life)
have my earphones on 戴着耳机
pass the time 打发时间
add sth. up 把……相加

Please add up the expenses for this month so we can review our budget.

I’m a huge fan of 我非常喜欢……(= I’m crazy about = I’m quite into = I really like = I adore)
down in the dumps 沮丧;伤心

After losing the championship game, he was really down in the dumps.

therapeutic adj. 治疗的
tons of 很多(= many = multiple)
a household name 家喻户晓的人
famous = well-known = renowned 有名的
have the time of one’s life 玩得很开心(= have a ball = have a blast 玩得很开心)


What kinds of physical exercise do you like?
  1. “What kinds of physical exercise do you like?” 询问你喜欢哪些类型的体育运动。
  2. “What kinds of physical exercises do you like?” 这句话也是询问你喜欢哪些类型的体育运动,但这里的“exercises”可能强调不同的具体运动。
  3. “What kind of physical exercise do you like?” 询问你喜欢哪一种类型的体育运动。
  4. “What kind of physical exercises do you like?” 这句话询问你喜欢哪一种体育运动的不同具体形式。


Do you think children should do sports regularly?
What was your favourite sport when you were young?
What kinds of sports are popular in China?
词汇 Key Words
work out 运动 (= do exercise = take exercise)
hit the gym 在健身房运动 (= go to the gym = work out at the gym)
run on the treadmill 在跑步机上跑步
lift weights 举重
a gym rat 常常去健身房的人
work up a sweat 大汗淋漓,汗流浃背

“After a 30-minute run, I really worked up a sweat.”

there is no doubt 毫无疑问
without a doubt 毫无疑问

“Without a doubt, she is the best candidate for the job.”

absolutely = definitely = totally 绝对,一定
play a vital role in… 在…中扮演重要角色
vital = crucial = essential = very important 至关重要的
lead/live a…life 过一种…的生活
sedentary 久坐的,缺乏锻炼的
on a regular basis 经常; 定期 (=regularly)

“He visits his grandparents on a regular basis to make sure they have everything they need.”

on a daily basis = every day 每天
participate in sth. 参加… (= take part in sth.)
a good opportunity to bond (with) 一个培养感情的好机会

“Going on a family vacation is always a good opportunity to bond with each other.”

jam-packed adj.拥挤的
lane n.车道、泳道

“Please make sure to stay in your lane while driving on the highway.”


How often do you meet your family?
How do you spend time with your family?
Do you want to live with your family in the future?
Hou has your family influenced you?
词汇 Key Words
my folks 我的家人 (= my family members)
my parents’ 我父母家 (= my parents’ place)

“I left my bag at my parents’ last night.”

hang out 待着;玩 [= chill (out) with sb.]
gab 闲聊 (= chat)
treasure 珍惜
precious 宝贵的
quality time 美好时光
sooner or later 迟早
get hitched 结婚 (= tie the knot = get married)

They already have two children, so why get hitched?

anytime soon 在不久的将来 (= in the near future)
in various ways 在很多方面
the first…that comes to mind 第一个出现在我脑海中的…
off the top of my head 我的第一反应是,我立刻想到的是
have a positive outlook on life 有一个积极的人生态度
have a positive frame of mind 心态积极
sb. is a glass-half-full kind of person 某人是个乐观的人

对应的 glass-half-empty 这个表达用来描述一个人倾向于看到情况中的消极面,而不是积极面。

an optimist 一个乐观主义者
a pessimist 一个悲观主义者
bother sb. 使某人烦恼
over the years, I have… 过去多年来,我…

“Over the years, I have come to appreciate the small moments of joy that everyday life offers.”


take it easy 放松;从容
give a shout-out to sb. 向某人大声致谢


Do you have many friends?
Do you remember your friends in primary school?
How do you make friends?
Do you like chatting with friends online?
词汇 Key Words
a people person 善于社交的人
sociable 善交 / 善长社交的 / 合群的
socialise v 社交
meet up with… 和某人见面聚会

在日常英语中,“meet sb”、“meet up with sb”和“meet with sb”这三个短语虽然都涉及“见面”的意思,但在使用中略有差别:

  1. meet sb (见某人): 这是最常见的用法,指与某人见面,可以是计划中的也可以是偶然的。这种表达通常不强调见面的具体目的或活动。

    • 例句:I will meet John at the coffee shop.
  2. meet up with sb (和某人见面): 这个短语通常用于非正式的情境,强调的是与朋友或熟人的社交聚会,通常是休闲的聚会。

    • 例句:Let’s meet up with some friends for dinner tonight.
  3. meet with sb (与某人会面): 这种用法通常用于更正式或具有特定目的的情境,如商务、咨询或讨论特定事务。

    • 例句:She will meet with her supervisor to discuss the project details.

总结来说,“meet sb”是最广泛的用法,可以用于任何见面的情景;“meet up with sb”通常用于社交或休闲的聚会;而“meet with sb”则多用于具有明确目的的正式会议。

throw a party 举行派对
a party animal = an avid party-goer 喜欢派对的人
can’t live without… 不能没有…
it’s been so long 已经好久了 (= it’s been a long time = it’s been ages)
back then 那个时候
be in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系
keep in touch with sb. = stay in touch with sb. 和…保持联系
lose touch with sb. 和…失去联系
get back in touch with sb. 和…恢复联系
hang out together 一起玩;一起待着
reminisce about sth. 回忆…
fond memories 美好的回忆
a bookworm 喜欢读书的人(书迷、书虫) (= an avid book reader)
soon after… 在…不久之后
emoji 表情符号(网络)
impersonal adj. 缺乏人情味的;客观的
in the flesh 当面 (= in person)


What kind of teachers do you like best?
Who was your favourite teacher when you were young?
Would you want to be a teacher in the future?
Have you ever had bad teachers before?
词汇 Key Words
good-looking adj. 长得好看的
gorgeous = pretty = beautiful 漂亮的
attract v. 吸引
be attractive 有吸引力的
be attracted by sb. 被某人吸引
sth. is appealing / absorbing / fascinating / gripping (书、电影、节目等) 有吸引力
pay attention 集中注意力
focus on sth. = concentrate on sth. 关注……;集中注意力于……
be absent-minded 心不在焉的
lead to sth. 造成;引起…… (= give rise to sth.)
academic performance 学习成绩;学术成就
a sense of humour 幽默感
a good/keen sense of humour 很强的幽默感
funny = hilarious = hysterical 滑稽的,搞笑的
crack up 发笑(笑破肚皮)
crack sb. up 令某人发笑
laugh my head off 开怀大笑(笑得头掉了?)
double over with laughter 大笑不止

“Every time Jerry told his joke about the talking dog, the entire room would double over with laughter.”

knowledgeable adj. 知识丰富的 (= well-read [注意读“ruai de”])
a walking encyclopedia 无所不知的人 (行走的百科全书)
look up to sb. 尊敬某人 (= respect sb.)
sth. is too much responsibility (for sb.)做……责任重大

“Managing the entire project alone is too much responsibility for just one person.”

so heavy a burden on me 对我来说是很重大的负担
be capable of doing sth. 有能力做某事 (= be able to do sth.)
an exaggeration 夸张;言过其实
a few 一些
dull adj. 无聊的 (= boring = mind-numbing = a drag)

在日常英语中,“a drag”这个短语通常用来形容某事或某人非常无聊、烦人或麻烦,让人感到不愉快或困扰。它可以用来描述枯燥的事件、令人不悦的任务或使人精疲力竭的情况。

例如,如果某个活动非常无聊,你可能会说:“That lecture was such a drag.”(那个讲座真是无聊透顶。)

hit me in the butt 打我屁股


Do you like sunny days?
Do you want to go to a place with a lot of sunshine in the future?
Are there any technologies with sun nowadays?
词汇 Key Words
sunny days 晴天
on sunny days 在晴天 (注意介词 on 的用法,如:on a sunny day, on my birthday, on Valentine’s Day 等)
delighted adj. 开心的 (= happy = in a good mood)
over the moon [跳过月亮] = on cloud nine [身处九重云上] = tickled pink [高兴得脸红] 高兴开心的

这些表达方式"over the moon"(高兴得像跳过月亮)、“on cloud nine”(身处九重云上)、和"tickled pink"(高兴得脸红)都是用来形容极度快乐或兴奋的生动说法。以下是每个表达的起源及其与快乐关联的原因解析:

  1. Over the Moon:这个短语可能来源于儿歌《Hey Diddle Diddle》,其中有"the cow jumped over the moon"(奶牛跳过月亮)。时间久了,这个表达用来描述极端的快乐和愉悦状态,可能暗示一个人快乐到仿佛能跳过月亮。
    “She was over the moon when she received the scholarship to study abroad.”

  2. On Cloud Nine:这个成语的起源不太清楚,但通常与1950年代美国天气局对云的分类有关,在此分类中,“九号云”(cloud nine)被定义为能达到十公里高的积雨云,通常与雷暴等强烈天气现象相关。身处“九号云”暗示处于极度幸福的顶峰,就像是站在最高的云端。
    “After his proposal was accepted, he was on cloud nine for days.”

  3. Tickled Pink:这个表达直接引用了当人极度开心或满意时皮肤真实发红的现象,就像被挠痒时会脸红一样。后来,这个词转变为比喻用法,来描述某人对某事感到非常高兴或满意。
    “He was tickled pink by the surprise party his friends threw for him.”

long to do sth. 渴望做某事 (= want to do sth. = dream of doing sth. = have an itch to do sth.)


solar energy 太阳能
sustainable adj. 可持续的
sustainable development 可持续发展
environmentally friendly 环境友好型
green 环保的,保护环境的
lead a green lifestyle 过环保的生活

“By cycling to work and recycling all her waste, she strives to lead a green lifestyle.”

major tech company 大科技公司
seek to do sth. 试图做某事

Rainy days

Does it rain much in China?
Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?
In what month does it rain most in your hometown?
Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?
词汇 Key Words
frequently adv. 频繁地
occasionally = from time to time 偶尔
rain heavily/strongly 下大雨
get a lot of rain 经常下雨

“During the monsoon season, this region tends to get a lot of rain, causing frequent floods.”

rainfall 降雨量
pour 下大雨

“As soon as we started the picnic, it poured, ruining our plans.”

a downpour 大雨
spit 下小雨
drizzle 下毛毛雨
all in all 总而言之
if I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话(= if my memory serves me correctly = if memory serves)
nonstop adv. 不停地
5 hours in a row 连续五小时

in a row是连续的意思

be flooding 被淹没
drown v. 淹死
a nightmare 恶梦


Who taught you to be polite?
Hou do Chinese people show politeness?
What rules of politeness have changed in China?
词汇 Key Words
polite adj.有礼貌的(=well-mannered)
respectful 尊敬的,表示敬意的
ill-mannered 不礼貌的
if memory serves 如果我没记错的话(=if I remember correctly)
my memory’s a bit vague/sketchy 我的记忆有点模糊了
I have a memory like a sieve 我的记忆力很差(像筛子/漏勺一样)
it’s been a long time 已经好久了
particularly important 尤其重要
tell sb. off 责备/斥责某人(尤其是孩子)
tricky adj.困难的(=tough = difficult)
in a fraction of the time 在很短的时间内
come to mind 被想到
more or less 差不多

The project was completed on time, more or less.

in the past 在过去(=before)


How often do you look in the mirror every day?
Have you ever bought mirrors?
Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?
词汇 Key Words
multiple adj.很多(=many = tons of = loads of)
for sure 肯定;毫无疑问地

He will win the competition, for sure.

(every) once in a while 偶尔

I go to the cinema every once in a while.

pull out 掏出来
a piece of furniture 一件家具
a set of furniture 一套家具
furniture 家具(不可数名词)
refurbish v. 重新装修
dirt-cheap adj. 超级便宜的
pricey = costly = expensive = cost a lot of dough = cost an arm and a leg 非常昂贵的

短语 “cost a lot of dough” 中的 “dough” 是美国俚语中的一个词,意思是“钱”。这种说法将“面团”比喻为金钱,这个比喻可能源自于早期的美国或英国俚语,其中“面团”因其通用性和基本需求性而被用作金钱的隐喻。


suit sth. 适合…
be seen as 被看作;被当作(=be considered as)


Do you like reading newspapers?
Do you like to get news from the Internet or from newspapers?(你更喜欢从互联网上获取新闻,还是从报纸上获取新闻?)
What kind of news do you like to read or watch?
Do you like domestic news or international news?
词汇 Key Words
be considered (to be) 被认为是…(=be regarded as = be seen as)
on a daily basis 每天(=every day)
my main source of information 我的主要信息来源
install an app 安装一个应用
allow me to do sth. 使我能够做某事(=enable me to do sth.)
get updated on sth. 了解…的最新消息
what is going on in the world 世界上正在发生什么(=what is happening in the world)
preference 偏好,偏爱
appeal to me 吸引我(=attract me)
lighthearted adj. 轻松的,不严肃的
serious 严肃的
unwind v. 放松(=relax = reduce stress = loosen up)
relevant 相关的
soar v. 高涨
sky-high 极高的

Letters or emails

Do you write many letters or emails? Do you prefer to write letters by hand or using a computer?

注意:"prefer to do"更倾向于表达具体情境下的选择,而"prefer doing"则更强调对活动本身的持续偏好。

Who do you usually write to?
What are the diferences between writing a letter and writing an email?
词汇 Key Words
much faster 快得多(=a lot faster)
a lot more convenient = much more convenient 方便得多
envelope 信封
stamp 邮票
postcard 明信片
write back to me 给我回信
call me back 给我回电话
(every) once in a while 偶尔,有时(=from time to time = occasionally)
in addition to 除了…之外
“除此之外” 还有译为:in addition = additionally = plus = on top of that [最重要的是] = furthermore
set times (for)……定时间

We set times for regular team meetings to ensure everyone can attend.


Do you read magazines?
Did you read magazines when you were young?
Do younger people or older people prefer to read magazines?
What kinds of magazines are popular in your country?
词汇 Key Words
hardly ever 很少(=seldom)
do sth. once in a blue moon 很少,几乎不……
social media 社交媒体
social networking site 社交网站
the Chinese equivalent of sth. 中国的与……对等的事物

短语 “the Chinese equivalent of sth.” 意味着某样东西在中国文化或环境中的对等物或相似事物。这通常用来指出一个概念、产品、习惯等在中国的相应版本或相似现象。例如,如果说 “the Chinese equivalent of Twitter”,那就是指在中国具有类似功能和受众的社交媒体平台,比如微博。

much more 多了(= way more = a lot more)
learn what’s going on in the world 了解世界上正在发生什么
have the world at my fingertips 了解世界的最新消息

短语 “have the world at my fingertips” 意味着能够很容易地访问或掌握大量的信息、资源或技术。这通常用来描述通过现代技术,尤其是互联网,能够迅速获取全球范围内的信息或服务的能力。这个表达强调了信息的即时可达性和个人的连接能力,就如同通过简单的触摸或点击就能了解世界各地发生的事情一样。

free of charge 免费的
particularly 尤其(=especially)
be popular among/with 在……中很流行
popular = well-liked 受欢迎的
newsstand 报刊亭
be issued (报刊、杂志)出版,发行
weekly 每周一次
be into sth. 爱好…… (= be fond of sth. = like sth.)
have no idea 不知道;不了解 (= don’t know = have no clue)

“I have no idea why the meeting was canceled.”
Translation: “我不知道为什么会议被取消了。”

an old person…they 通常在不知道或没有明确表达性别的情况下,一个人也可以被称作 they

But it just seems like every time you see an old person read something, they’re very likely to be reading a newspaper.

be likely to do sth. 可能做某事
current affairs 时事
celebrity 名人
gossip about sb. 闲扯某人的八卦
gossipy 爱闲扯八卦的


How many hours do you sleep every day?
Is it necessary to take a nap every day?
Do old people sleep a lot?
Do you always have a good sleep?
词汇 Key Words
hit the sack 上床睡觉 (= hit the hay = go to bed = go to sleep)
a morning lark 早晨早起的人 (= a morning person)
a night owl 夜猫子
stay up late = burn the midnight oil 熬夜(到很晚)

短语 “burn the midnight oil” 用来形容熬夜到很晚工作或学习,字面意思是“烧掉午夜的油”。这个表达来源于过去人们使用油灯来照明的时代,而在晚上需要工作或学习时,他们需要燃烧更多的油来延长灯光的时间。这个短语便由此而来,传达了付出额外努力、牺牲睡眠时间来完成任务的意象。


necessary 非常重要的,必要的 (= very important = crucial = vital)
energetic 活力充沛的
full of beans 活力充沛的

短语 “full of beans” 在英语中用来形容一个人非常活跃、充满活力和热情。这个表达常用于描述那些看起来精力充沛、情绪高昂的人。

关于这个短语的来源,有几种解释。最常见的一种说法是,它源自马匹的饲养。在19世纪的英国和美国,人们相信给马匹喂食含有豆类的饲料可以使它们更有活力。因此,当一匹马表现出异常的活跃和精力时,人们会说它是“full of beans”,即充满了豆类带来的能量。


take a nap 小睡一会儿 (= have forty winks = take a power nap)

短语 “have forty winks” 是一个英语习语,用来描述短暂的小睡或打盹。这里的“forty winks”指的是快速地眨眼四十次,这样的比喻用来形容一段非常短暂的睡眠。尽管“四十”这个数字可能听起来很具体,但在这里它更多的是用来表示“一小会儿”的意思,而不是精确的时间或次数。

这个表达常用在需要描述休息一下,尤其是在疲惫时短暂补充精力的情境中。例如,在忙碌的工作日中,人们可能会利用午休时间“have forty winks”来帮助自己恢复精力。

“After the long meeting, I went back to my office to have forty winks before starting the next task.”

groggy 昏昏欲睡的 (= drowsy = sleepy)
get up 起床 (= get out of bed)
drag oneself out of bed 挣扎着起床
sleep like a baby 睡得很好
toss and turn 辗转反侧
nightmare 噩梦
fortunate 幸运的(= lucky)
unfortunate = unlucky 不幸运的


Do you often use maps?
Who taught you to use a map?
Have you asked someone for directions?
When was the first time you used a map?
词汇 Key Words
a good/bad sense of direction 好 / 差的方向感
can’t find my way 找不到路
can’t find my bearings 找不到自己的位置

bearing n.(罗盘的)方位

go abroad 出国 (= go overseas)
study abroad = study overseas 留学
I vaguely remember 我模糊地记得
my memory is a little vague = my memory is a little sketchy 我的记忆有点模糊了
it’s been so long = it’s been a long time = it’s been ages 已经很久了,已经好多年了
multiple 很多 (= many = tons of)


How ofen do you wear jewelry?
What’s your attitude towards jewelry?
What kind of jewelry do you like to buy?
Why do so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?
词汇 Key Words
jewelry 珠宝, 首饰(不可数名词)
a piece of jewelry 一件首饰
pendant 吊坠
stud 耳钉
pin 胸针
bangle 手镯
bracelet 手链
earrings 耳环
ring 戒指
wedding ring 结婚戒指
engagement ring 订婚戒指
for one 首先,第一
for another 其次,第二
preference 偏好,喜好
minimalist 简约的
the simpler, the better 越简单越好
see/consider sth. to be/as… 把…看作/认为是…
I’m quite into 我很喜欢 (= I really like = I have a penchant for = I’m a huge fan of)

penchant n. 嗜好;爱好;嗜爱;

check out 看看……
specially-designed 特别设计的
show off 炫耀

“He loves to show off his new car to his friends.”

social status 社会地位
wealth 财富
be rich = be wealthy = be affluent = be well-heeled 富有的
expensive 昂贵的 (= pricey = costly = cost a lot of dough)
pretty 漂亮的 (= beautiful = gorgeous)
take a lot of pride in sth. 为…感到骄傲


Do you do housework?
What kinds of housework do you dislike doing?
Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?
Do you think men and women should share housework?
词汇 Key Words
do housework 做家务[=do (household) chores]
help around the house 帮忙做家务
sweep the floor 扫地
mop the floor 拖地
vacuum the floor 吸尘器清洁地面
take out the trash 倒垃圾
make the bed 铺床
do/wash the dishes 洗盘子/洗碗
I’m not a fan of sth. 我不喜欢…(= l don’t like = sth. doesn’t appeal to me)
loathe v. 厌恶,非常讨厌(= detest = dislike very much)
physically demanding 耗费体力的(=exhausting = very tiring)
exhausted = worn-out = dead-beat = very tired 非常累/精疲力尽
time-consuming 耗费很多时间的
it takes…to do sth. 花费(多长时间)来做某事
dip my hands into cold water 把手浸在冷水里
rinse off the soap 冲洗掉香皂/肥皂沫
as a matter of fact 事实上(= in fact = actually)
pay me 付给我钱
a big sum of money 很大一笔钱
totally = absolutely = definitely 完全地
extremely important 非常重要的(=vital=crucial=necessary=essential)
quality time 美好时光;宝贵时光
me-time 一个人的美好时间

“After a busy week at work, I really look forward to some me-time over the weekend to unwind and do things I enjoy.”

“Over the weekend” 指的是在周末期间,通常涵盖从周五晚上到周日晚上的时间。这个短语用来描述在这段时间内发生的事情或计划进行的活动。跟“during the weekend”类似。

a good opportunity to bond = a good bonding opportunity 一个促进感情的好机会
bring us closer together 拉近我们的距离
get in a big fight (和某人)吵架


Do you like history?
Do you think history is important?
Do you like to watch programmes on TV about history?
What historical event do you fnd most interesting?
词汇 Key Words
have a penchant for 非常喜欢(= have a passion for = be a huge fan of = be crazy about = like very much)
check out a book 去图书馆借书
enjoyable 令人愉快的,令人享受的(= pleasurable)
be of great importance 非常重要的( = be vital = be crucial = be very important)
it allows sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事(=it enables sb. to do sth.)
intelligent 聪明的(= smart = wise)
knowledgeable = well-read 知识渊博的
well-spoken = articulate 能言善辩的,口才好的
learn lessons from the past 从过去学习、汲取知识
provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物(注意用with)
talking points 谈资
be filled with 充满…(= be full of)
credible 可信的(= believable)
incredible = unbelievable 难以置信的;非常棒的
tweak sth. 稍微调整…
in order to 为了
entertaining 有娱乐性的
so that 以便
the Renaissance 文艺复兴

“The Renaissance was a period of great intellectual growth and artistic achievement that began in Italy and spread throughout Europe.”

talented 有才华的
multi-talented 多才多艺的
a renaissance man 多才多艺的人;什么都精通的人
genius 天才(talent才能,genius是先天的,talent是后天的)
travel back in time 时光穿梭

Daily routine

What time of the day do you like the best?
What’s your favourite daily routine?
What’s the busiest part of the day for you?
What’s the difference between your daily routine now and that when you were a teenager?
词汇 Key Words
nuke sth. 用微波炉加热某物 = (heat sth. in the microwave)
make myself a cup of coffee 做一杯咖啡

Every morning, I make myself a cup of coffee to start my day off right.

start my day off right语法结构(Adverbial phrase (off right))

Adverbial phrase (off right): 这个短语是用来修饰动词“start”的,表明“开始”的方式。“Off” 在这里用作副词,通常与动词组合表示从一种状态转变到另一种状态,“right” 表示以正确或理想的方式进行这种转变。
详细说明一下“start my day off right”的语法结构:

  1. 动词 (start):这是整个短语的核心动作,表示开始某事。

  2. 宾语 (my day):这指明了是开始什么,这里是指“我的一天”。

  3. 副词短语 (off right):这个部分用来修饰动词“start”,其中“off”是一个副词,用来表达动作的开始,并且常常与描述状态或结果的形容词“right”(正确地)搭配,整体意思是以正确的方式开始。

整个短语是一个典型的动词短语,使用“动词 + 宾语 + 副词短语”的结构,用以描述以积极或正面的方式开始一天的情景。

a great pick-me-up 一种很棒的提神的东西
wake up 醒来
be bleary-eyed 因困倦而视线模糊的
latte 拿铁咖啡
Americano 美式咖啡
Cappuccino 卡布奇诺咖啡
peaceful adj. 安静的(=quiet = tranquil)
be asleep 睡着的
no distraction 没有干扰
get a lot of things done 做完很多事
efficient 有效率的
effective 有效果的
in a…way 以一种…的方式
prolong sth. 延长… ( = make sth. last longer)
be supposed to 应该
stress-buster 帮人减压的事物
get to do sth. 得以,能够做某事(需要做;必须做——取决于上下文)

After months of saving, I finally got to buy the laptop I wanted.

have a lot on my plate 非常忙碌 (= have my hands full = be swamped = be very busy)
mid-terms 期中考试

I need to start studying for my mid-terms next week to ensure I perform well.


finals 期末考试
sth. is approaching = sth. is coming up = sth. is around the corner 某事即将来临
the rest 剩余的…
all day long 一整天
all night long 一整晚
the whole day = the entire day 一整天
the only… that comes to mind 我唯一能想到的…是
be health-conscious 注意健康的
burn the midnight oil 熬夜到很晚 (= stay up late)


How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Do you think it’s important for people to celebrate birthdays?
Do people in China do anything special to celebrate birthdays?
Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?
词汇 Key Words
go out for dinner 出去吃饭
a top-notch restaurant = an upscale restaurant = a fancy restaurant 高档餐厅
candle-lit dinner 烛光晚餐
be taken aback 很惊讶
be surprised = be astonished 吃惊的
be tickled-pink 非常开心 (= be over the moon = be on cloud nine = be very happy)
primarily 主要地; 根本地
have a lot of fun 玩得很开心 (= have a great time = have a blast = have a ball = have a whale of a time)

“Have a ball” 和 “have a whale of a time” 都是英语俚语,用来形容非常开心和享受某个活动的状态。

  1. Have a ball - 这个表达源自于20世纪初的美国,意思是在某个活动中玩得非常开心。比如,如果你去了一个派对,玩得非常尽兴,你就可以说 “I had a ball at the party.”

  2. Have a whale of a time - 这个表达的意思也是非常享受和开心,但它包含了“非常大的、异常的”这层意思,因为“whale”(鲸鱼)是很大的动物。使用这个表达是想强调体验的乐趣大小,如 “We had a whale of a time at the amusement park.”

throw a birthday party 举办生日派对
chat 聊天 (= chew the fat = shoot the breeze)

“Chew the fat” 和 “shoot the breeze” 都是英语中的口语表达,用来描述随意、轻松地聊天。

  1. Chew the fat - 这个表达可能起源于早期水手之间的用语。传说中,水手们在航海期间,为了打发时间,会嚼食难以咀嚼的鲸脂或硬肉(bacon rind),同时进行闲聊。这个活动既耗时又需要细嚼慢咽,因此成为了描述长时间闲聊的一个形象比喻。

  2. Shoot the breeze - 这个短语源自20世纪初的美国,直译为“射击微风”,意味着说话就像是轻松地向微风开枪一样,不费力而且目的不在于结果,仅仅是为了消遣。这个表达强调的是聊天的轻松和无关紧要的性质。

catch up with sb. 和某人叙旧(赶上某人)

“Catch up with sb.” 确实有几个意思,其中最常见的两个是:

  1. 赶上某人 - 这个意思是指在某种竞争或行进中,从后面赶上前面的人或事物。例如,在跑步或学习进度上,如果你落后了,你可能需要努力“catch up with”其他人。

  2. 和某人聊天更新近况 - 在非正式的日常英语中,这个短语更常用来指与某人聚会或通话,更新彼此的生活和消息。这种用法强调的是在一段时间未见后,双方交流彼此的新近发生的事情,例如:“Let’s catch up over coffee”(我们一边喝咖啡一边聊聊近况)。

the way…的方式
be pretty similar to sth. 和…很类似(be not that different from sth.)
due to 由于 (= because of)
globalisation 全球化
a globalised world 全球化的世界
invasion 入侵
longevity noodles 长寿面
look forward to sth. 期待, 向往
stay young 保持年轻
key 关键的


Are there many advertisements in your country?
Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
How do you feel about advertisements?
词汇 Key Words
be bombarded by sth. 面对大量的……(或:be bombarded with sth.)

The little town was bombarded with enemy shells for a whole week.

在英语中,“be bombarded with”和“be bombarded by”这两种表达方式都是可接受的,但它们的侧重点略有不同。

  • Be bombarded with 通常用来强调被投掷或施加的事物的数量或种类。例如,“The town was bombarded with shells” 强调的是“炮弹”的数量和连续性。

  • Be bombarded by 则更倾向于强调行动的执行者。例如,“The town was bombarded by the enemy” 强调的是“敌人”这一行动的发起方。

在你给出的句子中,“The little town was bombarded with enemy shells for a whole week.”

advertisement 广告 (= advert = ad)
advertising 广告; 促销 (行为)
no matter where 无论何地 (= wherever)
no matter when = whenever 无论何时
no matter who = whoever 无论谁
no matter what = whatever 无论什么
loads of 很多 (= tons of = myriad = a large number of = a lot of)
make profits 盈利 (= make a profit)
earn money = make money 赚钱
be in the black 处于盈利状态(be in the dark处于黑暗中)

“Be in the black”通常用于描述一个公司、个人或任何经济实体的财务状况良好,即不欠债并且正在赚钱。这个表达源于会计的习惯,其中利润数字通常用黑色墨水记录,而亏损则用红色墨水。因此,“in the black”意味着财务上是正面的、盈利的。

这个短语与“be in the red”形成对比,后者表示亏损或负债的状况。

be in the red 处于亏损状态
potential customers 潜在的顾客
existence n. 存在
exist vi. 存在
sth. is available on the market 某物上市可购
make customers aware of the availability of a product 使顾客知道一种产品的存在
come out 出版; 发行; 上市 (= be released)
be good at 擅长; 精通了解 (= be an expert in/on/at)
fascinating 精彩的, 吸引人的 (= captivating = gripping = absorbing)
catch sb.'s attention = capture sb.'s attention 抓住某人的注意力
touching 感人的 (= moving)
creative = innovative 有创造力的
imaginative 有想象力的
the majority of 大多数的 (= most of)
incredibly 非常地 (= extremely = very)
annoying 烦人的, 讨厌的
make sb. annoyed 使某人烦恼
drive sb. up the wall (某事)让某人心烦意乱(使某人想要上墙)
get under sb.'s skin 令某人生气

“His constant whistling really gets under my skin; it’s so annoying when I’m trying to concentrate.”

“get under someone’s skin” 意思是某人或某事持续地、深刻地影响或激怒另一个人,通常是以一种令人不舒服或烦恼的方式。这个短语形象地描述了某种情感或行为像皮肤下的刺一样,使人难以忽视或去除。

take up a lot of time 占用很多时间
sth. is a bore = sth. is super boring 很无聊
all of a sudden 突然 (= suddenly)

“All of a sudden, the sky darkened and a loud thunderclap echoed through the valley.”

Time managemept

Hou do you manage your time?
Do you think young people manage their time in the same way as old people?
Are you ever late for anything?
What excuses do you use when you are late?
词汇 Key Words
tricky adj.困难的(= tough = hard)
sth. is no picnic = sth. is difficult 事情很难

“Organizing a large conference is no picnic; it requires careful planning and a lot of hard work.”

短语 “sth. is no picnic” 在英语中用来形容某件事情不容易做,意味着它很困难或者挑战性很大。这个表达是一个比较常见的说法。其来自于字面意义上的“野餐”(picnic),通常是一种轻松愉快的活动,所以当说“不是野餐”时,意味着与轻松愉快恰恰相反,是一件艰难的事。

sth. is a walk in the park = sth. is child’s play(小孩过家家) = sth. is easy 事情很简单
procrastinate v.拖延

Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do.

procrastination 拖延;拖延症
put sth. off = delay (doing) sth. 推迟做某事
at hand 在手边;即将到来

“Please focus on the task at hand instead of worrying about the future.”

move on to sth. 开始做另一件事
generally adv.总的来说(=by and large)

“By and large, the project has been a success, despite a few minor setbacks.”

electronic device 电子产品(=electronic item = electronic product)
a to-do list 待办事项列表
tablet n.平板电脑
laptop 笔记本电脑
constantly adv.不断地
be familiar with 熟悉
be no stranger to 对……熟悉;对……不陌生
be a stranger to 对……不熟悉;对……很陌生
within his reach 在他旁边/附近

“Success seemed within his reach after years of hard work.”

punctual adj.准时的
on time 准时
in time 及时
be late to/for 迟到
be running late 赶不上了
excuse n.理由
inexcusable 不可原谅的
come up with 想出(= think of)
make sth. up (make up sth.)捏造

“He decided to make up a story to explain his absence from the meeting.”

forgive me 原谅我
occasionally adv.偶尔


Have you ever travelled by boat?
Do you like boating?
Would you like to have your own boat?
Are boat trips popular in your country?
词汇 Key Words
go on a trip 去旅行
cruise 游轮
boat 可以表示“小船,小舟”,也可以泛指任何类型的船
take a boat, take a boat trip, go on a boat trip, go somewhere by boat, row a boat(划船)
along the Yangtze River 沿着长江
a few of 一些(= some of)

“Some of the students in the class have already finished their assignments.”

quite a few = many = a lot of 很多
last v.持续
by and large 总的来说(=on the whole =generally)
generally 通常
necessary 必要的
a must = a necessity 必需品
I can live without it 我没它也行
I can’t live without it 我不能没有它
sth. is an essential part of my life = sth. is an indispensable part of my life = sth. is part and parcel of my life 是我生活中非常重要的一部分
it would… if I could/did/were… 虚拟语气
wealthy 富裕的;富有的(= well-off = rich)
time-consuming 耗费时间的
form of transport 交通方式(= mode of transport 交通方式)

Computer and Internet

How often do you use the computer | Internet? Do you use the Internet very much?
What do you usually use your computer for? What kinds of computers are popular in China?
When was the first time you used the Internet? Who taught you how to use a computer?
Do you think the computer has changed your life a lot?
Is the Internet very important to you? Do you think you could live without the Internet?
词汇 Key Words
practically adv.基本上(= almost 几乎)
keep in touch with sb. 和某人保持联系(= stay in touch with sb.)
lose touch with sb. 和某人失去联系
get back in touch with sb. 重新和某人取得联系
bring sb. closer together 把彼此拉近,拉近人与人的距离
with a click of the mouse, we can… 轻点一下鼠标,我们就可以……(a可以换成one)
everything is just a click away 轻点一下鼠标,一切都能得到
the whole world is at your fingertips 世界就在你的指尖
stream music 在网上听音乐

“I love to stream music while I work because it helps me concentrate.”

online adv. 在线地 adj.在线的
my main form of income 我的主要收入来源
form of relaxation 放松方式
desktop (computer) 台式电脑
laptop (computer) 笔记本电脑
tablet 平板电脑
be regarded as 被视作(be considered as = be = be considered to be = be seen as)
portable adj.便携的
on his computer 在他的电脑上(注意这个短语应该翻译为“在他的电脑上运行”)

短语 “on his computer” 通常用来描述某事是在某人的电脑上进行的。这可以涉及到使用电脑软件、查看文件、上网等活动。
“He watched the tutorial on his computer to learn how to edit videos.”

pester sb. to do sth. 纠缠某人做某事
reluctant adj.不情愿的
give in 让步,妥协
sth. is good fun 某事 / 某物很有意思,很有趣(= sth. is very enjoyable/pleasurable 某事 / 某物非常愉快)
shatter sth. 打破……
depend on sth. 依赖……(= rely on sth. = count on sth. 依靠……)
I’m convinced that 我相信,我确定(I believe = I bet)
even more so 更会是这样(更甚,更为如此)

“Technology is important for modern businesses, and even more so for startups trying to establish themselves.”


Do you like to spend time with teenagers?
Do you know anything about the kind off fashion that teenagers like?
What are the best things about being a teenager?
How do teenagers entertain themselves?
词汇 Key Words
baggy adj.宽松的(=loose = fitting[合身的])
play a big part in sth. 在某事中扮演重要角色
hoodie 帽衫
pants 裤子
he looks cool this way 他这样看起来很酷
plus point 好处,利好(= advantage)

“One plus point of living in this city is the excellent public transport system.”

good point和plus point区别

“Good point” 通常用在强调对某个论点或意见的认同时,而 “plus point” 更多用于描述事物的具体优势或好处。


在讨论时,如果某人提出了一个合理的论点,你可能会说 “Good point.”
而在评估或描述某个产品、地点或方案时,提到其优点,你可能会使用 “plus point.”

ahead of sb. 在某人前面
fail at sth. 在某事上失败
at a young age 在年轻的时候
that path didn’t lead anywhere 那条路没有走通
aspire to do sth. 渴望做某事(= dream of sth.)
pursue a career in sth. 追求某领域的职业
extreme sports 极限运动
skateboarding 滑板运动
BMX 小轮车(Bicycle Motocross)
parkour 跑酷
exhilarating adj. 刺激的,令人激动的
give sb. an adrenalin rush 让某人心跳加速

Saving money

Did you save money when you were young?
When was the last time you saved money to buy something?
Have you ever given money to children?
Do you think parents should teach children to save money?
词汇 Key Words
as long as 只要
pricey 昂贵的(= costly = expensive)
dirt cheap 非常便宜的

短语 “dirt cheap” 的由来并非字面意义上与“脏”有关。这里的“dirt”用作形容词来强调“非常便宜”。在英语中,“dirt”作为形容词时通常指代“非常低廉的”,因为历史上泥土(dirt)被视为一种普遍且几乎无成本的物质,几乎不值钱。

所以,当你说某物是 “dirt cheap”,意思就是它非常便宜,几乎不花什么钱,类似于泥土一样容易得到。这个表达法在口语中非常常见,用于强调某物的价格低到出乎意料的程度。

sth. costs a fortune = sth. costs a pretty penny = sth. costs an arm and a leg 某物非常昂贵
scrimp and save 节衣缩食来储蓄(省吃俭用来攒钱)
save up 存钱
tighten my belt 勒紧裤腰带(攒钱)
on cloud nine 极其快乐的(in seventh heaven = happy as a clam = overjoyed = ecstatic 非常高兴
lucky money 压岁钱
red envelope 红包
vital 非常重要的(crucial = critical = necessary = very important)
deal with 处理;应对
monetary 金钱的

“The government’s monetary policy aims to control inflation and stabilize the economy.”

Part 2 回答九大准则

准则 1:考官并不关心考生是否按照顺序回答一道题目的四个小点,但是我们应该使用最简单的方法 – 从上到下逐点回答,每个小点单独扩展。

准则 2:把每一个小点看作一道 Part1题目,按照 Part1扩展方法来回答。

准则 3:尽量按照顺序回答四个小点,但是如果漏掉了一个,或者因为两分钟时间到了而没说到最后一点,并不会扣分。

准则 4:不好说的小点尽量少说,好说的小点可以充分扩展。通常,描述一件家具/一棵植物/一座建筑物等的外观较难回答,我们可以少说,花更多时间谈论与这一家具/植物/建筑物等有关的一次经历/故事。

准则 5:不同的题目可以进行嫁接。如“Describe a knowledgeable person”可以与“Describe a helpful person”进行嫁接。如果内容合适,也可以与非人物类题目进行嫁接,如“Describe a happy experience you had in your childhood”(小时候和爷爷聊天,爷爷教了我很多知识) 。答题之前的一分钟准备时间至关重要,考生应该在这一分钟内尽量写下足够多的关键词

准则 6:(尽量不要写词汇或句子)。考生在备考期间要不断练习做笔记。

准则 7:回答期间,没有必要永远和考官保持眼神沟通。考生可以不时低头看自己的题目和笔记。

准则 8:Part2回答结束后,考官通常会随意问一道与考生回答内容有关的题目。该题会非常简单,考生只需简单作答,无须扩展太多。

准则 9:本书中的 Part2素材是供大家学习逻辑思路、积累词汇句型用的,大家尽量不要直接背诵。考官能够判断考生是否在背诵答案。

Part 2练习方法

方法 1:熟练掌握“流利度”部分的逻辑扩展方法,把它运用到 Part2题目的小点扩展中。

方法 2:学习本章 Part2例题的范例答案,积累词汇、句型、连接性表达。

方法 3:听范例答案录音,改善发音;反复朗读范例答案,提高语感,并在此过程中掌握 Part 2回答逻辑。

方法 4:在“学为贵雅思”app 上找到当季 Part2题库,按照题库准备自己的答案。

方法 5:自己的答案可以写下来,然后朗读几遍,再练习回答;也可以写下一些关键词,然后对照关键词练习回答。练习回答时要给自己计时(Part2回答时间是1~2分钟,考生应尽量说够2分钟)并录音。答完一遍之后,听自己的回答,把听到的词汇、语法、逻辑、发音等方面的问题记下来,并思考可以把哪些词汇和句型替换成更地道的语言。再录遍、再听、再录、再听。每道题至少录音回答三次。

Part 2 范例答案(略)



Part 3 回答七大准则

准则 1:观点不重要,不要因为过多思考观点而迟迟不作答,要在考官问题问完之后,立刻张嘴说话。即使没有观点也要开始说英文,说出当时自己脑中出现的想法。

准则 2:可以先告诉考官“题目很难”“没有想过这个问题”等,然后对自己所表达的“题目很难”“没有想过”进行扩展 --为什么觉得题目难?为什么没有想过?事实上,当考生谈论这些内容的时候,同样是在讨论题目。

准则 3:如果没有听清、听懂考官的问题,考生应立刻提问,请考官重复或解释题目。考生可以说:“I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what…means." “I’m sorry, I don’t get what you mean by…” “Excuse me. Could you please repeat that?” “Excuse me. Would you please explain that a little bit? I don’t really understand.”等。

准则 4:考生在给出一个观点之后,应尽量对这个观点进行扩展,而非立刻罗列其他观点,给出第二个、第三个观点。若想扩展一个观点,可以解释自己提出这个观点的原因或用一个例子证明自己的观点等。

准则 5:在 Part3中给出的例子最好是社会化、大众化的例子。个人的例子也是可以的,但是不要在答案开始就立刻给出,也不要把个人的例子说得过长。


准则 7:Part3的很多题目与雅思写作 Task2的题目有很大的相似性,考生也可以通过写作范文积累 Part 3 题目的观点、句型和词汇。建议在备考雅思口语 Part3 时,搭配《雅思写作真经总纲》中的写作范文一起学习。

Part 3练习方法

方法 1:学习本章 Part3 例题的范例答案,积累词汇、句型、连接性表达。

方法 2:反复朗读《雅思写作真经总纲》中的写作范文,积累词汇、句型、连接性表达。

方法 3:用《雅思写作真经总纲》中的写作范文进行复述练习,提升口语水平。复述不是背诵复述内容无须和原文完全相同。

方法 4:听范例答案录音,改善发音;反复朗读范例答案,提高语感,并在此过程中掌握 Part 3回答逻辑。练习回答本章 Part3 例题,练习时均以录音的方式进行:给自己的回答录音,答完一遍

方法 5:之后,听自己的回答,把听到的词汇、语法、逻辑、发音等方面的问题记下来,并思考把哪些词汇和句型替换成更地道的语言。再录一遍、再听、再录、再听。每道题至少录音回答三次。

方法 6:找一个同样在准备雅思考试或英语口语较好的同学协助自己练习。让这位同学充当雅思考官的角色,提出问题,模拟雅思考试现场。

方法 7:由于Part3中出现的很多题目很可能是考官在现场根据考生的回答临时想出的,考生无法完全预测考试题目。建议大家关注学为贵老师在微博上分享的一些 Part3 题目。

Part 3范例答案(略)


下面,我们来学习一些 Part3 高分答案。在这些答案中,有一些是“正常逻辑”,即先给出观点、然后通过原因和例子扩展观点;有一些是“不正常逻辑”–在最开始无法给出观点,而是通过说出自己当时想法的方式与考官进行沟通、聊天,在后面给出了一些观点。



