自学内容网 自学内容网


alter table exam.score set schema new_schema;
alter table xxx rename to new_xxx;
alter table xxx rename constraint fk_1 to fk_2;

create table t02 (like t01 including default including constrains including indexes);
create table new_schema.studetlike (like exam.student including all);

select table_name,tablespace_name from dba_tables;

mkdir tbs01;
mkdir tbs02;
create tablespace tbs01 location '/home/kingbase/tbs01';
create tablespace tbs02 location '/home/kingbase/tbs02';
alter table exam.course set tablespace tbs01;
select table_name,tablespace_name from dba_tables t where t.table_name = 'COURSE';
alter table all in tablespace tbs01 set tablespace sys_default;

create table aaa (id char(1));
alter table aaa alter column id type int;
drop table if exists aaa;

create temporary table temp01(id int primary key,name text) on commit preserve rows;
create temporary table temp02(id int primary key,name text) on commit delete rows;
create temporary table temp02(id int primary key,name text) on commit drop;

