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Camtasia 2024 (v24.0.4.2964.0)中文破解版

TechSmith Camtasia 2024中文破解版是一款屏幕录像软件及视频编辑软件.Camtasia2024高清录屏软件与视频创作软件套装包含了:捕获屏幕录制,视频剪辑和视频编辑,视频录音配音,视频菜单创作,视频剧场等功能.

Camtasia 2024是一款强大的视频编辑和屏幕录制软件,专为教育者、企业用户和视频创作者设计。它结合了直观的用户界面和先进的功能,使用户能够轻松创建、编辑和分享高质量的视频内容。

它含有多轨道视频编辑、高级视频效果、交互式视频、屏幕录制功能、视频模板、音频编辑等多个功能,Camtasia 2024包含对现有功能的改进,以及新的创新特性,例如改进的用户界面、更高效的工作流程和更强大的视频处理能力。

在兼容性方面,Camtasia 2024通常兼容最新版本的Windows和Mac OS系统,确保用户能够在现代计算机环境中顺畅使用。它提供了强大的工具和灵活性,帮助用户制作出高质量的视频内容,满足不同的创作需求。

 Camtasia 2024 安装步骤

Camtasia Studio 2024 win-安装包: https://souurl.cn/CwBbs7

Camtasia Studio 2024 mac-安装包:https://souurl.cn/NslQis

TechSmith Camtasia 24.Patch链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_2GiPqahE0jOdBffpeG72w 提取码: 95oq




根据软件大数据显示让您用更短的时间创作更多的视频,无需任何经验,0基础也能轻松上手,使用Camtasia 2024创作出专业级的视频内容,最新版本带来了焕然一新的软件主界面、更加简化的视频导出流程,让我们的创作更加高效,新增加的混合模式、动画片光标等功能也能让我们创作的视频拥有最新的视觉体验。也就是说Camtasia Studio输出的文件格式很多,包括 MP4、AVI、WMV、M4V、CAMV、MOV、RM、GIF 动画片等多种 常见格式,是制作视频演示的绝佳工具。我们必须承认模板功能:使用模板,您和您的团队能够比以往更快地从思维到视频。

首先,在视频录制方面,Camtasia 2024能够捕捉屏幕上的所有活动,包括鼠标移动和点击,以及键盘输入等,非常适合制作教程或演示视频。它支持多种视频格式的输出,如MP4、AVI、WMV等,方便用户在不同的平台上分享和使用。

其次,Camtasia 2024在视频编辑方面也有着出色的表现。它提供了丰富的转场、行为、动画库,用户可以通过简单的拖拽就能实现炫酷的效果。同时,软件还支持添加测试交互,如选择题、填空题等,为视频增添了交互性和测验功能。此外,Camtasia 2024还加强了视频处理功能,如调节视频的亮度、对比度、饱和度等,使得视频效果更加专业。

值得一提的是,Camtasia 2024还提供了与其他软件的集成功能,如直接从Camtasia启动Snagit或Audiate Recorder,这让工作变得更加高效。同时,软件还支持多种操作系统,如Windows和Mac OS等,满足不同用户的需求。

此外,Camtasia 2024还有一些新功能和改进,如霓虹效果的光标图像、动态背景等,这些都让视频制作更加有趣和多样化。同时,软件还提供了丰富的教程和资源支持,方便用户快速上手并制作出专业的视频作品。


Camtasia Windows Version History – TechSmith Support

Camtasia Windows Version History

Last Updated:

August 29, 2024 22:16

27 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.4

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the user may get black video when the system locale is set to Chinese.

22 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.3

Feature Updates

  • It is now possible to switch user accounts from the trial dialog.
  • Added unassigned shortcut for moving playhead to a specific time.
  • Added a message to Background Removal effect UI when the selected GPU does not support the effect
  • Added property to Dynamic Captions: Split captions by sentence

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash where images and audio media in One Drive locations were getting proxied.
  • Improved dialog when importing from Powerpoint.

13 August 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.2

Feature Updates

  • Improved thumbnail for Background Removal visual effect.
  • In the Dynamic Captions Tool, the height of the Transcription panel will be persisted across runs of Camtasia.
  • New dialog shows when Camtasia needs to be periodically connected to the internet.
  • Improved accuracy of caption transcription.

Performance Improvements

  • Merged change to make Dynamic Captions hover over preview more performant.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved error handling on startup when licensing errors occur.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause unexpected resizing to take place when animating a cropped media.
  • Fix the project name with double byte characters encoded correctly.
  • Fix transition preview when hovering over transitions.
  • Localization fixes.
  • Fixed bug where the Tool Panel or Properties Panel would remain permanently closed until Camtasia is restarted.
  • Fix a bug on adding downloaded assets to the timeline which can shift all other media on the track
  • Cursor click sounds now are audible when applied to any media that click sound effects can be added to.
  • Fix startup delay in Home window when using a business license key
  • Improved visual consistency and usability of search bars in the tool panel
  • Auto-proxying now happens for imports from Mobile Connect, Snagit, asset service and more locations.
  • Improved an error dialog that appears when importing an invalid file to Camtasia Rev.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Scale to Fit to be calculated incorrectly.
  • Added helper text to alert user when Dynamic Backgrounds are not available in Camtasia Rev.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent projects started in Camtasia Rev from being shown in Recent Projects.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the playhead region selector to collapse when showing the the context menu.
  • Dynamic Captions from Audiate now use the properties and options available inside Camtasia when imported.
  • Fixed a crash that could take place when initializing the recorder.
  • Customer survey does not appear anymore if the survey has already been taken.

26 June 2024: Camtasia 2024.0.1

New Features


  • Users can now change the current playhead time by clicking the current value beneath the Canvas and entering a different time.
  • Added support for pasting images from the Windows clipboard into the Camtasia Editor.

Feature Updates

Dynamic Captions

  • Users are now prompted to name their preset when creating a Dynamic Captions preset.
  • Added Dynamic Captions to the Tools submenu within the View menu.
  • The Dynamic Captions transcript now displays the name of the transcript's source media.
  • Dynamic Captions styles will now be shown immediately in the Captions tool panel after being imported from a Camtasia Package.


  • Improved text contrast for empty states in tool panels.
  • Improved tooltips for the Captions tool panel.
  • Added keyboard shortcut for accessing the Dynamic Captions tool.

Performance Improvements

  • Fixed a potential performance problem by queuing audio transcriptions when needed.
  • Improve performance of selecting a media with a large dynamic caption transcript.

Updates for IT Administrators

  • Added support in the TechSmith Deployment Tool to restrict users from accessing Dynamic Captions.

Bug Fixes

  • Deleting a word from a dynamic caption transcription no longer leaves a space in the rendered caption.
  • Fixed a startup crash that could occur if a user's processor does not support instructions used for fast transcription. NOTE: Processors without that support will experience significantly reduced performance when transcribing speech to text.
  • Fixed an issue which caused "Dimensions: 0 x 0" in the Media Bin hover tooltip for image files.
  • Fixed an issue where long recordings could cause the UI to hang for several seconds when the mouse hovered over the clip in the Media Bin.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent the Captions tool panel from opening when a Dynamic Captions user preset is created.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent some ProRes MOV files from being decoded properly.
  • Localization fixes.

04 June 2024: What's New in Camtasia 2024.0.0

New Features

Dynamic Captions

  • Powered by AI, users can now show every spoken word on screen as it is spoken. Use one of the preset styles or use the properties panel to create unique ones. Supports many different languages.

Rev workflow enhancements

  • Send both new and existing media through the Rev workflow for quick layout options.

Assets integration

  • Find the assets you need right within the Camtasia editor to get your videos done even faster. Assets include titles, footage, callouts, dynamic backgrounds, music, audio visualizers, photos, and more.

New recording engine

  • Capture higher frame rates and higher resolution screen recordings powered by a new screen recording engine.

Text Stroke

  • Add an outline to any text. Change the color, size, and opacity of that outline.

Tiling visual effect

  • Create custom animated backgrounds with a logo, image, or video repeated in a pattern across your screen. Added flexibility to change sizes and spacing.

Progress bars and timers

  • Show time progression with easy-to-modify progress bars and countdown timers.

TechSmith Camtasia x64 Multilingual (2024.08.28)


CamtasiaStudio:   .NET Framework 4.7.2 及更高版
Camtasia2023-22:Windows 10 21h2 及更高版64位
Camtasia2022-20:Windows 10 1903 及更高版64位
Camtasia2022-20:Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime
Camtasia2019-18:支持Windows 7 及更高版64位的最终版
Camtasia8.6.0 :     Windows XP 及更高版32/64位的最终版

