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Oracle T5-2 本地磁盘做硬件RAID 1

{0} ok probe-scsi-all

This command may hang the system if a Stop-A or halt command

has been executed.  Please type reset-all to reset the system

before executing this command.

Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y



FCode Version 1.00.64, MPT Version 2.00, Firmware Version

Target 9

  Unit 0   Disk   HITACHI  H109060SESUN600G A720    1172123568 Blocks, 600 GB

  SASDeviceName 5000cca070745b04  SASAddress 5000cca070745b05  PhyNum 0

Target a

  Unit 0   Disk   HITACHI  H109060SESUN600G A720    1172123568 Blocks, 600 GB

  SASDeviceName 5000cca0707841d0  SASAddress 5000cca0707841d1  PhyNum 1

{0} ok select /pci@300/pci@1/pci@0/pci@2/scsi@0

{0} ok 9 a create-raid1-volume

Target 9 size is 1169920000 Blocks, 598 GB

Target a size is 1169920000 Blocks, 598 GB

The volume can be any size from 1 MB to 571250 MB

What size do you want?  [571250]

Volume size will be 1169920000 Blocks, 598 GB

Enter a volume name:  [0 to 15 characters]

Volume has been created

{0} ok show-volumes

Volume 0 Target 143  Type RAID1 (Mirroring)

  WWID 0fc5e973af23c955

  Optimal  Enabled  Background Init In Progress

  2 Members                                         1169920000 Blocks, 598 GB

  Disk 0

    Primary  Optimal

    Target 9      HITACHI  H109060SESUN600G A720   PhyNum 0

  Disk 1

    Secondary  Optimal

    Target a      HITACHI  H109060SESUN600G A720   PhyNum 1

{0} ok

