自学内容网 自学内容网

introduce my work

my work contains five parts;we are PSIRT.


response to security incident and trace the vulnerabilites.

second: key taskes

trace the OKR and key taskes. to make sure they will be finished on time.

third:digital system construction

two requirement:vuln disclose and outerbuy vuln.

improve the  vuln process continuously.(持续)

1、unlimit the rule about the creating of vuln

2、the disclosure of the platform's vuln, them should be created automately.

forth:supervise(监督) of the whole vuln's process

the creation of vuln, too small but can't find bug in it.

vuln should be processed(处理) correctly and timly.

fifth:outer interface and out display

PSIRT website change

finish the CNNVD paper 

a paper of PSIRT

sixth:following the improve measures

