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ChatGPT调教指南 | 咒语指南 | Prompts提示词教程(二)




13Add “Ensure that your answer is unbiased and avoids relying on stereotypes.” This encourages the model to ask questions until it has enough information to provide the needed output.添加“确保你的回答是无偏见的,避免依赖刻板印象。”这鼓励模型提问,直到它有足够的信息提供所需的输出。
14For inquiring about a specific topic or idea, use: “Teach me any [theorem/topic/rule name] and include a test at the end. Let me know if my answers are correct after I respond, without providing the answers beforehand.”为了询问具体的话题或想法,使用:“教我任何[定理/话题/规则名称],并在最后包括一个测试。在我回答之后让我知道我的答案是否正确,而不是事先提供答案。”
15Assign roles to the large language models for structured interaction.为大型语言模型分配角色,以进行结构化互动。
16Use delimiters for clarity in prompts.使用分隔符来清晰地提示。
17Repeat a specific word or phrase multiple times within a prompt for emphasis.在一个提示中多次重复一个特定的词或短语以强调。
18Combine Chain-of-thought (CoT) with few-shot prompts for complex problem solving.将思维链(CoT)与少数示例提示结合起来,以解决复杂问题。
19Use output primers by concluding your prompt with the beginning of the desired output to guide the response direction.使用输出引导语,通过以期望输出的开头结束你的提示,以指导响应方向。
20For detailed writing tasks like essays or paragraphs, use: “Write a detailed [essay/text/paragraph] on [topic] by adding all necessary information."对于详细的写作任务,如论文或段落,使用:“通过添加所有必要信息,写一篇关于[话题]的详细[文章/文本/段落]。”
21To correct or change specific text without altering its style: “Revise paragraphs to improve grammar and vocabulary while maintaining the original writing style.”要更正或更改特定文本而不改变其风格:“修改段落以改进语法和词汇,同时保持原始写作风格。”
22For complex coding tasks across multiple files: “Generate a [programming language] script that creates specified files or modifies existing ones to insert the generated code.”对于跨多个文件的复杂编码任务:“生成一个[编程语言]脚本,创建指定的文件或修改现有的文件以插入生成的代码。”
23To continue or initiate text using specific words or phrases, use: “I’m providing the beginning [lyrics/story/paragraph/essay]: [Insert text]. Finish it based on the provided words, keeping the flow consistent.”要使用特定的单词或短语继续或开始文本,使用:“我提供开始[歌词/故事/段落/论文]:[插入文本]。根据提供的词完成它,保持流畅一致。”
24Clearly state the model’s content production requirements using keywords, regulations, hints, or instructions.使用关键词、规则、提示或指令清楚地说明模型的内容生成要求。
25To write text similar to a provided sample, instruct: “Use the same language based on the provided paragraph/title/text/essay/answer.”要写出与提供的样本相似的文本,指示:“根据




