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Operational Concept(OpsCon)与Concept of Operations(ConOps)概念区分

Operational Concept(OpsCon)与Concept of Operations(ConOps)概念区分

ConOps vs OpsCon

在系统工程相关资料中会看到两个概念,一个是Operational Concept(OpsCon),另一个是Concept of Operations(ConOps)。 在中文翻译的角度来说,两者并无区分。这两个术语常常可以互换使用,但实际上有所不同。


  • OpsCon则是专注于特定系统的功能和用户需求,从用户的视角描述系统将如何运作
  • ConOps描述的是背景和上下文,关注组织的整体运营意图,涉及组织的假设、目标和业务流程,通常涵盖多个系统的使用。

The Concept of Operation (ConOps) and the System Operational Concept (OpsCon) are useful in eliciting requirements from various stakeholders in an organization and as a practical means to communicate and share the organization’s intentions.


The ConOps, at the organization level, addresses the leadership’s intended way of operating the organization. It may refer to the use of one or more systems as ‘black
boxes’. The OpsCon addresses the specific system-of-interest from the user’s view point.

总的来说,个人简单认为OpsCon多用于系统级,描述系统的应有状态(to-be state),而ConOps使用于组织的决策和长期战略,即SoS级别。

以下内容主要参考在IEEE/ISO/IEC 29148标准

Operational Concept(OpsCon)概念解释

典型的生命周期概念包括:OpsCon、Acquisition Concept、Deployment Concept、Support Concept、Retirement Concept。顺带一起解释了,如下所示

  • OpsCon概述了系统解决方案(新系统或演变系统)的操作方面,结合组织的预期操作环境。它提供了较低层次的面向操作的概念,这些概念处理了部分组织的ConOps。
  • Acquisition Concept描述了系统解决方案的采购方式,包括利益相关者参与、解决方案来源、需求定义、招标和合同问题、设计、生产和验证等方面。
  • Deployment Concept描述了系统解决方案将如何进行验证、交付和引入到操作中的过程。
  • Support Concept描述 了在系统解决方案部署后,所需的支持基础设施和人力资源考虑。支持概念涵盖操作支持、工程支持、维护支持、供应支持和培训支持。
  • Retirement Concept描述了系统将如何退出操作并退役,包括处理在过程中使用或产生的任何有害材料。


在IEEE/ISO/IEC 29148中的Annex A System operational concept中提到:

A System Operational Concept (OpsCon) document describes what the system will do (not how it will do it) and why (rationale). An OpsCon is a user-oriented document that describes system characteristics of the to-be-delivered system from the user’s viewpoint. The OpsCon document is used to communicate overall quantitative and qualitative system characteristics to the acquirer, user, supplier and other organizational elements.


Concept of Operations(ConOps)概念解释

ConOps在定义stakeholder needs的起到关键的作用

ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 & ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017
Define context of use within the concept of operations and the preliminary life cycle concepts.


The ConOps describes an organization’s assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of
operations. It is often captured in long-range strategic plans and annual operational plans and can
cover a series of connected operations that are carried out simultaneously or in succession. The concept
gives an overall picture of the organization operations. It provides the basis for bounding the operating
space, system capabilities, interfaces and operating environment. Sometimes, the context of use is
captured using a Context of Use Description (see ISO/IEC 25063).

ConOps描述了组织在某一操作或一系列操作方面的假设或意图。它通常体现在长期战略计划和年度操作计划中,涵盖了同时或连续进行的一系列相关操作。该概念提供了组织运营的总体图景,为界定操作空间、系统能力、接口和操作环境提供基础。有时,使用上下文可以通过使用上下文描述来捕获(参见ISO/IEC 25063)。初步生命周期概念由业务或任务分析过程开发。

同时在Annex B Concept of operations中提到:

This Annex provides guidance for the Concept of Operations (ConOps) in terms of information item content. The ConOps is not a requirements specification required in this document, but is intended to help users of this document in the requirements elicitation task as practical documentation to understand the background of the project and communicate the overall business and system characteristics.
The ConOps, at the organization level, addresses the leadership’s intended way of operating the organization. It may refer to the use of one or more systems, as black boxes, to forward the organization’s goals and objectives. The ConOps describes the organization’s assumptions or intent in regard to an overall operation or series of operations of the business with using the system to be developed, existing systems and possible future systems. It is frequently embodied in long-range strategic plans and annual operational plans. The ConOps serves as a basis for the organization to direct the overall characteristics of the future business and systems, for the project to understand its background, and for the users of this document to implement the stakeholder requirements elicitation.


[1] IEEE/ISO/IEC 29148


