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uniapp 小程序实现类似抖音的简易刷视频功能

uniapp 小程序实现类似抖音的简易刷视频功能

  1. 先上视频


  1. 直接上代码

    1. 代码中使用的是 uniapp 组件 swiper slider
    2. 代码中使用的  <tab-bar></tab-bar> 组件 是我自定义的组件  可以删除
    3. 代码中的图片地址以及视频地址请更换为自己的路径
<view class="uni-padding-wrap">
<view class="page-section swiper">
<view class="page-section-spacing">
<swiper class="swiper" @change="changefun" @animationfinish="animationfinishfun" :current="index_"
<swiper-item v-for="(item,index) in videoList">
<view class="swiper-item" @click.stop="playPause(index)">
<image src="https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/2021083111362225433.png" v-if="!isPlay" class="btn play">
<image src="https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/2021083111373735978.png" v-if="isPlay&&firstclick"
class="btn pause"></image>
<video :custom-cache="false" loop="true" class="video" :id="'id'+index" :duration="item.duration"
:enable-progress-gesture="true" :controls="false" @timeupdate="(e)=>videoUpdate(e,item,index)"
:src="item.vlogUrl" :show-center-play-btn="false">
<view v-if="is_active">
<view class="left">
<view class="left_box">
<!--   #ifdef MP-ALIPAY   -->
<!--   #endif  -->
<view class="slider">
<slider v-model="activeObj.currentTime" @change="sliderChange" @changing="sliderChanging"
:activeColor="!isPlay || !updateState ?'#ffffff':'#ffffff4D'"
:block-size="!isPlay || !updateState?14:12" :block-color="!isPlay|| !updateState?'#ffffff':'#6e6f71'"


import tabBar from "../../../components/tabBar/tabBar";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
videoList: [],
index_: null,
index: '0',
firstclick: false,
is_active: true,
isPlay: true,
activeObj: null,
sending: false,
contentId: '',
updateState: true,
videoContext: null,
onLoad(option) {
// 此接口用来查第一个视频详细信息
// this.$uniApi.dataRequestNoLoading('GET', 'base/app/v1/contentApp/getDefaultVlogId').then(res => {
// 我在此处替换为假数据
let res = {
"code": 1,
"data": {
"id": "1806517903331479553",
"title": "一日游",
"subtitle": null,
"coverImage": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/171954161525350063.jpg", // 请更换为自己的视频
"readingSum": "239",
"rankingInclude": null,
"includeContain": null,
"vlogUrl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/2024062810390955101.mp4", // 请更换为自己的图片
"type": 9,
"salesNum": null,
"marketPrice": null,
"coverImageHeight": 702,
"coverImageWeight": 1080,
"headImgUrl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/171954159983539103.png", // 请更换为自己的图片
"author": "一日游",
"isTopping": "0"
"msg": "成功",
"success": true
let id = res.data.id || ""
this.contentId = id
let obj = Object.assign({}, {
id: id
obj['istrue'] = false
obj['contentId'] = id
obj['currentTime'] = 0
//  用来计算滚动条
obj['duration'] = 0
// 视频链接
obj['vlogUrl'] = res.data.vlogUrl
// 查找视频列表   我的接口是根据当前的视频 id 去查后面的视频
// 一次查的太多会导致卡顿
// 初始化第一个视频 并播放
this.$nextTick(function() {
let videoContext = uni.createVideoContext(`id0`)
// })

watch: {
index_(val) {
this.videoContext = uni.createVideoContext(`id${this.index_}`)
this.contentId = this.videoList[val]['contentId']
activeObj(val, oldval) {
if (!oldval) {
this.$nextTick(function() {
let videoContext = uni.createVideoContext(`id${this.index_}`)
methods: {
// current 改变时会触发 change 事件,event.detail = {current: current, source: source}
// 暂停当前的视频播放
changefun(e) {
this.is_active = false
let videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('id' + this.index_)
playPause(current) {
// 点击视频时  如果播放就暂停 如果是暂停就开始播放
let videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('id' + current)
this.firstclick = true
if (this.isPlay) {
this.isPlay = false
} else {
this.isPlay = true
// 动画结束时会触发 animationfinish 事件,event.detail = {current: current, source: source}
animationfinishfun(e) {
let that = this
this.isPlay = true
// 获取下标
let current = e.detail.current
this.activeObj = this.videoList[current]
this.index_ = current
this.is_active = true
this.videoList[current]['istrue'] = true
// 获取当前的 video 标签 并暂停播放
let videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('id' + this.index_)
// 初始化新的video 并播放
videoContext = uni.createVideoContext('id' + current)
//  视频滑到最后一个 就再去请求新的 视频列表
if (this.videoList.length > 0 && current + 1 == this.videoList.length && !this.sending) {

videoUpdate(e, item, index) {
// 此处用来计算进度条
if (this.updateState) {
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
if (e.target.id == 'id' + index) {
this.videoList[this.index_]['currentTime'] = e.detail.currentTime / e.detail.duration * 100
this.videoList[this.index_]['duration'] = e.detail.duration
// #endif
// #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
this.videoList[this.index_]['currentTime'] = e.detail.currentTime / e.detail.videoDuration * 100
this.videoList[this.index_]['duration'] = e.detail.videoDuration
// #endif
// 拖动过程中触发的事件,event.detail = {value: value}
sliderChanging(e) {
this.updateState = false
sliderChange(e) {
let duration = this.videoList[this.index_]['duration']
if (duration) {
this.videoContext.seek(e.detail.value / 100 * duration); //完成拖动后,计算对应时间并跳转到指定位置
this.videoList[this.index_]['duration'] = e.detail.value
this.updateState = true
// 获取视频列表
oprateVideoList(id) {
let that = this
this.sending = true
// this.$uniApi.dataRequestNoLoading('GET', 'base/app/v1/contentVlog/getVlogListByContentId', {
// contentId: id,
// }).then(resp => {

let resp = {
"code": 1,
"data": [{
"contentId": "1606207777364082690",
"title": "vlog啊",
"coverImage": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/167178470537619117.png",
"vlogUrl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/2022122316383441583.mp4"
}, {
"contentId": "1684011338528985090",
"title": "vlog",
"coverImage": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/169033454163171300.png",
"vlogUrl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/2023072609222991294.mp4"
}, {
"contentId": "1678315077972848642",
"title": "阿达啊",
"coverImage": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/168897636035107597.png",
"vlogUrl": "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/2023071016074361328.mp4"
"msg": "成功",
"success": true

resp.data.map(res => {
res['istrue'] = false
res['currentTime'] = 0
res['duration'] = 0
// return res
if (that.index_ === null) {
that.index_ = 0
that.videoList = that.videoList.concat(resp.data)
that.activeObj = that.videoList[that.index_]
that.sending = false
that.videoList[0]['istrue'] = true
// })


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animation: benone .2s 2s linear forwards;


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height: 100vh;
position: relative;


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slider {
margin: 0;

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from {
opacity: 1;

to {
opacity: 0;

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  1. 已完成!

