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数据集 InterHand2.6M 双手交互 三维手势建模 >> DataBall

数据集 InterHand2.6M 双手交互 三维手势建模 人工智能 深度学习 >> DataBall

数据集 InterHand2.6M,双手/单手交互


Train set * Train (H): 142,231 single hand frames / 386,251 interacting hand frames / 528,482 total frames * Train (M): 594,189 single hand frarmes / 314,848 interacting hand frames / 909,037 total frames * Train (H+M): 687,548 single hand frames / 673,514 interacting hand frames / 1,361,062 total frames Validation set * Val (M): 234,183 single hand frames / 145,942 interacting hand frames / 380,125 total frames Test set * Test (H): 33,665 single hand frames / 87,908 interacting hand frames / 121,573 total frames * Test (M): 455,303 single hand frames / 272,284 interacting hand frames / 727,587 total frames * Test (H+M): 488,968 single hand frames / 360,192 interacting hand frames / 849,160 total frames Total set * InterHand2.6M: 1,410,699 single hand frames / 1,179,648 interacting hand frames / 2,590,347 total frames

@InProceedings{Moon_2020_ECCV_InterHand2.6M, author = {Moon, Gyeongsik and Yu, Shoou-I and Wen, He and Shiratori, Takaaki and Lee, Kyoung Mu}, title = {InterHand2.6M: A Dataset and Baseline for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image}, booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, year = {2020} }

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