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Oracle SQL Developer DBA 管理工具入口

Steps for AWR, ADDM and Real Time SQL monitor report from SQL Developer (Doc ID 2766700.1)


 A. Generate AWR (Active Workload Repository), ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor)

1. Run SQL Developer as Administrator, Go to View and Select option ‘DBA’


2. Click on Add Connections, select your connection and click OK


 Make sure your connection is has DBA Access

3. Open connection Performance > AWR > Click on AWR Report


4. Select Start ID and End ID based on required time range
Example: Below screenshot/report covered from 3 March 2021, 01:00:20 AM to 3 March 2021, 07:00:42 AM.
Start ID = Session ID 5489 Start Time 3 March 2021, 01:00:20 AM
End ID = Session ID 5494 End Time 3 March 2021, 07:00:42 AM

Start ID selecting Session ID 5489

End ID selecting Session ID 5494

5. Click on Generate Report Button


AWR Report


If there are any ADDM finding or recommendations within the time/sessions we selected, it is included in same report in section ‘Top ADDM Findings by Average Active Sessions’

Detailed ADDM report information is available at end of the report


User can save this report in HTML format with Save button option

 B. Real Time SQL monitor report

1. Go to Tools and Select Monitor SQL


2. Select your connection and click OK


3. Sort by Start time


4. For each user activity in application, there is a record inserted… once status change to Executing to DONE, Right Click on SQL ID and select ‘Show SQL details’ for cost and executions details


5. Below is the report. Click on save ICON as HTML.

