自学内容网 自学内容网


1. SQL21 浙江大学用户题目回答情况

SQL21 浙江大学用户题目回答情况

① 错误


select question_practice_detail.device_id, question_id, result from user_profile right join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id;

② 正确


select question_practice_detail.device_id, question_id, result from user_profile inner join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id where university = '浙江大学';
select question_practice_detail.device_id, question_id, result from user_profile right join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id where university = '浙江大学';


select device_id, question_id, result from question_practice_detail where question_practice_detail.device_id in (select device_id from user_profile where university = '浙江大学' );


2. SQL22 统计每个学校的答过题的用户的平均答题数

SQL22 统计每个学校的答过题的用户的平均答题数

① 错误

select university, count(question_id) / count(question_practice_detail.device_id) as avg_answer_cnt from user_profile right join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id group by university order by avg_answer_cnt;

我感觉问题主要在于如何给 question_practice_detail 中的device_id去重

② 正确

最后还是看了题解。之前把去重写成了 count(question_id) / distinct count(question_practice_detail.device_id),结果不对。

select university, count(question_id) / count(distinct(question_practice_detail.device_id)) as avg_answer_cnt from user_profile inner join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id group by university;

order by avg_answer_cnt也不能写。因为这会导致出现两次排序

3. SQL23 统计每个学校各难度的用户平均刷题数

SQL23 统计每个学校各难度的用户平均刷题数

select university, difficult_level, count(question_practice_detail.question_id) / count(distinct(question_practice_detail.device_id)) from user_profile inner join question_practice_detail inner join question_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id and question_practice_detail.question_id = question_detail.question_id group by university , difficult_level;
注意最后group by university , difficult_level; ,如果两个分类依据用and连接会报错

4. SQL25 查找山东大学或者性别为男生的信息

SQL25 查找山东大学或者性别为男生的信息

① 错误


select all device_id, gender, age, gpa from user_profile where university = '山东大学' or gender = 'male';

② 正确


select device_id, gender, age, gpa from user_profile where university = '山东大学' union all select device_id, gender, age, gpa from user_profile where gender = 'male';

5. SQL26 计算25岁以上和以下的用户数量

SQL26 计算25岁以上和以下的用户数量

① 错误

select age_cut , if(age >= 25, '25岁及以上', '25岁以下') as age from user_profile group by age;

② 正确


select if(age >= 25, '25岁及以上', '25岁以下') as age_cut, count(*) as result from user_profile group by age_cut;

select ( case when age >= 25 then '25岁及以上' else '25岁以下' end ) as age_cut, count(*) as result from user_profile group by age_cut;

select ( case when age < 25 or age is null then '25岁以下' when age >= 25 then '25岁及以上' end )as age_cut, count(*) as result from user_profile group by age_cut;

6. SQL29 计算用户的平均次日留存率

SQL29 计算用户的平均次日留存率

样例的结果都不知道怎么来的,所以就看了题解 题解地址

select count(distinct nq.device_id, datee) / count(distinct q.device_id, date) from (select distinct device_id, date from question_practice_detail) as q left join (select distinct device_id, date_add(date, interval 1 day) as datee from question_practice_detail) as nq on q.device_id = nq.device_id and q.date = nq.datee;

7. SQL33 找出每个学校GPA最低的同学

SQL33 找出每个学校GPA最低的同学


① 错误


select distinct device_id, university, min(gpa) over (partition by university)from user_profile;

② 正确

【中字】SQL进阶教程 | 史上最易懂SQL教程
select device_id, university, gpa from ( select device_id, university, gpa, row_number() over (partition by university order by gpa) as rk from user_profile )as a where rk = 1;

8. SQL34 统计复旦用户8月练题情况

SQL34 统计复旦用户8月练题情况

① 错误


select user_profile.device_id, university, result from user_profile left join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id having university = '复旦大学';

select count(result) from question_practice_detail where result = 'right';

select count(result) from question_practice_detail where result = 'right';

select user_profile.device_id, university, count(q)as right_question_cnt from user_profile where device_id in (select device_id from question_practice_detail where result = 'right') as q on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id having university = '复旦大学';

② 正确

select user_profile.device_id, university, sum(if(result is null, 0, 1))as question_cnt, sum(if(result = 'right', 1, 0)) as right_question_cnt from user_profile left join question_practice_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id where university = '复旦大学' and (month(date) = 8 or date is null) group by user_profile.device_id;

9. SQL35 浙大不同难度题目的正确率

SQL35 浙大不同难度题目的正确率

① 错误

select difficult_level, (sum(if(result = 'right', 1, 0)) / sum(if(result is null, 0, 1))) as correct_rate from user_profile left join question_practice_detail left join question_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id and question_practice_detail.question_id = qeustion_detail.question_id where university = '浙江大学' group by difficult_level;
① 除去代码异常外,忽略的条件:按照正确率升序排序
② 代码错误原因:主表选择错误、from 后面没有加括号、两个连接条件应该分开写

select ( case when result = 'easy' then 'easy' when result = 'medium' then 'medium' when result = 'hard' then 'hard' end ) as difficult_level, count(*) as test from user_profile left join question_practice_detail left join question_detail on user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id and question_practice_detail.question_id = qeustion_detail.question_id where university = '浙江大学'group by difficult_level;

② 正确

select difficult_level, (sum(if(result = 'right', 1, 0)) / sum(if(result is null, 0, 1))) as correct_rate from (question_practice_detail left join user_profile on question_practice_detail.device_id = user_profile.device_id left join question_detail on question_detail.question_id = question_practice_detail.question_id )where university = '浙江大学' group by difficult_level order by correct_rate asc;

