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李宏毅机器学习2023-HW5-Machine Translation


Machine translation 中文翻译为英文



  • Paired data
    • TED2020: TED Talk
      • Raw: 400,726 (sentences)
      • Processed: 394, 052 (sentences)
    • en, zh
  • Monolingual data
    • traditional Chinese(zh)



  1. Preprocessing

    a. download raw data
    b. clean and normalize
    c. remove bad data (too long/short)
    d. tokenization

  2. Training

    a. initialize a model
    b. train it with training data

  3. Testing

    a. generate translation of test data
    b. evaluate the performance



  • The Encoder is a RNN or Transformer Encoder. The following description is for RNN. For every input token, Encoder will generate a output vector and a hidden states vector, and the hidden states vector is passed on to the next step. In other words, the Encoder sequentially reads in the input sequence, and outputs a single vector at each timestep, then finally outputs the final hidden states, or content vector, at the last timestep.

  • Parameters:

    • args
      • encoder_embed_dim: the dimension of embeddings, this compresses the one-hot vector into fixed dimensions, which achieves dimension reduction
      • encoder_ffn_embed_dim is the dimension of hidden states and output vectors
      • encoder_layers is the number of layers for Encoder RNN
      • dropout determines the probability of a neuron’s activation being set to 0, in order to prevent overfitting. Generally this is applied in training, and removed in testing.
    • dictionary: the dictionary provided by fairseq. it’s used to obtain the padding index, and in turn the encoder padding mask.
    • embed_tokens: an instance of token embeddings (nn.Embedding)
  • Inputs:

    • src_tokens: integer sequence representing english e.g. 1, 28, 29, 205, 2
  • Outputs:

    • outputs: the output of RNN at each timestep, can be furthur processed by Attention
    • final_hiddens: the hidden states of each timestep, will be passed to decoder for decoding
    • encoder_padding_mask: this tells the decoder which position to ignore
  • 编码器(Encoder)是一个循环神经网络(RNN)或者 Transformer 中的编码器。下面的描述是针对 RNN 的。对于每一个输入的 token,编码器会生成一个输出向量和一个隐藏状态向量,并且将隐藏状态向量传递给下一步。换句话说,编码器顺序地读入输入序列,并且在每一个时间步输出一个单独的向量,然后在最后一个时间步输出最终的隐藏状态,或者称为内容向量(content vector)。

  • 参数:

    • args
      • encoder_embed_dim: 嵌入的维度,将 one-hot 向量压缩到固定的维度,实现降维的效果
      • encoder_ffn_embed_dim: 隐藏状态和输出向量的维度
      • encoder_layers: RNN 编码器的层数
      • dropout 确定了一个神经元的激活值被设为 0 的概率,用于防止过拟合。通常这个参数在训练时使用,在测试时移除
    • dictionary: fairseq 提供的字典。它用于获取填充索引,进而得到编码器的填充掩码(encoder padding mask)
    • embed_tokens: 一个 token embedding 的实例(nn.Embedding)
  • Inputs:

    • src_tokens: 一个表示英语的整数序列,例如: 1, 28, 29, 205, 2
  • Outputs:

    • outputs: RNN 在每个时间步的输出,可以由注意力机制(Attention)进一步处理
    • final_hiddens: 每个时间步的隐藏状态,会被传递给解码器(decoder)进行解码
    • encoder_padding_mask: 这个参数告诉解码器哪些位置要忽略


  • When the input sequence is long, “content vector” alone cannot accurately represent the whole sequence, attention mechanism can provide the Decoder more information.

  • According to the Decoder embeddings of the current timestep, match the Encoder outputs with decoder embeddings to determine correlation, and then sum the Encoder outputs weighted by the correlation as the input to Decoder RNN.

  • Common attention implementations use neural network / dot product as the correlation between query (decoder embeddings) and key (Encoder outputs), followed by softmax to obtain a distribution, and finally values (Encoder outputs) is weighted sum-ed by said distribution.

  • Parameters:

    • input_embed_dim: dimensionality of key, should be that of the vector in decoder to attend others
    • source_embed_dim: dimensionality of query, should be that of the vector to be attended to (encoder outputs)
    • output_embed_dim: dimensionality of value, should be that of the vector after attention, expected by the next layer
  • Inputs:

    • inputs: is the key, the vector to attend to others
    • encoder_outputs: is the query/value, the vector to be attended to
    • encoder_padding_mask: this tells the decoder which position to ignore
  • Outputs:

    • output: the context vector after attention
    • attention score: the attention distribution
  • 当输入序列很长时,单独的“内容向量”就不能准确地表示整个序列,注意力机制可以为解码器提供更多信息。

  • 根据当前时间步的解码器embeddings,将编码器输出与解码器 embeddings 进行匹配,确定相关性,然后将编码器输出按相关性加权求和作为解码器 RNN 的输入。

  • 常见的注意力实现使用神经网络/点积作为 query(解码器 embeddings)和 key(编码器输出)之间的相关性,然后用 softmax 得到一个分布,最后用该分布对 value(编码器输出)进行加权求和。

  • 参数:

    • input_embed_dim: key 的维度,应该是解码器中用于 attend 其他向量的向量的维度
    • source_embed_dim: query 的维度,应该是被 attend 的向量(编码器输出)的维度
    • output_embed_dim: value 的维度,应该是 after attention 的向量的维度,符合下一层的期望,
  • Inputs:

    • inputs: key, 用于 attend 其他向量
    • encoder_outputs: query/value, 被 attend 的向量
    • encoder_padding_mask: 这个告诉解码器应该忽略那些位置
  • Outputs:

    • output: attention 后的上下文向量
    • attention score: attention 的分数


  • The hidden states of Decoder will be initialized by the final hidden states of Encoder (the content vector)
  • At the same time, Decoder will change its hidden states based on the input of the current timestep (the outputs of previous timesteps), and generates an output
  • Attention improves the performance
  • The seq2seq steps are implemented in decoder, so that later the Seq2Seq class can accept RNN and Transformer, without furthur modification.
  • Parameters:

    • args
      • decoder_embed_dim: is the dimensionality of the decoder embeddings, similar to encoder_embed_dim,
      • decoder_ffn_embed_dim: is the dimensionality of the decoder RNN hidden states, similar to encoder_ffn_embed_dim
      • decoder_layers: number of layers of RNN decoder
      • share_decoder_input_output_embed: usually, the projection matrix of the decoder will share weights with the decoder input embeddings
    • dictionary: the dictionary provided by fairseq
    • embed_tokens: an instance of token embeddings (nn.Embedding)
  • Inputs:

    • prev_output_tokens: integer sequence representing the right-shifted target e.g. 1, 28, 29, 205, 2
    • encoder_out: encoder’s output.
    • incremental_state: in order to speed up decoding during test time, we will save the hidden state of each timestep. see forward() for details.
  • Outputs:

    • outputs: the logits (before softmax) output of decoder for each timesteps
    • extra: unsused
  • 解码器的隐藏状态将由编码器的最终隐藏状态(the content vector)初始化

  • 同时,解码器会根据当前时间步的输入(前一时间步的输出)改变其隐藏状态,并生成一个输出

  • 注意力机制可以提高性能

  • seq2seq 的步骤是在解码器中实现的,这样以后 Seq2Seq 类可以接受 RNN 和 Transformer,而不需要进一步修改。

  • 参数:

    • args
      • decoder_embed_dim: 解码器嵌入的维度,类似于 encoder_embed_dim
      • decoder_ffn_embed_dim: 解码器 RNN 隐藏状态的维度,类似于 encoder_ffn_embed_dim
      • decoder_layers: RNN 解码器的层数
      • share_decoder_input_output_embed: 通常,解码器的投影矩阵会与解码器输入 embeddings 共享权重
    • dictionary: fairseq 提供的字典
    • embed_tokens: 一个 token embedding 的实例(nn.Embedding)
  • 输入:

    • prev_output_tokens: 表示右移目标的整数序列,例如: 1, 28, 29, 205, 2
    • encoder_out: 编码器的输出
    • incremental_state: 为了加速测试时的解码,我们会保存每个时间步的隐藏状态。详见forward()。
  • 输出:

    • outputs: 解码器在每个时间步的输出的对数(softmax之前)
    • extra: 未使用



BLEU(Bilingual Evaluation Understudy)是一种用于评估机器生成的翻译质量的指标,通常与一个或多个参考翻译进行比较。它由Kishore Papineni等人在2002年的论文《BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation》中提出。


  1. N-gram 匹配

    • BLEU通过计算机器翻译与参考翻译之间的N-gram匹配来评估翻译质量。N-gram是指连续的N个词的序列。
    • 常见的N-gram包括:
      • 1-gram(unigram):单个词的匹配。“Thank”, “you”, “so”, “much”
      • 2-gram(bigram):两个连续词的匹配。“Thank you”, “you so”, “so much”
      • 3-gram(trigram):三个连续词的匹配。“Thank you so”, “you so much”
      • 4-gram(quadgram):四个连续词的匹配。“Thank you so much”
  2. 精度(Precision)

    • 精度是指机器翻译中与参考翻译匹配的N-gram的比例。
    • 公式:
      \text{Precision} = \frac{\text{机器翻译中匹配的N-gram数量}}{\text{机器翻译中所有N-gram数量}}
  3. 修正精度(Modified Precision)

  • 为了避免机器翻译中出现重复匹配的问题,BLEU引入了修正精度。

  • 修正精度考虑了每个N-gram在参考翻译中出现的最大次数。

    设 $ \text{Count}{\text{MT}}(n\text{-gram}) $ 表示某个N-gram在机器翻译中出现的次数。设 $ \text{Count}{\text{Ref}}(n\text{-gram}) $ 表示某个N-gram在参考翻译中出现的最大次数。修正后的N-gram计数 $ \text{Count}{\text{clip}}(n\text{-gram}) $ 取机器翻译中的N-gram计数和参考翻译中的最大N-gram计数的较小值。公式:
    {\text{clip}}(n\text{-gram}) = \min(\text{Count}{\text{MT}}(n\text{-gram}), \text{Count}{\text{Ref}}(n\text{-gram}))

    修正精度 $ p_n $ 是所有N-gram的修正计数之和除以机器翻译中所有N-gram的计数之和。公式:
    p_n = \frac{\sum_{\text{n-gram} \in \text{MT}} \text{Count}{\text{clip}}(n\text{-gram})}{\sum{\text{n-gram} \in \text{MT}} \text{Count}_{\text{MT}}(n\text{-gram})}

  1. 短句惩罚(Brevity Penalty)
  • 由于较短的翻译更容易获得高精度,BLEU引入了短句惩罚来平衡这一问题。
  • 短句惩罚的公式:
    \text{BP} = \begin{cases}
    1 & \text{如果机器翻译长度 > 参考翻译长度} \
    e^{(1 - \frac{\text{参考翻译长度}}{\text{机器翻译长度}})} & \text{如果机器翻译长度 ≤ 参考翻译长度}
  1. BLEU分数
  • BLEU分数综合了1-gram到4-gram的修正精度和短句惩罚。
  • 公式:
    BLEU = BP × exp ⁡ ( ∑ n = 1 N w n log ⁡ p n ) \text{BLEU} = \text{BP} \times \exp\left(\sum_{n=1}^{N} w_n \log p_n\right) BLEU=BP×exp(n=1Nwnlogpn)
    其中,$ p_n $ 是N-gram的修正精度,$ w_n $ 是权重,通常取 $ w_n = \frac{1}{N} $。



Just run sample code, 在对应的ipynb文件中我已添加各个结构的详细介绍


Add learning rate scheduler and train longer

  • learning rate scheduler

l r a t e = d model − 0.5 ⋅ min ⁡ ( s t e p _ n u m − 0.5 , s t e p _ n u m ⋅ w a r m u p _ s t e p s − 1.5 ) lrate = d_{\text{model}}^{-0.5}\cdot\min({step\_num}^{-0.5},{step\_num}\cdot{warmup\_steps}^{-1.5}) lrate=dmodel0.5min(step_num0.5,step_numwarmup_steps1.5)

import math

def get_rate(d_model, step_num, warmup_step):
    # TODO: Change lr from constant to the equation shown above 
    # medium
    lr = 1.0 / math.sqrt(d_model) * min(1.0 / math.sqrt(step_num), step_num / (warmup_step * math.sqrt(warmup_step)))
    return lr


  • change maximum epoch for training (15->30)
config = Namespace(
    # maximum epochs for training (Medium)


Switch to Transformer and tuning hyperparameter

  • 将模型转变为Transformer(Model Initialization)
# # HINT: transformer architecture
from fairseq.models.transformer import (

def build_model(args, task):
    """ build a model instance based on hyperparameters """
    src_dict, tgt_dict = task.source_dictionary, task.target_dictionary

    # token embeddings
    encoder_embed_tokens = nn.Embedding(len(src_dict), args.encoder_embed_dim, src_dict.pad())
    decoder_embed_tokens = nn.Embedding(len(tgt_dict), args.decoder_embed_dim, tgt_dict.pad())

    # encoder decoder
    # HINT: TODO: switch to TransformerEncoder & TransformerDecoder
    # encoder = RNNEncoder(args, src_dict, encoder_embed_tokens)
    # decoder = RNNDecoder(args, tgt_dict, decoder_embed_tokens)
    # strong
    encoder = TransformerEncoder(args, src_dict, encoder_embed_tokens)
    decoder = TransformerDecoder(args, tgt_dict, decoder_embed_tokens)
  • 修改模型超参数(Architecture Related Configuration)

    参考Attention is all your Need表3中transformer-base的超参数

    为避免训练时间过长,可以修改max_epoch 设置得更小一些,比如10,15也可以达到很好的效果


# strong
arch_args = Namespace(

==注意:==也可以直接用课件中hint,只是将encoder_layers和decoder_layers改为4,只是得出来的效果没有那么好,此时模型的参数数量会和之前的 RNN 差不多,在 max_epoch =30 的情况下,Bleu 可以达到 23.59,如下:

arch_args = Namespace(
 encoder_layers=1, # recommend to increase -> 4
 decoder_layers=1, # recommend to increase -> 4


# config里面savedir文件夹位置需要改变,否则无法loadcheckpoint的model
config = Namespace(    
datadir = "./DATA/databin/ted2020",    
    #savedir = "./checkpoints/rnn",    
    savedir = "./checkpoints/transformer",




  1. 将目标语言和源语言对调,训练从中文到英文得反向模型(backward translation model)
    • source_lang="zh"
    • target_lang = "en"
  2. 用反向模型(backward translation model)对单语数据(monolingual data)进行翻译,得到综合数据(synthetic data)
    • Complete TODOs in the sample code
    • All the TODOs can be completed by using commands from earlier cells
  3. 利用新的数据(synthetic data)训练更strong的正向翻译模型(max_epoch=30就可以过boss baseline)


  1. 实验配置中 / Configuration for experimentsBACK_TRANSLATION 设置为 True 运行 训练一个 back-translation 模型,并处理好对应的语料。
  2. 实验配置 / Configuration for experiments 中的 BACK_TRANSLATION 设置为 False 运行 结合 ted2020 和 mono (back-translation) 的语料进行训练。
config = Namespace(
    datadir = "./DATA/data-bin/ted2020_with_mono", #boss
    savedir = "./checkpoints/transformer-bt",


    config.datadir = "./DATA/data-bin/ted2020"
    config.savedir = "./checkpoints/transformer-back"
    config.source_lang, config.target_lang= tgt_lang, src_lang

Generate Prediction

if not BACK_TRANSLATION: # boss

TODO: clean corpus

  1. remove sentences that are too long or too short 删除太长或者太短的句子
  2. unify punctuation 统一标点符号

hint: you can use clean_s() defined above to do this

def clean_mono_corpus(prefix, l, ratio=9, max_len=1000, min_len=1):
    if Path(f'{prefix}.clean.zh').exists():
        print(f'{prefix}.clean.zh exists. skipping clean.')
    with open(f'{prefix}', 'r') as l_in_f:
        with open(f'{prefix}.clean.zh', 'w') as l_out_f:
            for s in l_in_f:
                s = s.strip()
                s = clean_s(s, l)
                s_len = len_s(s, l)
                if min_len > 0: # remove short sentence
                    if s_len < min_len:
                if max_len > 0: # remove long sentence
                    if s_len > max_len:
                print(s, file=l_out_f)

mono_data_prefix = f'{mono_prefix}/ted_zh_corpus.deduped'
clean_mono_corpus(mono_data_prefix, 'zh')

Generate pseudo translation生成伪翻译

import os

zh_path = mono_prefix / 'ted_zh_corpus.deduped.clean.zh'
en_path = mono_prefix / 'ted_zh_corpus.deduped.clean.en'

if en_path.exists():
    print(f"{en_path} exists. skipping the generation of psuedo translation.")

with open(zh_path, 'r') as zh_f:
    with open(en_path, 'w') as en_f:
        for line in zh_f:
            line = line.strip()
            if line:
                # Replace with '_.' to get a pseudo translation
                pseudo = '_.'
                # Write the pseudo translation string to the target file and add a new line
                print(pseudo, file=en_f)
            # If the line is empty, just add a new line

TODO: Subword Units

Use the spm model of the backward model to tokenize the data into subword units 用反向模型的spm模型将数据分为子词单位

hint: spm model is located at DATA/raw-data/\[dataset\]/spm\[vocab_num\].model

def spm_encode(prefix, vocab_size, mono_prefix):
    spm_model = spm.SentencePieceProcessor(model_file=str(prefix/f'spm{vocab_size}.model'))

    in_path = mono_prefix / 'ted_zh_corpus.deduped.clean'

    for lang in [src_lang, tgt_lang]:
        out_path = mono_prefix / f'mono.tok.{lang}'
        # if out_path.exists():
        #     print(f"{out_path} exists. skipping spm_encode.")
        # else:
        with open(out_path, 'w') as out_f:
            with open(f'{in_path}.{lang}', 'r') as in_f:
                for line in in_f:
                    line = line.strip()
                    tok = spm_model.encode(line, out_type=str)
                    print(' '.join(tok), file=out_f)

spm_encode(prefix, vocab_size, mono_prefix)

TODO: Generate synthetic data with backward model

Add binarized monolingual data to the original data directory, and name it with “split_name” 将二进制化的单语言数据添加到原始数据目录中,并将其命名为“split_name”

ex. ./DATA/data-bin/ted2020/[split_name].zh-en.[“en”, “zh”].[“bin”, “idx”]

then you can use 'generate_prediction(model, task, split="split_name")' to generate translation prediction

# hint: do prediction on split='mono' to create prediction_file
task.load_dataset(split="mono", epoch=1)
generate_prediction(model, task, split='mono', outfile='./prediction.txt' )

TODO: Create new dataset

  1. Combine the prediction data with monolingual data
  2. Use the original spm model to tokenize data into Subword Units
  3. Binarize data with fairseq
# Combine prediction_file (.en) and mono.zh (.zh) into a new dataset.
# hint: tokenize prediction_file with the spm model
!cp ./prediction.txt {mono_prefix}/'ted_zh_corpus.deduped.clean.en'
spm_encode(prefix, vocab_size, mono_prefix)
# output: ./DATA/rawdata/mono/mono.tok.en & mono.tok.zh
# hint: use fairseq to binarize these two files again
binpath = Path('./DATA/data-bin/synthetic')
src_dict_file = './DATA/data-bin/ted2020/dict.en.txt'
tgt_dict_file = src_dict_file
monopref = './DATA/rawdata/mono/mono.tok' # or whatever path after applying subword tokenization, w/o the suffix (.zh/.en)
if binpath.exists():
    print(binpath, "exists, will not overwrite!")
    !python -m fairseq_cli.preprocess\
        --source-lang 'zh'\
        --target-lang 'en'\
        --trainpref {monopref}\
        --destdir {binpath}\
        --srcdict {src_dict_file}\
        --tgtdict {tgt_dict_file}\
        --workers 2


Problem 1: Visualize Positional Embedding


放在Confirm model weights used to generate submission模块后

def get_cosine_similarity_matrix(x):
    x = x / x.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
    sim = torch.mm(x, x.t())
    return sim

# Get the positional embeddings from the decoder of the model
pos_emb = model.decoder.embed_positions.weights.cpu().detach()
sim = get_cosine_similarity_matrix(pos_emb)
# sim = F.cosine_similarity(pos_emb.unsqueeze(1), pos_emb.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) # same

# Plot the heatmap of the cosine similarity matrix of the positional embeddings
plt.imshow(sim, cmap="hot", vmin=0, vmax=1)



Problem 2: Gradient Explosion

Clipping Gradient Norm

config = Namespace()use_wandb=True或如下图:


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