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 本文解决项目中“Basics of Image Formation部分的问题,也就是实现从世界坐标向像素坐标的转换。

文件位置:Algorithms-for-Automated-Driving-master \code\exercises\lane_detection\camera_geometry.py


import numpy as np

def get_intrinsic_matrix(field_of_view_deg, image_width, image_height):
    Returns intrinsic matrix K.
    # For our Carla camera alpha_u = alpha_v = alpha
    # alpha 可以由所给相机的视场计算
    field_of_view_rad = field_of_view_deg * np.pi/180
    alpha = (image_width / 2.0) / np.tan(field_of_view_rad / 2.)
    alpha_u = alpha_v = alpha
    # 主点通常位于图像中央
    u_0 = image_width / 2
    v_0 = image_height / 2
    # TODO step 1: Complete this function
    # 注意每行数组写完之后要加上逗号
    K = np.array([
            [alpha_u, 0, u_0],
            [0, alpha_v, v_0],
            [0,       0,  1 ]
    return K
    raise NotImplementedError

# 投影折线
def project_polyline(polyline_world, trafo_world_to_cam, K):
    Returns array uv which contains the pixel coordinates of the polyline.

    polyline_world : array_like, shape (M,3)
        Each row of this array is a vertex (x,y,z) of the polyline.
    trafo_world_to_cam : array_like, shape (4,4)
        Transformation matrix, that maps vectors (x_world, y_world, z_world, 1) 
        to vectors (x_cam, y_cam, z_cam, 1).
    K: array_like, shape (3,3)
        Intrinsic matrix of  the camera.   

    uv : ndarray, shape (M,2)
        Pixel coordinates of the projected polyline
        First column is u, second column is v
    # 总公式:polyline_pixel = K·E·polyline_world

    # TODO step 1: Write this function
    # 首先可以把世界坐标系转换成相机坐标系,也就是乘上外参矩阵
    # 由于外参矩阵是(4,4),故需要齐次化,即对世界坐标升维,变成(M,4)
    # np.hstack()用于水平堆叠两个数组,比如[1,2,3] 与 [2] 堆叠:[1,2,3,2]
    #                                    [3,4,5]   [3]       [3,4,5,3]
    # np.ones(x,y)用于建立一个x行y列的全1矩阵
    # 注意:np.hstack()函数括号里只能传递一个参数进去,因此需要加上括号
    polyline_world_qicihua = np.hstack((polyline_world, np.ones((polyline_world.shape[0], 1))))
    # 矩阵相乘,得到相机坐标系下的坐标,形状为[M,4]
    # 对于式子里的多个转置符号进行解释:
    # 首先,由公式 P' = EP 可知,外参矩阵放在矩阵乘法的左侧,
    # 为了可以进行矩阵运算,需要转置形状为[M,4]的polyline_world_qicihua向量
    # [4, 4]·[4, M] = [4, M],再一次转置将其变为[M, 4](也可以不变,只需对后面的式子相应做出改变即可)
    polyline_camera = (np.dot(trafo_world_to_cam, polyline_world_qicihua.T)).T
    # 齐次化,降维polyline_camera然后乘内参矩阵,得到图像坐标系下的坐标,形状为[M,3]
    polyline_camera_qicihua = polyline_camera[: , :3]
    # 公式 P' = KP
    polyline_img = (np.dot(K, polyline_camera_qicihua.T)).T
    # 得到像素坐标系下的坐标,形状为[M,2]
    # 下面这一步将前两列 (x, y) 的坐标值除以相应点的第三列 w 值。
    # 这个操作可以理解为对每个点的坐标 (x, y) 进行透视除法,
    # 以获得其在投影平面上的真实坐标。
    uv = polyline_img[:, :2] / polyline_img[:, 2, np.newaxis]
    return uv

    # Convert polyline_world to homogeneous coordinates
    polyline_world_hom = np.hstack((polyline_world, np.ones((polyline_world.shape[0], 1))))
    # Transform world coordinates to camera coordinates
    polyline_cam_hom = (trafo_world_to_cam @ polyline_world_hom.T).T
    # Only keep the x, y, z coordinates
    polyline_cam = polyline_cam_hom[:, :3]
    # Project 3D camera coordinates to 2D image coordinates using the intrinsic matrix
    polyline_img_hom = (K @ polyline_cam.T).T
    # Normalize the homogeneous coordinates to get pixel coordinates
    uv = polyline_img_hom[:, :2] / polyline_img_hom[:, 2, np.newaxis]
    return uv
    raise NotImplementedError

