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1. Unity(2022)的应用



在Animation Clip下可进行详细设置


​ 官方文档的介绍(Animation选项卡 - Unity 手册)



Rig 选项卡上的设置定义了 Unity 如何将变形体映射到导入模型中的网格,以便能够将其动画化。
对于人形 (Humanoid) 角色,这意味着需要分配或创建 Avatar(ps:有时,将动画限制为特定的身体部位会很有用。例如,在一个行走动画中,角色可能会挥动他们的手臂,但如果他们拿起火炬,他们应该将火炬举起来投光。可以使用 Avatar 身体遮罩 (Avatar BodyMask) 来指定应将动画限制在角色的哪些部位)。
默认情况下,在项目视图中选择模型时,Unity会确定哪个动画类型 (Animation Type)与所选的模型最匹配,然后将其显示在 Rig 选项卡中。如果 Unity 从未导入该文件,则 Animation Type 设置为 None。动画类型如下:

Animation Type指定动画类型。
Legacy使用旧版动画系统。与 Unity 3.x 及更早版本一样导入和使用动画。
Generic如果骨架为非人形(四足动物或任何要动画化的实体),请使用通用动画系统。Unity 会选择一个根节点,但可以确定另一个用作__根节点__的骨骼。
Humanoid如果骨架为人形(有两条腿、两条手臂和一个头),请使用人形动画系统。Unity 通常会检测骨架并将其正确映射到 Avatar。有些情况下,可能需要更改 Avatar 定义 (Avatar Definition) 并手动对映射进行__配置 (Configure)__。

2. Unreal(5.4)的应用




启用根运动(EnableRootMotion)启用后,将允许提取根运动。使用动画蓝图的类默认属性 根运动模式(Root Motion Mode) 来定义如何提取根运动。
根运动根锁(Root Motion Root Lock)在提取根运动时将根骨骼锁定在定义的位置。可以用以下选项来锁定根骨骼: 参考姿势(Ref Pose):将根骨骼锁定在其在骨骼网格体 参考姿势(Reference Pose) 中的位置。 动画第一帧(Anim First Frame):将根骨骼锁定在选中动画的 第一帧 的位置。 零(Zero):将根骨骼锁定在网格体相对坐标的0,0,0位置。
强制根锁(Force Root Lock)启用后,强制施加根骨骼锁定,即使未启用 根运动(Root Motion) 也是如此。
使用规格化根运动比例(Use Normalized Root Motion Scale)启用后,将对提取的根运动使用规格化比例值。FVector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)。

​ 然后在动画蓝图中设置,选择是否导出编辑后动画的RootMotion。



无根运动提取(No Root Motion Extraction)根运动(Root Motion)按原样保留(应用到根骨骼)。
忽略根运动(Ignore Root Motion)提取根运动(Root Motion)(并从根骨骼中移除根运动),但不应用到角色。
来自每一项目的根运动(Root Motion from Everything)提取每个帮助构建最终角色姿势的动画资源的根运动。每一部分的提取根运动均根据构成该姿势的源资产的权重进行混合。
仅来自蒙太奇的根运动(Root Motion from Montages Only)仅从启用了根动作的动画蒙太奇中提取根动作。



虚幻引擎中的根运动 | 虚幻引擎 5.4 文档 | EpicDeveloper Community (epicgames.com)



RootMotion Unity的演示视频

2.Unreal 5.4的使用

RootMotion Unreal的演示视频

4.RootMotion Unreal5.4源码



从UE5.4动画播放接口UpdateAnimation为entry point:

void UAnimInstance::UpdateAnimation(float DeltaSeconds, bool bNeedsValidRootMotion, EUpdateAnimationFlag UpdateFlag)
// need to update montage BEFORE node update or Native Update.
// so that node knows where montage is
// now we know all montage has advanced
// time to test sync groups

// Update montage eval data, to be used by AnimGraph Update and Evaluate phases.
void UAnimInstance::UpdateMontage(float DeltaSeconds)
// update montage weight

// update montage should run in game thread
// if we do multi threading, make sure this stays in game thread. 
// This is because branch points need to execute arbitrary code inside this call.
// ...
void UAnimInstance::UpdateMontage(float DeltaSeconds)

for (int32 InstanceIndex = 0; InstanceIndex < MontageInstances.Num(); InstanceIndex++)
FAnimMontageInstance* const MontageInstance = MontageInstances[InstanceIndex];
// should never be NULL
if (MontageInstance && MontageInstance->IsValid())
// 动画混合的情况
bool const bUsingBlendedRootMotion = (RootMotionMode == ERootMotionMode::RootMotionFromEverything);
// 判断是否在动画序列中打开了RootMotion开关
bool const bNoRootMotionExtraction = (RootMotionMode == ERootMotionMode::NoRootMotionExtraction);

// Extract root motion if we are using blend root motion 
            // (RootMotionFromEverything) or if we are set to extract root 
// motion AND we are the active root motion instance. This is so we can make 
            // root motion deterministic for networking when
// we are not using RootMotionFromEverything
bool const bExtractRootMotion = !MontageInstance->IsRootMotionDisabled() && (bUsingBlendedRootMotion || (!bNoRootMotionExtraction && (MontageInstance == GetRootMotionMontageInstance())));

FRootMotionMovementParams LocalExtractedRootMotion;
FRootMotionMovementParams* RootMotionParams = nullptr;
if (bExtractRootMotion)
// 开启RootMotion的情况下:RootMotionParams = ExtractedRootMotion(为AnimInstantce.h的成员变量)。
RootMotionParams = (RootMotionMode != ERootMotionMode::IgnoreRootMotion) ? &ExtractedRootMotion : &LocalExtractedRootMotion;

=>MontageInstance->Advance(DeltaSeconds, RootMotionParams, bUsingBlendedRootMotion);

// ...
// ...
// Root motion read from proxy (where it is calculated) 
// and stored here to avoid potential stalls by calling GetProxyOnGameThread.
// Utility struct to accumulate root motion.!!!
FRootMotionMovementParams ExtractedRootMotion;
void FAnimMontageInstance::Advance(float DeltaTime, struct FRootMotionMovementParams* OutRootMotionParams, bool bBlendRootMotion)
if (IsValid())
// with custom curves, we can't just filter by weight
// also if you have custom curve with longer 0, you'll likely to pause montage during that blending time
// I think that is a bug. It still should move, the weight might come back later. 
if (bPlaying)
const bool bExtractRootMotion = (OutRootMotionParams != nullptr) 
&& Montage->HasRootMotion();
// ...
// Extract Root Motion for this time slice, and accumulate it.
// IsRootMotionDisabled() can be changed by AnimNotifyState BranchingPoints 
            // while advancing, so it needs to be checked here.
if (bExtractRootMotion && AnimInstance.IsValid() && !IsRootMotionDisabled())
=>const FTransform RootMotion = Montage
->ExtractRootMotionFromTrackRange(PreviousSubStepPosition, Position);
if (bBlendRootMotion)
// Defer blending in our root motion until after we get our slot 
                    // weight updated
const float Weight = Blend.GetBlendedValue();
AnimInstance.Get()->QueueRootMotionBlend(RootMotion, Montage->SlotAnimTracks[0].SlotName, Weight);
                      // Component Space中的RootMotion Transform数据Accumulate
/** Extract RootMotion Transform from a contiguous Track position range.
 * *CONTIGUOUS* means that if playing forward StartTractPosition < EndTrackPosition.
 * No wrapping over if looping. No jumping across different sections.
 * So the AnimMontage has to break the update into contiguous pieces to handle those cases.
 * This does handle Montage playing backwards (StartTrackPosition > EndTrackPosition).
 * It will break down the range into steps if needed to handle looping animations, or different animations.
 * These steps will be processed sequentially, and output the RootMotion transform in component space.
FTransform UAnimMontage::ExtractRootMotionFromTrackRange(float StartTrackPosition, float EndTrackPosition) const
FRootMotionMovementParams RootMotion;
// For now assume Root Motion only comes from first track.
if( SlotAnimTracks.Num() > 0 )
const FAnimTrack& SlotAnimTrack = SlotAnimTracks[0].AnimTrack;

// Get RootMotion pieces from this track.
// We can deal with looping animations, or multiple animations. So we break those   
         // up into sequential operations.
// (Animation, StartFrame, EndFrame) so we can then extract root motion sequentially.
=>ExtractRootMotionFromTrack(SlotAnimTrack, StartTrackPosition, EndTrackPosition, RootMotion);
return RootMotion.GetRootMotionTransform();
void UAnimCompositeBase::ExtractRootMotionFromTrack(const FAnimTrack &SlotAnimTrack, float StartTrackPosition, float EndTrackPosition, FRootMotionMovementParams &RootMotion) const
        TArray<FRootMotionExtractionStep> RootMotionExtractionSteps;
        // 从Animation Track中根据Position获取动画数据
    =>SlotAnimTrack.GetRootMotionExtractionStepsForTrackRange(RootMotionExtractionSteps, StartTrackPosition, EndTrackPosition);

    // Go through steps sequentially, extract root motion, and accumulate it.
    // This has to be done in order so root motion translation & rotation is applied properly (as translation is relative to rotation)
    for (int32 StepIndex = 0; StepIndex < RootMotionExtractionSteps.Num(); StepIndex++)
        // 遍历所有的动画序列(Montage combine several animation sequunces int oa single asset)
        const FRootMotionExtractionStep & CurrentStep = RootMotionExtractionSteps[StepIndex];
        if (CurrentStep.AnimSequence->bEnableRootMotion)
            // 开启RootMotion,提取RootMotion数据
    =>FTransform DeltaTransform = CurrentStep.AnimSequence->ExtractRootMotionFromRange(CurrentStep.StartPosition, CurrentStep.EndPosition);
            // 设置Root Motion的Transfrom,将DeletaTransfrom应用为现有的根运动

void Accumulate(const FTransform& InTransform)
if (!bHasRootMotion)
     // 在开启RootMotion后,根骨骼Transform被导出
RootMotionTransform = InTransform * RootMotionTransform;

从AnimSegment(存储动画序列–this is animation segment that defines what animation and how)对象中获取相应的动画序列AnimatonSequence和开始位置以及结束位置。

 * Given a Track delta position [StartTrackPosition, EndTrackPosition]
 * See if any AnimSegment overlaps any of it, and if any do, break them up into a sequence of FRootMotionExtractionStep.
 * Supports animation playing forward and backward. Track range should be a contiguous range, not wrapping over due to looping.
void FAnimTrack::GetRootMotionExtractionStepsForTrackRange(TArray<FRootMotionExtractionStep> & RootMotionExtractionSteps, const float StartTrackPosition, const float EndTrackPosition) const
for(int32 AnimSegmentIndex=0; AnimSegmentIndex<AnimSegments.Num();AnimSegmentIndex++)
const FAnimSegment& AnimSegment = AnimSegments[AnimSegmentIndex];
=>AnimSegment.GetRootMotionExtractionStepsForTrackRange(RootMotionExtractionSteps, StartTrackPosition, EndTrackPosition);


/** Struct defining a RootMotionExtractionStep.
 * When extracting RootMotion we can encounter looping animations (wrap around), or different animations.
 * We break those up into different steps, to help with RootMotion extraction, 
 * as we can only extract a contiguous range per AnimSequence.
struct FRootMotionExtractionStep

/** AnimSequence ref */
TObjectPtr<UAnimSequence> AnimSequence;

/** Start position to extract root motion from. */
float StartPosition;

/** End position to extract root motion to. */
float EndPosition;

: AnimSequence(nullptr)
, StartPosition(0.f)
, EndPosition(0.f)

FRootMotionExtractionStep(UAnimSequence * InAnimSequence, float InStartPosition, float InEndPosition) 
: AnimSequence(InAnimSequence)
, StartPosition(InStartPosition)
, EndPosition(InEndPosition)

其中TObjectPtr AnimSequence传入的是FAnimSegment对象的TObjectPtr AnimReference;FAnimaSegement的主要成员变量如下所示:

/** this is anim segment that defines what animation and how **/
struct FAnimSegment
    FAnimSegment(const FAnimSegment&) = default;
    FAnimSegment(FAnimSegment&&) = default;
    FAnimSegment& operator=(const FAnimSegment&) = default;
    FAnimSegment& operator=(FAnimSegment&&) = default;

    UE_DEPRECATED(5.1, "Public access to AnimReference has been deprecated, use Set/Get-AnimReference instead")
    /** Anim Reference to play - only allow AnimSequence or AnimComposite **/
    UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=AnimSegment, meta=(DisplayName = "Animation Reference"))
    TObjectPtr<UAnimSequenceBase> AnimReference;
        float CachedPlayLength = 0.f;
        friend class UEditorAnimSegment;
        friend class UEditorAnimCompositeSegment;
        ENGINE_API void UpdateCachedPlayLength();
    #endif // WITH_EDITOR

从AnimationSegment中获取到AnimSequence以及startPosition和endPosition后,接下来遍历获取到的AnimSequence,根据对应的start/end position来获取Transform。

回到 UAnimCompositeBase::ExtractRootMotionFromTrack方法中,获取到Animation Sequence中的数据后,接下来就是导出根骨骼运动数据:

// Extract Root Motion transform from a contiguous position range (no looping)
FTransform UAnimSequence::ExtractRootMotionFromRange(float StartTrackPosition, float EndTrackPosition) const
const FVector DefaultScale(1.f);
FTransform RootTransformRefPose = FTransform::Identity;
if (const USkeleton* MySkeleton = GetSkeleton())
const FReferenceSkeleton& RefSkeleton = MySkeleton->GetReferenceSkeleton();
if (RefSkeleton.GetNum() > 0)
            // 获取根骨骼的世界变化:Component Space => RootBone Space
RootTransformRefPose = RefSkeleton.GetRefBonePose()[0];
// 读取Offset Transform
 => FTransform StartTransform = ExtractRootTrackTransform(StartTrackPosition, nullptr);
    FTransform EndTransform = ExtractRootTrackTransform(EndTrackPosition, nullptr);

    // Use old calculation if needed.
    if (bUseNormalizedRootMotionScale)
        //Clear scale as it will muck up GetRelativeTransform
        if (IsValidAdditive())
            StartTransform.SetScale3D(StartTransform.GetScale3D() + DefaultScale);
            EndTransform.SetScale3D(EndTransform.GetScale3D() + DefaultScale);

    // Transform to Component Space
    // 取逆:RootBone Space => Component Space; 最终变化矩阵 = RootToComponent Matrix * Offset Transform(Root Space)
    const FTransform RootToComponent = RootTransformRefPose.Inverse();
    StartTransform = RootToComponent * StartTransform;
    EndTransform = RootToComponent * EndTransform;

return EndTransform.GetRelativeTransform(StartTransform);

读取根骨骼坐标系下的Offset Transform

// Time = StartTrackPosition / EndTrackPosition 在根骨骼运动Track中的位置
FTransform UAnimSequence::ExtractRootTrackTransform(float Time, const FBoneContainer * RequiredBones) const
FTransform RootTransform;
    // 根据根骨骼id 获取RootTransform
=>GetBoneTransform(RootTransform, FSkeletonPoseBoneIndex(RootBoneIndex), static_cast<double>(Time), 
return RootTransform;
/** IAnimationDataModel instance containing (source) animation data */
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Animation Model")
TScriptInterface<IAnimationDataModel> DataModelInterface;
void UAnimSequence::GetBoneTransform(FTransform& OutAtom, FSkeletonPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex, double Time, bool bUseRawData) const
    // 这里实际Run的是压缩后的transform_track数据,但不存在可读性,所以只展示未压缩的代码
    const FName BoneName = GetSkeleton()->GetReferenceSkeleton().GetBoneName(BoneIndex.GetInt());
    // 根据Frame获取骨骼的原始变化信息
    OutAtom = DataModelInterface->EvaluateBoneTrackTransform(BoneName, DataModelInterface->GetFrameRate().AsFrameTime(Time), Interpolation);

    // 查找相应骨骼Track的变化曲线,并根据id获取Curve曲线
    const FAnimationCurveIdentifier TransformCurveId(BoneName, ERawCurveTrackTypes::RCT_Transform);
    if (const FTransformCurve* TransformCurvePtr = DataModelInterface->FindTransformCurve(TransformCurveId))
        // 根据变化曲线获取当前位置的附加变化
        const FTransform AdditiveTransform = TransformCurvePtr->Evaluate(Time, 1.f);
        const FTransform LocalTransform = OutAtom;
            (LocalTransform.GetRotation() * AdditiveTransform.GetRotation());
            (LocalTransform.GetScale3D() * AdditiveTransform.GetScale3D());
template<typename T>
FORCEINLINE TVector<T> TTransform<T>::TransformPosition(const TVector<T>& V) const
    const TransformVectorRegister InputVectorW0 = VectorLoadFloat3_W0(&V);

    //Transform using QST is following
    //QST(P) = Q.Rotate(S*P) + T where Q = quaternion, S = scale, T = translation

    //RotatedVec = Q.Rotate(Scale*V.X, Scale*V.Y, Scale*V.Z, 0.f)
    // 先缩放,再旋转,最后平移
    // 在原始向量上应用缩放变化
    const TransformVectorRegister ScaledVec = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, InputVectorW0);
    // 在缩放后的向量上应用旋转变化
    const TransformVectorRegister RotatedVec = VectorQuaternionRotateVector(Rotation, ScaledVec);
// 在缩放,旋转后的向量上应用位移变化
    const TransformVectorRegister TranslatedVec = VectorAdd(RotatedVec, Translation);

    TVector<T> Result;
    VectorStoreFloat3(TranslatedVec, &Result);
    return Result;

StartTransform和EndTransform都获取到后,EndTransform.GetRelativeTransform(StartTransform)计算Relative Transform。

template<typename T>
TTransform<T> TTransform<T>::GetRelativeTransform(const TTransform<T>& Other) const
// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
// where A = this, B = Other
TTransform<T> Result;
if (Other.IsRotationNormalized() == false)
return TTransform<T>::Identity;

if (Private_AnyHasNegativeScale(this->Scale3D, Other.Scale3D))
// @note, if you have 0 scale with negative, you're going to lose rotation as it can't convert back to quat
GetRelativeTransformUsingMatrixWithScale(&Result, this, &Other);
    // 计算相对变化
// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
static ScalarRegister STolerance(UE_SMALL_NUMBER);
TransformVectorRegister VSafeScale3D = VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Other.Scale3D, STolerance));
// 相对缩放
    TransformVectorRegister VScale3D = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);
// 计算相对位移
//VQTranslation = (  ( T(A).X - T(B).X ),  ( T(A).Y - T(B).Y ), ( T(A).Z - T(B).Z), 0.f );
TransformVectorRegister VQTranslation = VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Translation, Other.Translation));

    // 计算旋转后的相对位移,将StartTransform的Rotation取逆然后应用到相对位移VQTranslation上
// Inverse RotatedTranslation
TransformVectorRegister VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(Other.Rotation);
TransformVectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionRotateVector(VInverseRot, VQTranslation);

    // 将StartTransform的Scale应用到相对旋转上,得到旋转,缩放后的相对位移
//Translation = 1/S(B)
TransformVectorRegister VTranslation = VectorMultiply(VR, VSafeScale3D);

    // 将StartTransfrom的Inverse Rotation应用到EndTransform的Rotation,计算出相对旋转
// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
TransformVectorRegister VRotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseRot, Rotation);

Result.Scale3D = VScale3D;
Result.Translation = VTranslation;
Result.Rotation = VRotation;

TMatrix<T> AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
TMatrix<T> BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();

Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());
return Result;




经过的上面RootMotion提取,根骨骼的Transform数据被存储在AnimInstance.h的FRootMotionMovementParams ExtractedRootMotion;变量中,若要观察RootMotion数据的应用,只需要追踪这个变量的使用。

void UCharacterMovementComponent::TickCharacterPose(float DeltaTime)
if (DeltaTime < UCharacterMovementComponent::MIN_TICK_TIME)
    check(CharacterOwner && CharacterOwner->GetMesh());
    USkeletalMeshComponent* CharacterMesh = CharacterOwner->GetMesh();

    // bAutonomousTickPose is set, we control TickPose from the Character's Movement and Networking updates, and bypass the Component's update.
    // (Or Simulating Root Motion for remote clients)
    CharacterMesh->bIsAutonomousTickPose = true;

    if (CharacterMesh->ShouldTickPose())
        // Keep track of if we're playing root motion, just in case the root motion montage ends this frame.
        const bool bWasPlayingRootMotion = CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion();

        CharacterMesh->TickPose(DeltaTime, true);

        // Grab root motion now that we have ticked the pose
        if (CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion() || bWasPlayingRootMotion)
        // 获取Animation Instance的RootMotion数据
       =>   FRootMotionMovementParams RootMotion = CharacterMesh->ConsumeRootMotion();
            if (RootMotion.bHasRootMotion)
                // bHasRootMotion此时为true
FRootMotionMovementParams USkeletalMeshComponent::ConsumeRootMotion()
    float InterpAlpha;
        InterpAlpha = ExternalInterpolationAlpha;
        InterpAlpha = ShouldUseUpdateRateOptimizations() ? AnimUpdateRateParams->GetRootMotionInterp() : 1.f;
 => return ConsumeRootMotion_Internal(InterpAlpha);


FRootMotionMovementParams USkeletalMeshComponent::ConsumeRootMotion_Internal(float InAlpha)
FRootMotionMovementParams RootMotion;
        for(UAnimInstance* LinkedInstance : LinkedInstances)
return RootMotion;

/** The active animation graph program instance. */
UPROPERTY(transient, NonTransactional)
TObjectPtr<UAnimInstance> AnimScriptInstance;

执行Animation Instance的ConsumeExtractedRootMotion,获取之前提取的RootMotion数据并返回。

FRootMotionMovementParams UAnimInstance::ConsumeExtractedRootMotion(float Alpha)
return FRootMotionMovementParams();
else if (Alpha > (1.f - ZERO_ANIMWEIGHT_THRESH))
FRootMotionMovementParams RootMotion = ExtractedRootMotion;
return RootMotion;
return ExtractedRootMotion.ConsumeRootMotion(Alpha);

获取之后,回到 UCharacterMovementComponent::TickCharacterPose方法,

void UCharacterMovementComponent::TickCharacterPose(float DeltaTime)
       if (CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion() || bWasPlayingRootMotion)
        // 获取Animation Instance的RootMotion数据
       =>   FRootMotionMovementParams RootMotion = CharacterMesh->ConsumeRootMotion();
            if (RootMotion.bHasRootMotion)
                // bHasRootMotion此时为true
//CharacterMovementComponent对象中的RootMotionParams变量的定义,实为Animation Instance中的ExtractedRootMotion变量
/** Root Motion movement params. Holds result of anim montage root motion during PerformMovement(), and is overridden
*   during autonomous move playback to force historical root motion for MoveAutonomous() calls */
FRootMotionMovementParams RootMotionParams;


void UCharacterMovementComponent::PerformMovement(float DeltaSeconds)
    // Prepare Root Motion (generate/accumulate from root motion sources to be used later)
    if (bHasRootMotionSources && !CharacterOwner->bClientUpdating && !CharacterOwner->bServerMoveIgnoreRootMotion)
        // Animation root motion - If using animation RootMotion, tick animations before running physics.
        if( CharacterOwner->IsPlayingRootMotion() && CharacterOwner->GetMesh() )
            // Make sure animation didn't trigger an event that destroyed us
            if (!HasValidData())

            // For local human clients, save off root motion data so it can be used by movement networking code.
            if( CharacterOwner->IsLocallyControlled() && (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy) && CharacterOwner->IsPlayingNetworkedRootMotionMontage() )
                CharacterOwner->ClientRootMotionParams = RootMotionParams;

        // Generates root motion to be used this frame from sources other than animation
            CurrentRootMotion.PrepareRootMotion(DeltaSeconds, *CharacterOwner, *this, true);

        // For local human clients, save off root motion data so it can be used by movement networking code.
        if( CharacterOwner->IsLocallyControlled() && (CharacterOwner->GetLocalRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy) )
            CharacterOwner->SavedRootMotion = CurrentRootMotion;

    // Apply Root Motion to Velocity
    if( CurrentRootMotion.HasOverrideVelocity() || HasAnimRootMotion() )
        // Animation root motion overrides Velocity and currently doesn't allow any other root motion sources
        if( HasAnimRootMotion() )
            // Convert to world space (animation root motion is always local)
            USkeletalMeshComponent * SkelMeshComp = CharacterOwner->GetMesh();
            if( SkelMeshComp )
                // Convert Local Space Root Motion to world space. Do it right before used by physics to make sure we use up to date // transforms, as translation is relative to rotation.
                =>RootMotionParams.Set( ConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld(RootMotionParams.GetRootMotionTransform(), DeltaSeconds) );

            // Then turn root motion to velocity to be used by various physics modes.
            if( DeltaSeconds > 0.f )
                AnimRootMotionVelocity = CalcAnimRootMotionVelocity(RootMotionParams.GetRootMotionTransform().GetTranslation(), DeltaSeconds, Velocity);
                Velocity = ConstrainAnimRootMotionVelocity(AnimRootMotionVelocity, Velocity);
                if (IsFalling())
                    Velocity += FVector(DecayingFormerBaseVelocity.X, DecayingFormerBaseVelocity.Y, 0.f);
    // Clear jump input now, to allow movement events to trigger it for next update.
    NumJumpApexAttempts = 0;

    // change position
    StartNewPhysics(DeltaSeconds, 0);

    if (!HasValidData())

    // Update character state based on change from movement

    if (bAllowPhysicsRotationDuringAnimRootMotion || !HasAnimRootMotion())

    // Apply Root Motion rotation after movement is complete.
    if( HasAnimRootMotion() )
        const FQuat OldActorRotationQuat = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat();
        const FQuat RootMotionRotationQuat = RootMotionParams.GetRootMotionTransform().GetRotation();
        if( !RootMotionRotationQuat.IsIdentity() )
            const FQuat NewActorRotationQuat = RootMotionRotationQuat * OldActorRotationQuat;
=>          MoveUpdatedComponent(FVector::ZeroVector, NewActorRotationQuat, true);
        // Root Motion has been used, clear

RootMotionParams中存储的Transfrom数据是位于Component Space坐标系下的,应用时需要转为Actor Space。

FTransform UCharacterMovementComponent::ConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld(const FTransform& LocalRootMotionTransform, float DeltaSeconds)
const FTransform PreProcessedRootMotion = ProcessRootMotionPreConvertToWorld.IsBound() ?   ProcessRootMotionPreConvertToWorld.Execute(LocalRootMotionTransform, this, DeltaSeconds) : LocalRootMotionTransform;
=>const FTransform WorldSpaceRootMotion = CharacterOwner->GetMesh()->ConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld(PreProcessedRootMotion);
return ProcessRootMotionPostConvertToWorld.IsBound() ? ProcessRootMotionPostConvertToWorld.Execute(WorldSpaceRootMotion, this, DeltaSeconds) : WorldSpaceRootMotion;
FTransform USkeletalMeshComponent::ConvertLocalRootMotionToWorld(const FTransform& InTransform)
// Make sure component to world is up to date

//Calculate new actor transform after applying root motion to this component
const FTransform ActorToWorld = GetOwner()->GetTransform();
// Component Transform => Actor Transform
const FTransform ComponentToActor = ActorToWorld.GetRelativeTransform(GetComponentTransform());
const FTransform NewComponentToWorld = InTransform * GetComponentTransform();
const FTransform NewActorTransform = ComponentToActor * NewComponentToWorld;

const FVector DeltaWorldTranslation = NewActorTransform.GetTranslation() - ActorToWorld.GetTranslation();

const FQuat NewWorldRotation = GetComponentTransform().GetRotation() * InTransform.GetRotation();
const FQuat DeltaWorldRotation = NewWorldRotation * GetComponentTransform().GetRotation().Inverse();

const FTransform DeltaWorldTransform(DeltaWorldRotation, DeltaWorldTranslation);
return DeltaWorldTransform;

Root Motion的坐标系数据已经处理完成,经过了三个阶段:Bone Space=>Component Space=>Actor Space。然后便是UCharacterMovementComponent中的应用。MoveUpdatedComponent为UMovementComponent组件提供的方法。

bool UMovementComponent::MoveUpdatedComponentImpl( const FVector& Delta, const FQuat& NewRotation, bool bSweep, FHitResult* OutHit, ETeleportType Teleport)
    if (UpdatedComponent)
        const FVector NewDelta = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Delta);
        // 更新SceneComponent的Rotation
        return UpdatedComponent->MoveComponent(NewDelta, NewRotation, bSweep, OutHit, MoveComponentFlags, Teleport);

    return false;
  <A SceneComponent has a transform and supports attachment>
 * The component we move and update.
 * If this is null at startup and bAutoRegisterUpdatedComponent is true, the owning Actor's root component will automatically be set as    * our UpdatedComponent at startup.
 * @see bAutoRegisterUpdatedComponent, SetUpdatedComponent(), UpdatedPrimitive
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Transient, DuplicateTransient, Category=MovementComponent)
TObjectPtr<USceneComponent> UpdatedComponent;


对于RootMotion的应用,主要是在CharacterComponent每次Tick过程中,对角色移动的控制(ControlledCharacterMove方法),此时需要用到另一个组件UCharacterMovementComponent的TickCharacterPose方法中,将Component Space中的Root Motion Transfrom转换到Actor Space中。然后应用到SceneComponent中。

