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OS版本:Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 (Maipo)

pg_filedump 是一个工具,用于转储和分析 PostgreSQL 数据文件的内容。它可以显示数据文件的内部结构,包括页头、元组信息,以及数据的物理存储布局。此工具对数据库管理员和开发人员在深入理解数据库的物理存储结构、进行故障排查和性能调优时非常有用。

安装 pg_filedump

pg_filedump 通常作为 PostgreSQL 的附加工具,并不是默认安装的一部分。

1 下载安装包


2 编译安装
[pg16@test resource]$ unzip pg_filedump-REL_16_0.zip
[pg16@test resource]$ cd pg_filedump-REL_16_0/
[pg16@test pg_filedump-REL_16_0]$ make && make install
3 确认
[pg16@test pg_filedump-REL_16_0]$ pg_filedump

Version 16.0 (for PostgreSQL 8.x .. 16.x)
Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2011-2023, PostgreSQL Global Development Group

Usage: pg_filedump [-abcdfhikxy] [-R startblock [endblock]] [-D attrlist] [-S blocksize] [-s segsize] [-n segnumber] file

Display formatted contents of a PostgreSQL heap/index/control file
Defaults are: relative addressing, range of the entire file, block
               size as listed on block 0 in the file

The following options are valid for heap and index files:
  -a  Display absolute addresses when formatting (Block header
      information is always block relative)
  -b  Display binary block images within a range (Option will turn
      off all formatting options)
  -d  Display formatted block content dump (Option will turn off
      all other formatting options)
  -D  Decode tuples using given comma separated list of types
      Supported types:
        bigint bigserial bool char charN date float float4 float8 int
        json macaddr name numeric oid real serial smallint smallserial text
        time timestamp timestamptz timetz uuid varchar varcharN xid xml
      ~ ignores all attributes left in a tuple
  -f  Display formatted block content dump along with interpretation
  -h  Display this information
  -i  Display interpreted item details
  -k  Verify block checksums
  -o  Do not dump old values.
  -R  Display specific block ranges within the file (Blocks are
      indexed from 0)
        [startblock]: block to start at
        [endblock]: block to end at
      A startblock without an endblock will format the single block
  -s  Force segment size to [segsize]
  -t  Dump TOAST files
  -v  Ouput additional information about TOAST relations
  -n  Force segment number to [segnumber]
  -S  Force block size to [blocksize]
  -x  Force interpreted formatting of block items as index items
  -y  Force interpreted formatting of block items as heap items

The following options are valid for control files:
  -c  Interpret the file listed as a control file
  -f  Display formatted content dump along with interpretation
  -S  Force block size to [blocksize]
Additional functions:
  -m  Interpret file as pg_filenode.map file and print contents (all
      other options will be ignored)

Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org>


-t:转储 TOAST 文件。
-v:输出有关 TOAST 关系的附加信息。

-m:将文件解释为 pg_filenode.map 文件并打印内容(忽略所有其它选项)。

使用 pg_filedump

下面是一些 pg_filedump 常用的基本用法。


在使用 pg_filedump 之前,需要获取要分析的表所在的数据文件的路径。可以使用以下 SQL 查询来获取表的文件路径(需要超级用户权限):

white=# SELECT
white-#     pg_relation_filenode(oid), -- 文件节点号,即文件名
white-#     reltablespace,             -- 表空间 OID
white-#     pg_tablespace_location(r.reltablespace) AS tablespace_location -- 表空间路径
white-# FROM
white-#     pg_class r
white-# WHERE
white-#     relname = 't1';
 pg_relation_filenode | reltablespace | tablespace_location 
                17040 |             0 | 
(1 row)

white=# SELECT pg_relation_filepath('yewu1.t1');
(1 row)
pg_filedump 基本用法


[pg16@test bin]$ pg_filedump -i /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040 

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility
* File: /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040
* Options used: -i

Block    0 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00000000         Offsets: Lower     764 (0x02fc)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper     832 (0x0340)
 LSN:  logid      0 recoff 0x7e00fce8      Special  8192 (0x2000)
 Items:  185                      Free Space:   68
 Checksum: 0x7062  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0000 ()
 Length (including item array): 764

<Data> -----
 Item   1 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8152 (0x1fd8)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 0
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 1   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   2 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8112 (0x1fb0)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 1
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 2   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   3 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8072 (0x1f88)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 2
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 3   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   4 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8032 (0x1f60)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 3
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 4   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   5 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7992 (0x1f38)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 4
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 5   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   6 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7952 (0x1f10)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 5
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 6   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   7 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7912 (0x1ee8)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 6
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 7   Attributes: 2   Size: 24

 Item   8 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7872 (0x1ec0)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 268814  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 7
  Block Id: 0  linp Index: 8   Attributes: 2   Size: 24



[pg16@test bin]$ pg_filedump  -f /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040 

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility
* File: /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040
* Options used: -f

Block    0 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00000000         Offsets: Lower     764 (0x02fc)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper     832 (0x0340)
 LSN:  logid      0 recoff 0x7e00fce8      Special  8192 (0x2000)
 Items:  185                      Free Space:   68
 Checksum: 0x7062  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0000 ()
 Length (including item array): 764

  0000: 00000000 e8fc007e 62700000 fc024003  .......~bp....@.
  0010: 00200420 00000000 d89f4800 b09f4800  . . ......H...H.
  0020: 889f4800 609f4800 389f4800 109f4800  ..H.`.H.8.H...H.
  0030: e89e4800 c09e4800 989e4800 709e4a00  ..H...H...H.p.J.
  0040: 489e4a00 209e4a00 f89d4a00 d09d4a00  H.J. .J...J...J.
  0050: a89d4a00 809d4a00 589d4a00 309d4a00  ..J...J.X.J.0.J.
  0060: 089d4a00 e09c4a00 b89c4a00 909c4a00  ..J...J...J...J.
  0070: 689c4a00 409c4a00 189c4a00 f09b4a00  h.J.@.J...J...J.


要仅查看特定block范围的信息,可以指定 -R <start> <end> 选项:

[pg16@test bin]$ pg_filedump -R 1 2 /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040 

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility
* File: /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040
* Options used: -R 1 2

Block    1 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00002000         Offsets: Lower     764 (0x02fc)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper     792 (0x0318)
 LSN:  logid      0 recoff 0x7d193370      Special  8192 (0x2000)
 Items:  185                      Free Space:   28
 Checksum: 0x4cb1  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0004 (ALL_VISIBLE)
 Length (including item array): 764

<Data> -----
 Item   1 -- Length:   38  Offset: 8152 (0x1fd8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   2 -- Length:   38  Offset: 8112 (0x1fb0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   3 -- Length:   38  Offset: 8072 (0x1f88)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   4 -- Length:   38  Offset: 8032 (0x1f60)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   5 -- Length:   38  Offset: 7992 (0x1f38)  Flags: NORMAL

通过元组转译查看真实的数据内容,可以帮助我们修复数据。 -D int,text

[pg16@test bin]$ pg_filedump -D int,text /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040 |more

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility
* File: /home/pg16/data/base/16505/17040
* Options used: -D int,text

Block    0 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00000000         Offsets: Lower     764 (0x02fc)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper     832 (0x0340)
 LSN:  logid      0 recoff 0x7e00fce8      Special  8192 (0x2000)
 Items:  185                      Free Space:   68
 Checksum: 0x7062  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0000 ()
 Length (including item array): 764

<Data> -----
 Item   1 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8152 (0x1fd8)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 1 white 1
 Item   2 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8112 (0x1fb0)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 2 white 2
 Item   3 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8072 (0x1f88)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 3 white 3
 Item   4 -- Length:   36  Offset: 8032 (0x1f60)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 4 white 4
 Item   5 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7992 (0x1f38)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 5 white 5
 Item   6 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7952 (0x1f10)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 6 white 6
 Item   7 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7912 (0x1ee8)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 7 white 7
 Item   8 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7872 (0x1ec0)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 8 white 8
 Item   9 -- Length:   36  Offset: 7832 (0x1e98)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 9 white 9
 Item  10 -- Length:   37  Offset: 7792 (0x1e70)  Flags: NORMAL
COPY: 10        white 10


  • 权限:运行 pg_filedump 需要对 PostgreSQL 数据目录有读取权限。通常需要以 PostgreSQL 服务用户(如 postgres 用户)运行。
  • 性能影响:直接操作数据文件不会影响运行中的 PostgreSQL 实例,但在生产环境中应谨慎执行。
  • 只读操作pg_filedump 是只读工具,不会修改数据文件的内容。


  • pg_filedump 提供了一种方式来直接查看 PostgreSQL 数据文件的内部结构。
  • 通过解析输出,可以深入理解表和索引的存储布局,帮助问题诊断和性能调优。

