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foxa tutorial

1 概述


2 特点

Lightweight and portable cross-platform application 轻量、免安装、跨平台应用

FUXA is very easy scalable from small projects using the Raspberry Pi up for visualization of large facilities.
It also offers powerful fully Web-Based new tools that allows you to create rich visualisations, data-logs, alarms, notifications, trends and remote device control in real-time.

Connectivity - Included Device Connectors 丰富的链接,包括设备连接器

It enables device connectivity via industry standard IoT protocols MQTT, OPC-UA, BACnet, Modbus, SiemensS7, Ethernet/IP (Allen Bradley) into one easy to use interface.
Low level protocols, like Serial or TCP, can enable you to interface with custom or proprietary protocols quickly.

Visualization Tools 可视化工具

The integrated graphic editor is simple to use and allows unlimited creativity.
Easily create dynamic SCADA dashboards with predefined widgets which allows anyone to create intuitive and appealing web-based HMIs, industrial apps and dashboards for data visualization and remote device control in real-time.

Create real time and historical Trend visualizations, plotting multiple simultaneous data points. Interactive visual controls for analyzing and exporting data.

Alarms Management - Event Notification 告警管理,事件提醒

Alarms can be enabled to monitor both analog and digital signals with fixed, adjustable and tracking alarm limits.
Forwards of messages (such as alarm messages or system information) to designated people.

User management 用户管理

User permissions are fully customizable by the system administrators, users are assigned to permission groups.
Groups can have very flexible permission levels from read-only to super-admin.

3 软件安装


# 能方位github的话,使用这条命令
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.1/install.sh | bash

# 不能访问github的话, 可以用下面这条
curl -o- https://gitee.com/RubyMetric/nvm-cn/raw/main/install.sh | bash

# 然后执行下面的两条命令即可
chmod +x ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
source ~/.bashrc

安装nodejs 18 (Fuxa 建议node 18)和npm

# download and install Node.js (you may need to restart the terminal)
nvm install 18

# verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment
node -v # should print `v18.20.5`

# verifies the right npm version is in the environment
npm -v # should print `10.8.2`


npm install -g --unsafe-perm @frangoteam/fuxa


2024-11-16T12:13:56.210Z [DBG]  settings.js default created successful!
2024-11-16T12:13:56.223Z [INF] FUXA V.1.2.1
2024-11-16T12:13:56.442Z [INF] FUXA init in  232ms.
2024-11-16T12:13:56.446Z [INF] FUXA started!
2024-11-16T12:13:56.448Z [INF] WebServer is running


EMQX 支持通过 Apt 源安装,免除了用户需要手动处理依赖关系和更新软件包等的困扰,具有更加方便、安全和易用等优点。如希望通过 Apt 源安装 EMQX,可参考如下步骤。

 通过以下命令配置 EMQX Apt 源:

curl -s https://assets.emqx.com/scripts/install-emqx-deb.sh | sudo bash

运行以下命令安装 EMQX:

sudo apt-get install emqx

 运行以下命令启动 EMQX:

sudo systemctl start emqx

