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Rogers believes that the most suitable way to analyse such data is linear regression. It can provide insights about how Age and Experience may impact an Agent’s Annual
Sales Performance.
a. Using the relevant variables in this data set, suggest and design 3 regression models that can be generated for Rogers’ purpose. At least one of these 3 models must be a multiple regression model. For each of the model suggested, clearly state the Dependent Variable and the Independent Variable(s)
b. Construct each of the 3 models suggested in part (a) by using Excel. Specifically, your answer to this part requires the following for each model:
The R 2 value
The Sig. F value
The intercept value for the regression equation
The p-value of each independent variable
The coefficient of each independent variable
The Excel file showing the workings involved to get the values above.
(Step-by-step explanations are not required. The Excel file should show
the regression reports generated.
c. Using the values from your answer to part (b), for the multiple regression model:
Evaluate the significance of the model as a whole
Evaluate the significance of the relationships in the model.
Define the regression equation with style and notations.
d. Imagine yourself interviewing at Ronald Rogers for a job as an Agent. Based on the age (20 years old) and the years of experience (1 year), estimate your Annual Sales Performance using the equation from part (c). Show all workings.

